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Luna's POV:-

Why does he not understand me? Why is he saying all of this? (Tears form)

"Noah do you not understand me at all? You couldn't even care asking the only thing I've ever wanted in my life?"

Noah:- "Okay then let me ask it now. What do you want the most?"

"You! I want you Noah and you can't just enter my life mess my heart and brain and just think about leaving me or avoiding me! But if you think I'm a distraction for you then I will completely leave you because I don't want to be ruining your happiness, so If I'm the one who is coming in your way, I can just go away from your life if you are truly happy with it."

"And one more thing as you mentioned in your diary that you don't want to put me in a tight place where there is no freedom because of that you're tryna push me away from your life, I know it all Noah but let me tell you this, being with you in the same palace is just like a dream to me nothing matter when I'm with you. I won't be happy without you anymore, so you don't want me anymore I'll be leaving now.

Bye Noah live happily now!"

(Luna goes from there while crying and Noah was shocked to hear those things and he did feel that maybe he was wrong and he realized things. His heart started to hurt and he cried just standing there without making any expression and he quickly felt the loneliness in his heart again now that Luna won't be there.)

I went to the restroom and wiped all my tears splashing my face with water and newly applied makeup again so no one would think I cried and then I entered the party meanwhile Emily saw me coming and as she asked if I had seen Noah around and I just shook my head for a no.

Emily's POV:-

I went to the palace to look for Noah and when I saw him in his room sobbing I went to him worriedly and sat beside him patting his back for comfort.

"Hey what's wrong, you know you can lean on me sometimes when things get rough for you."

Noah hugs me after hearing this.

Noah:- "I don't know sis I can't really understand myself sometimes and why I'm so stupid to not understand others.

"I'm assuming this is something between you and Luna?"

Noah:- "Yes, Luna confessed everything within her and all I did was backing her off and say words that made her sad and she said her happiness lies within me meanwhile I said that she is just being a distraction to me and now I know it ruined everything between us."

"Listen Noah you know what you really did was really wrong and I think I know the reason why you are being distant from her as you wanted her to be free instead of being stuck here because of you and you are afraid that she might have to give up on her dreams and stay here in this palace."

(Noah nods in agreement to what Emily said)

"You will never know now because I think she would be happier rather than feeling all locked up and Luna did have the right to decide if she wants to stay with you no matter what the consequences are or leave and as much as I know she feels the brightest when she is with you and Noah I known being with Luna makes you happy too and honestly you both look great together and Noah remember one thing there is no life without the person you love but if the person you love is not beside you than no matter what you have there's no meaning to it and nothing would shine for you, now go to her and stop her and tell her what you feel.

Noah:- "Thanks for making me realize Em."

"No worries, okay then I'll leave you here to think okay?"

Noah:- "mhm" (smiles)

Noah's POV:-

I kept thinking and lay on my bed (phone notification sound beeps) someone sent me a profile on winkgram (an imaginary app like Instagram) and as I opened it, it was anonymous and I saw these pictures of Luna and it was many of them, I clenched my fist and in anger and grabbed my laptop to see if I could hack that profile and delete all the pics. So I quickly start the process and finally after some minute I get into that account and delete the pictures, "Who's the bloody twat that posted these pictures of Luna and without her knowledge and who stalked her to get all these pictures of her.." (murmurs furiously) and seeing the details I couldn't know who did this so I prepared a post and wrote this in it,

If someone posts pictures of her again, I will beat the heck out of you until you pass out. And I might not know who did this but you better watch out. Try doing this again and see what happens.

this website was warned with a death threat as all the boys saw this they all got very scared and also wondered who would do this.....

(Then Noah kept his laptop beside him and took his phone and started seeing luna's pictures and each picture he scrolled he smiled he put his phone on his chest with her pic on the screen and slept like that after the party was over every one went to their home and all the way to home. Emily could see Luna very upset but she didn't say anything as she knew she needed the time for herself then they both went to bed as Luna kept thinking about Noah and slept. As the queen didn't see Noah at the party she wanted to check on him so she went to his room and saw Noah sleeping as the queen saw him in an uncomfortable position so she made sure he slept comfortably so she removed his shoes and took the phone off his chest as she turned the phone to keep beside him she saw a picture of Luna.)

What will happen, how will Queen react to it...

keep reading to know what will happen...✨

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