26: Gratefulness and Gifts

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When we made camp the first night afterward, Alistair approached me after setting up his tent. "Now that we're back at camp, I want to talk about what happened at Redcliffe."

"What's on your mind?" I asked. Why hadn't he said anything while we were having our rest and horseplay at Redcliffe?

"I just wanted to thank you. You went out of your way to save the Arl's family and you did it, even though it would have been easier not to. There's been so much death and destruction, it... well, it makes me feel good that at least we were able to save something, no matter how small. I owed the Arl that much," The Arl meant more to Alistair than he had initially let on, despite the hurt and bitterness from being sent away to the Chantry.

"If we stop the Blight we'll save much more."

"You're right. Hopefully, by that time, there's still enough of Ferelden to save. Good, now that the warm, fuzzy part of the day is over with we can get back to the ritual dismemberments," I had to laugh. Leave it up to Alistair to make some random joke after a heart felt thanks. "Oh, wait, it's not Tuesday, is it?"

I shook my head as he turned away. "Alistair," He turned back to me as I reached into my pack and pulled out the cloth wrapped amulet. "I think this belongs to you."

He looked at me, puzzled, and took it. Different emotions came across his face when he unwrapped it. "This... this is my mother's amulet," he said, slowly. I had guessed correctly. "It has to be." His words had echoed my thoughts exactly when I had found it. "But why isn't it broken? Where did you find it?"

"In Redcliffe Castle. In the study."

"Oh. The Arl's study? Then he must have... found it after I threw it at the wall. And he repaired it and kept it? I don't understand. Why would he do that?"

I could see that the amulet meant a lot to him. I touched the ring that Marethari had given me before I left my clan. The only part of my clan I still had.

"I don't know, but it's yours, Alistair."

The look he gave me was one of gratitude. "Thank you. I mean it. I... thought I'd lost this to my own stupidity. I'll need to talk to him about this. If he recovers from his... when he recovers, that is. I wish I had this a long time ago."

I put my hand on his arm, a gesture I had never done to anyone save Tamlen.

"Did you remember me mentioning it? Wow. I'm more used to people not really listening when I go on about things."

I thought about making a joke about not listening. "Of course I remembered," I said instead. What came out of my mouth next was not something I had intended to say out loud. "You're special to me." He either didn't notice or he didn't show it.

"I don't know what to say. You're special to me, too." Okay, he'd noticed. But at least he wasn't making a big deal out of it. "Thank you again." He walked over to his tent, holding the amulet close to his chest.

Leliana approached my tent next. "I must say that traveling with you has opened my eyes to how wrong some are about the Dalish."

I looked at her. What was she about to ramble about this time?

"You are not at all savage. And I've not seen you snatch away women and children without provocation."

"Women and children aren't my taste. I'd snatch away men."

Leliana giggled.

"Besides my people are often misunderstood. We're used to it." Which was why we stayed away from Shemlen settlements.

The Dalish Warden (The Daughters of Thedas Book 1)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora