5: The Wilds

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 Enter Sandman ~ SHEL (Morrigan's Theme)

We approached the bonfire where the Wardens' tents were. Duncan smiled when he saw Alistair and I. "So you found Alistair, did you? Good. I'll assume you're ready to begin preparations." He turned to Alistair. "Assuming, of course, that you're quite finished riling up Mages, Alistair."

"What can I say?" Alistair responded. "The Revered Mother ambushed me. The way she wields guilt they should stick her in the army."

"She forced you to sass the Mage, did she?" Duncan asked, amused. "We cannot afford to antagonize anyone. We don't need to give anyone more ammunition against us."

"You're right, Duncan. I apologize."

He turned back to Jory, Daveth, and I. "Now then, since you are all here, we can begin. You four will be heading into the Korcari Wilds to perform two tasks. The first is to obtain three vials of Darkspawn blood, one for each recruit."

"What do we need Darkspawn blood for?" I asked.

"For the Joining itself. I'll explain more once you've returned."

"And what's the second task?"

"There was once a Grey Warden archive in the Wilds, abandoned long ago when we could no longer afford to maintain such remote outposts. It has recently come to our attention that some scrolls have been left behind, magically sealed to protect them. Alistair, I want you to retrieve them if you can."

"Is this part of our Joining, too?"

"No, but the effort must be made. I have every confidence you are up to the task." It was simple. Kill some Darkspawn, which wouldn't be easy, collect their blood, and collect some scrolls.

"So find the archive and three vials of blood? Got it."

"The scrolls contain treaties promising support. Treaties that may prove valuable in the days to come. Watch over your charges, Alistair. Return quickly and safely."

"We will," the Warden replied.

"Then the Maker watch over your path. I will see you when you return."

With that, Alistair led us to a nearby gate leading into the Wilds. The guard opened the gate. "I've been told you have business in the Wilds. Be careful. Even a Grey Warden isn't safe tonight."

We stepped through the gate and into the Wilds.


As we searched for Darkspawn to kill, Jory decided now was the time to try to get to know me better. "You are Dalish, correct?"

"Yes." Obviously.

"How did Duncan find you?"

"Randomly? I'm not sure what he was doing in the Brecilian Forest, but he decided that I would make an excellent Warden." I wasn't going to go into detail. They didn't need to know that they were talking to a tainted Dalish. "How did the Grey Wardens find you?"

"Last month, Duncan visited Highever, and the Bann held a tournament in his honor. I won the grand melee. It was hard to leave my wife. We married only a year ago, and she is heavy with child now. But, Ferelden needs my blade and I shall not falter."

Daveth joined the conversation. "Speaking of how we came about to being recruits?"

"Yes, how did the Wardens find you?"

"I found them. I cut Duncan's purse while he was standing in a crowd. He grabs my wrist, but I squirm out and bolt. The old bugger can run, but the garrison caught me first. I'm a wanted man in Denerim, you see, so they were going to string me up right there. But Duncan stopped them. Invoked the Right of Conscription. I gave the garrison the finger while I was walking away." He gave a laugh. "Don't know why Duncan wants someone like me. But he says finesse is important, and that I'm fast with a blade. You bet your boots I am. Besides, it beats getting strung up."

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