School (pt. 2)

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I was sitting in my math class and tried to focus on it, rather than dwelling on what had just happened. I decided I had to go to the bathroom, to get some air rather than just going to the bathroom, so I raised my hand and asked my teacher if I could go and they said yes. So I got up from my desk and walked out of the room and took a deep breath as I walked through the halls. Then I heard two gunshots and immediately pulled out my phone texting Clark, "Where are you?" I knew this was his free period and he often wondered about the school. He was quick to respond and told me he was at the pool, so that's where I ran. I got there and quietly closed the door behind me and looked around cautiously, "Clark?" I whispered softly. No response. "Clark?" I asked again. 

"Over here," I finally heard him so I quickly and quietly walked over to him. "Thank god you're alright," he said looking me over. "I'm fine. I wonder who it is though..." I whispered watching the door. Suddenly my phone vibrated as I got a text, it was dad. "Are you alright? We are on scene." I took a deep breath and felt a wave of relief come over me, "Our parents are here," I told Clark who shared my relief. "I'm okay, Clark and I are hiding in the pool room. Both unharmed." I informed Sam before hearing footsteps pass the pool. I held my breath a bit, and so did Clark. Once we felt like it was safe to make noise, we released the breath. "Okay, I told dad where we were. If we stay here, they should be able to come and get us soon." 

"You know who it probably is right?" Clark asked softly looking at me. "What? Who? You don't think it's Billy do you?" I asked looking back at him. 

"Think about it, Lauren. He was humiliated in front of the whole school, and he left in the middle of the day. He's probably looking for Scott." I shook my head at Clark. "No... no Billy wouldn't do this..." As soon as the words left my mouth I doubted them, he was pushed to the edge. "Shit," I whispered looking at the floor. Clark put his hand on my back and looked at the floor with me. I texted dad and informed him about what had happened earlier, trying to make sure that Billy didn't get hurt, and that he didn't hurt anyone. Once I sent that text, I sent another one, "Is anyone hurt?" Dad quickly responded and said that there were two down. Damn it. 

A few minutes later passed and I decided that I wanted to go and try to talk to Billy. Clark grabbed my arm as I stood up, "Where are you going?" He asked looking up at me. "I gotta go find Billy," I said quietly. "What? No, Lauren, you are not playing the hero here." 

"He wouldn't hurt me, Clark. He's shot two kids, you're right. He's looking for Scott. Take a guess as to what's gonna happen when he does." I said looking at him, "You stay here. The team should be here soon."

"You're not going out there alone."


"If you go I'm going. So what's the plan?" He stood up looking at me. I took a deep breath and nodded, "Fine. But you gotta stay close to me alright?" He nodded and I walked to the door opening it slowly. We started walking down the halls when I heard another shot behind us. I turned around quickly and a bunch of kids came out of nowhere, running to a new hiding spot I assumed. I froze and looked in the direction of the shot trying to figure out the best solution. Then I heard a door open and grabbed Clark's hand and ran around the corner, just in case the shooter wasn't Billy, we went through an unlocked door and saw as the kid ran by. I couldn't tell if it was him. 

Then I got a text on my phone from dad, "Ed and Wordie were just at the pool, and there is nobody there. Where are you and Clark? We got a positive ID on Billy." I looked at the message and took a deep breath and put it back in my pocket. "You're not going to answer it?" Clark asked looking at me. I shook my head, "I can do this." With that, I took off running to the art room. I had a feeling Billy might come in here, I wasn't sure why. But I could feel it. "What's the plan?" Clark asked looking at me. "Stay here, I have a feeling Billy will be here." Clark got hidden, and I stayed looking at Billy's painting for a bit before going back and hiding with Clark. Then I got another text, "Lauren answer me." I took a deep breath and picked up the phone and looked at it messing him back, "I'm alright. I'm with Clark." I sent the text and ignored anything else that he sent. Then I heard a noise from inside the room and went to go see who it was. "Scott?" I asked looking down at him. He had his hands up in defense. "Braddock?" 

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