Getting Back Into Action (Part 2)

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 This is where it got really scary. I was worried about my parents, and the rest of teams one and four. But no amount of fear was going to stop me from listening anyway. If something happened to them I want to know as soon as it happened. So, I continued to listen. 

"Let's go in aggressive guys split up now. Let's go!" Ed ordered the team, I only wish I could see what was going on. Then I heard mom, Spike, and dad all yelling "On the ground get on your knees! Hands where we can see them!"

"We have three in custody" mom spoke alone now.  "Copy" It was quiet for a few seconds then I heard Wordie, "Door door door door!" I put my hand on my headset and listened carefully. It sounded like they took down their threat because I heard Ed say "Right there. Alright, let's get him up. Come on. Get up. Get up! Subject secure."

"Entry here?" Greg asked." Doors coming on the other side. Let's stick to the script." Once again it was quiet. I looked at Dean who appeared just as worried as I did. But he looked at me and told me that everyone was going to be fine. I knew he was right, but that didn't stop me from worrying. I nodded at him and continued to listen. The net thing we heard was gunshots and a grunt from someone we couldn't tell who. Dean and I both jumped up. 

"Take cover!" Ed yelled, "Greg! Greg!!" 

"Dad!?" Dean yelled into his headset. I put my hand on his shoulder listening.  "The boss is hit! We're under fire!" Wordie yelled. "I have to turn this off guys," Winnie said looking up at us.  "NO!" we yelled in unison. "We have to keep listening. We have to know he is gonna be alright." She looked at us and nodded, "Alright.."

"Greg? Greg!" Ed yelled. "I'm okay, I'm okay" He was breathing heavily. "He took one in the arm, one in the back!" Wordie reported. "Boss, we're gonna get you outta here." 

"Here take this" Wordie must have given Greg something to stop the bleeding in his arm. Ed asked Wordie if he had a visual, and he told Ed that it was coming from the overhead walkway. "I see him. Sam status!"

"Almost there." Now I was really worried. Greg was down, anything could happen and I don't know what I would do if I lost anyone else today. Then I heard Greg, "No. No, we need to find those bombs."

"I hear you, but I'm not listening. Sam, there is a door east of us, take the walkway. Let's get this guy!"

"Copy that." I heard Wordie trying to joke around with Greg, probably to make sure he stayed awake. I still had my hand on Dean's shoulder. "They are going to get him out of there Dean," I said softly. He nodded. "We got another shooter!" Ed yelled. "Where?!"

"To your left!" Mom yelled. "I'm gonna push him back," Ed said as he started to fire at the guy. "Spike, Sam, what's your 20?"

"Nearly there," Spike said. "He tossed the rifle!" Mom reported, but I could still hear guns being shot. Then I heard dad and Spike, "Police! SRU! Stop right there! Get down! Show us your hands! Two subjects contained." I sighed in relief of them being okay, but I was still worried about Greg. 

"Wordie see that ladder?"

"I got it."

"I'm gonna keep him pinned. "

"You okay?" Wordie asked Greg. "Yeah." 

"Drop it! Drop it now! Put your gun down or I will shoot you! Now get on the ladder and come down here! Move it! Get your hands on your head! Subject secure." Dean and I both sighed in relief as the firing stopped. 

"Are you okay?" Mom asked. She must have been down with Greg now. "I'm good. Let's move on."

"No, you need a medic. "

"Boss, we've got it contained. Alright? Let's get you some help. "

"Spike, I need those explosives."

"I'm on it. Team 4 this is Scarlatti. Tell me what you got. "I heard a man talking, it must have been one of the guys that dad and Spike took down, but I couldn't make out what he was saying.  "Are you the guy that tossed the rifle out the window?" The guy spoke again, and for a few seconds, dad was quiet. "Guys I got someone you're gonna wanna meet." 

I sighed and listened as the two teams communicated what had happened. I was relieved that that round of gunfire was over, and everyone was going to be okay. But now I was wondering who dad was talking to. 


I know this one is kind of long. Buuut there is going to be a part three. When I ended the part one to this last night I thought I was further along. But there is still a lot more of the story to go. SO STAY TUNED!

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