Days Off

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The next few days were quiet. We didn't have very many calls and dad was trying to figure out what he wanted to do. Stay on the force, or go back to the field. I was terrified he was going to choose to go back to the army, but everyone told me that he would make a decision that he thought was best, of course that was no help but I appreciated the efforts. Clark and I had been able to hang out a lot more since there was so little to do with school being on break and all. Clark did his best to keep me from thinking about that whole mess, and made sure that we talked about other things. Today in particular, we were out shopping for clothes. He wasn't too into it, but he did his best to pretend like he was having fun. Mom and dad were at the station with the rest of the team working out. I was hoping they would help convince dad to stay. 

"Clark, ya know if you want to go do something else I'm all ears."

"Nah, you're happy, I'm happy." He smirked and I shook my head in response. "Alright, if you say so." With that we walked into the next store and I started looking for my own clothes while Clark did his own thing. One thing I've noticed about myself since I joined the force, was I am so much more aware of the people around me. I so much better at reading their body language, in fact, I've even started to use it to as a teaching tool. Right then I got a text from mom telling me that we were on patrol duty tonight and what her plan was. I responded and found Clark and waited for him to finish his shopping before we paid and left the store. 

Walking down the street we talked about how things have been. I was getting updates on his baby sister and he was just doing his best to pretend like he was having fun talking about her. "Ya know, my parents never really pay attention to me anymore."

"Well, they've got a lot to deal with right now. It'll get better soon."

"Easy for you to say, you're an only child." He scoffed looking back at the road. I wrapped my arm around him and sighed. "Clark, think about it. You're 18. She's 3 months old." I placed my head on his shoulder as we walked. We continued on like this for a while, just roaming the streets and enjoying our time while we had it. 

Right as we were getting into a good conversation, my phone rang. I let go of Clark's arm and reached into my pocket to grab it. I looked at the screen and saw 'MOM' on the caller ID. I knew exactly what this meant. I answered the phone and grabbed Clark's hand to stop him from walking. "Hey, do we have a call?" I asked looking into his eyes. "You guessed it. Where are you now, I'll pick you up?"

"Main Street, in front of the mall. Clark is with me."

"Did he drive?" 

"Yeah, we are in front of his car."

"Sorry to break up the date hun, but duty calls.  Be there in 5." With that, she hung up and I put the phone down sighing. "Duty calls," I repeated to Clark as he sighed and looked at the ground. "Alright, we can continue this another day." 

"Sorry to up and leave like this," I looked at the ground as I heard the sirens of the trucks approaching. "It's alright. You've got a job to do. Go keep the peace." I smiled up at him and he crouched down a bit, kissed me quickly, and with that, mom pulled up and I jumped in the truck. 

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