Best Friends (part 2)

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Throughout the day I kept getting messages from May's dad saying things like "Stop hiding her from me," and "You will regret this if you don't tell me where she is," and "Why won't she answer me?!" I was trying really hard to not blow up on this guy. He was starting to drive me nuts but I knew that if I answered him then he wouldn't leave us alone. Right as I was about to put my phone down May texted me and told me that she was leaving early for her birthday and she would tell me if anything else happened with her and her dad.

"Okay. Be careful and have fun." I said back as the bell rang for lunch. I walked out of the classroom and walked to my locker meeting Clark there. I put my things away and walked with him trying to ignore my phone buzzing. "Is he still texting you?" He asked as we waited in line. "Yeah. He is going to kill my phone." I chuckled a little. He looked at me with a look of concern "It doesn't bother you that he has your number? What if he tracks you down?"

"Come on Clark it's him, not the SRU."

"I know but still. You should tell someone about it. To be safe."

As we were about to go sit down I heard some of the school officials yelling. It sounded like they were saying "Sir wait" or something like that. Then I saw him, James (May's dad), was in the school with a gun.

"WHERE IS SHE?!? Where is Lauren Braddock?!" He stormed into the cafeteria and everyone turned to look at him. Some kids screamed seeing the gun. Clark stood in front of me to hopefully block James' view of me. "Where is she?!?" He asked again walking towards us.

"James." I walked out into sight so he would leave everyone else alone. He pointed his gun at me and asked me where May was. "I don't know, James."

"Yes, you do! And you're going to take me to her, NOW!" He walked closer to me. I heard sirens coming closer to the school and my instincts told me that it was Team one. "I don't know where she is James. You came here for nothing."

"No. I didn't." He grabbed my arm and dragged me into a hall way but didn't stop walking. "James, let go of me!" I heard Clark yelling out from behind us."Hey, stop! Let her go!" James turned around and pointed the gun at him. "Don't come any closer!" Clark stopped and put his hands up.

"Clark, it's ok. Just go back to the cafeteria." He looked at me for a second and started to walk backward "ok.." James started dragging me around back and walked outside and threw me in the back of a truck. He got in the driver's seat and started driving. I sat up in the back after being thrown around by his driving. "James I am not going to help you find her. You need to leave her alone. This has to be the end of it!"

"Shut up!! You are going to help me, whether you like it or not!" 

"NO I'M NOT!" I had managed to pull out my phone and call my dad so he could hear what was going on.


I went back to the cafeteria and saw my dad along with the rest of the team. "Dad!" I ran over to him.  "Clark, are you okay? Where is Lauren?" Ed looked at me then looked around for a second. "He took her.." 

"He what? Who was he?" Sam walked over with his gun in hand.  "He is May's dad. Lauren has been helping May with him, making sure that he leaves her alone. His name is James. The guy is crazy." 

"Okay. What else do you know about this?" dad asked probably trying to keep Sam and Jules calm.  "Who is May?" Sam stood beside my dad. "She is Lauren's best friend. Anyway, so this morning James managed to find May's number. I'm guessing that she texted Lauren telling her about it because when she and I walked to Lauren's locker the first thing that Lauren asked was about him. Then all of a sudden James texted her. Lauren said she didn't think it was a big deal because he knows that Jules and Sam are SRU.." 

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