Watching from HQ

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The next day I woke up early, I didn't have to school and so instead of staying home alone all day I wanted to go into the station and hang out around there. "Mom?" I walked downstairs and heard her in the kitchen so that's where I walked."Yeah, hun?" She was finishing her breakfast along with dad."Can I hang out at the station today?"

They both looked at each other for a little while before Dad finally said "Uh... Yeah sure... But if someone tells you to do something or they say you gotta leave for your safety-" 

"I will call Clark and have him pick me up. And I will do whatever I am told by anyone." 

"Fine. Get ready, quickly." I smiled and ran upstairs and got dressed and put my hair up in a ponytail. After that, I put on my shoes and ran downstairs. I was ready at about the same time as they were. We all headed out into the garage, dad drove, mom was in the front passenger seat, and I was in the back. I heard them mumbling to each other, I assumed it was about me doing the job or going to the station but I decided not to say anything since I at least had their permission to be at the station with them. 

Dad parked the car once we arrived at the station and we all got out of the truck and walked inside. I saw Spike almost instantly and he was the first one to say something. "Hey! There is the new Rookie!" He walked over to me and hugged me laughing. "Hey." I laughed hugging him back "Technically not on the team yet Spikey boy. But I appreciate the attempt." 

"Ahh, you don't have to be on the team to be a rookie kid. You're family and that's what makes you the rookie." 

"Awe, thanks, Spike." Mom and dad walked away to get into their uniforms while Spike and I spoke. After a while of talking Greg walked over to Spike and me. "Lauren, you here to supervise today?" 

"Yeah from here I was hoping." 

"Absolutely. We will get you a headset and you can listen in to what's going on. And you can sit with Winnie. That sound good to you?"

"Yes. That was what I was hoping to hear at the least." I chuckled a little bit. Greg smiled and said "Good" when all of a sudden the siren went off and Winnie said "Team one hot call" She gave them the rundown saying that "Armed Robbery, at main and revenue multiple hostages." 

"Get Lauren a headset, Winnie! Team one let's go!" Greg said as he jogged to the trucks. I watched as they all ran out behind him. I told mom and dad to be safe when I saw them run out, they both nodded at me and told me to be good. When they were all out I walked to Winnie's station and sat down with her as she handed me a headset. I put it in and listened to the team all talk to each other as they arrived on the scene. 

"Sam and Jules recall on the building, all ways in and out," Ed said

"Copy that" Both of them responded without hesitation.Then Greg spoke, "Okay, here is what we know. Old school stick up. 2 masked guys come in before closing, hold up the manager with a knife."

"They moved away from the window. No shot." Ed responded. "Spike let's make sure everyone is healthy in there." 

"I can get into the security system eyes are endless." 

"You got five," Greg said to Spike then moved on in the conversation. "Winnie, do we have a way of seeing what Spike will see once he taps into the security?" I asked looking at her as she nodded and pulled up Spike's screen for me. I watched as he taped into it. "Sweet. Thanks." 

"Sarge," It was Wordie "Subject bunged through armed security as they fled. One of the guards chased them back inside after that we don't know what happened."

"Let's hope they didn't get their hands on his gun. See if we can ID him Wordie." Greg responded. "Eddy, tack options?" 

"We got high exposed ceilings, lots of vantage points. I say we stealth in, set up a sniper perch, watch and wait." 

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