First Day (Part 4)

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I started listening to Ed and my dad as they tracked down the car that Jamie had stolen. Ed told us all that they had just reached a road close to where Jamie was last seen. Dad told us that the street led to a dead end just a few miles away from where they were, then he said that they had a visual. I hoped they could catch this guy and that the hostage was alright. Ed said that he was on foot and in pursuit, dad had the hostage. 

"Are you okay?" He asked the girl. I heard her say yeah, dad's response was "Are you sure you're okay?" The girl said yes again. I started to listening to Ed, who was still chasing down Jamie. "Hold it right there! Right there," he yelled as he chased him through the streets. Boss asked how the hostage was doing, so I stopped listening to Ed again. 

"She is unharmed. Her name is Dana Mayweather. So what were you doing at the hostel?" Dad asked Dana now. "I was just checking it out in case I needed a place to stay." 

"Can I see your phone please?" I thought that it was weird for dad to ask the girl for her phone at first, but then I realized why he had. "Any messages you're exchanging will show up in the law." He must have her phone. "Am I under arrest for being held hostage?" The girl was being sassy. I knew from personal experience that this was a terrible idea.

"Were you a hostage?" Dad asked back at her. "What else would you call it?"


"Look, I got the tweet, and then I went to the hostile at 3 pm. And then Jamie came running up the stairs-"

"He came up from the basement?" Dad interrupted her. "I don't know, whatever. The point is, he picked ME. Out of everyone else, and then we went outside, and got in that cop car and made you guys look like idiots. As per usual." I personally wanted to smack this girl. I mean, why is she idolizing someone so... so wrong? It just doesn't make sense. "Where is he going now?"

"Don't know."

"What was he doing in the hostel in the first place?"

"He said the less I knew the better."

"Dana this guy isn't a hero. Okay? He shot and nearly killed a man, did you know that? He's put your life at risk," Dad tried to reason with her, but she was delusional. "He chose me to help him escape. To help him get ready for the Grand Finale." 

"Grand Finale. Those are the words he used?"

"Exact words. There's gonna be a grand finale, and then we are never gonna hear from him again."

"Wordy, the package Jamie D dropped off at the hostel. Check the basement, use extreme caution," I kind of felt like dad was trying to act as if Dana was me, I mean, he could have gone so much harder on her for being associated with Jamie but he didn't. Maybe it was just me, but I just think he was trying to take it easy on her for a reason. 

"Copy," Wordy said."He's so out of your league," Annnd there is the sassy teenager. God, how on earth do people deal with that? "Dana, you're under arrest," Dad finished that whole ordeal after that. So I went back to listening to Ed who was still chasing down Jamie. 

"I lost him," Ed sighed, he was breathing hard since he had been running so much. "Ed," Spike looked at his computer screen and I did the same. "He's live casting right now!" 

"Hey, how ya doing?" Jamie looked at the camera before taking off running again. "What do you see?" Ed asked. "Alleyways, garages, graffiti."

"You wanna narrow that down for me?"

"He just pasted some skateboarders," The screen started glitching. "What happened?" Greg asked watching along with me and mom. "I don't know, it went down." The screen kept glitching for a few seconds before it came back."Okay, okay we're back. He's heading right toward a busy street, " Spike got closer to the screen to look and see if he could find a street sign to tell him where Jamie was at. "Uhh... looks like Queen Street, Southside, going West." 

"I'm gonna cut him off, what's the cross street?"

"Beverly Street." 

"I'm on Queen, heading East. "

"He should be right in front of you, just past these people." 

"Police don't move!" 

"He's facing you!" 

"POLICE! Right there!" I heard a guy's voice. "I didn't steal it, some guy gave it to me!"Ed sighed, "Team one, subject's still at large." I sighed, I really thought we had him. Guess the search continues. After a little bit, mom and I walked out of the truck and saw dad and Ed walking together. We walked over to them and dad handed mom Dana's phone. She said thanks and told Spike that we had her phone, she walked back to the truck, but I stayed with dad. "What's your read Sam?" Greg was standing behind me. "She's a kid with a fantasy crush. She's fallen for the hero image of Jamie" 

"Do you think she knows what the grand finale is?" 

"No, sounds like she's telling the truth." 

"Grand Finale?" Ed asked looking at Greg. "Kid's smart. He knows the noose is tightening. This is when a cowboy gets reckless." Greg looked around at all of us. I looked back up at him then at dad and Ed. Then I heard Spike talking through the headsets. "Boss, I can tell you where Jamie has been. " With that, Greg walked off and I decided that I should probably go back to the truck anyway, so I followed him. Once we got inside the truck, Spike started talking. 

"I made up a chart based on the info the feds gave us. Red are the robberies known or suspected. Looks like he was making his way down the Eastern Seaboard, but the last three months, blue, he's been making his way back up." 

"Hitting different cities this time?"

"Not exactly. " Spike pressed another bottom and purple dots appeared. "Purple is...?" Mom asked. "Blue plus red. Detours led back to places where he committed robberies in the past. And I compared fan settings of Jamie back to the actual itineraries of his crimes to lead up the false sightings and from there some of those fans managed to grab photos."

"And?" Greg asked, I was honestly just confused as to how Spike did all this so quickly. "And now, all of the fans are helping us. By using the cameras, they covertly put in GPS tags. We know where they were taken."

"Alright get this information to Winnie and have her chat with law enforcement, maybe something comes up," Greg ordered. Then I heard someone's phone make a noise. I looked around and saw that it was Dana's phone. I picked it up and said, "He's texting Dana." I opened up her phone and looked at the message, then read it out loud. 

"Are you alright? J.D"

"He's gotta know that we have been questioning her by now," Greg said in a soft voice. "He's testing us," I said and looked down at the phone. Greg told me to talk to him. I texted Jamie back saying, "I'm good." 

"Spike, can we use this to track his location?"

"We could, but he seems to like borrowing cell phones and then using them as red hearings by the time we find this one.." 

"It could be hanging off of another random stranger," I said before texting Jamie back. This time, I said, "Can I see you again?" reading it out loud as I typed it. It wasn't 3 seconds later before Jamie responded, telling us to leave her alone and she had nothing to do with it. Greg took the phone and typed that we wanted to help him. Jamie responded quickly once again with, "Roflamo" Greg didn't get what that meant so he showed it to me. "Rolling on the floor laughing my ass off.." I sighed. "Alright I get it," Greg said halfway through me saying that. I chuckled in response. Mom just glared at me. 

"What? He asked." I laughed, she just sighed. "Well, he cares about Dana," Greg changed the subject. "He doesn't want her to be blamed," Mom added.

"Does that sound like a narcissist to you?" We all shook our heads in response. Then Ed came back on over the headsets saying that he found what Jamie left in the hostel. Honestly, I just wanted to catch this guy before things got too out of hand.

Honestly, this stupid part of the story is lasting forever! I wish I made the other parts longer because now I have to make a part 5. Omfg. Im stupid. Anyway, hope yall are still here.

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