First Time Out (continued)

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We all filed out of the truck and put on the intercoms after turning off transmit. "Clark," I said looking at him before we started our walk. "Yeah?"

"You do know how pissed my parents are going to be if they find out we left the truck right?"

"Yeah. About half as pissed as my dad."

"No, you have one to worry about. I have 2. I think I have you beat." He just chuckled for a minute and said "come on" and with that, we started walking to a secure area. We had to jump a few fences and other little things, we eventually made it to the top of a small building that allowed us to see what was going on. We sat behind a tree that would hopefully block our parents from seeing us, while still allowing us to see what was going on.

"Guys look. There is a guy coming out of the building.." I pointed towards the man showing him walking down some stairs. I looked over to see team one walking in a huddle, away from the guy leaving the scene.

"Team we have a 10-33 inside the building! Repeat 10-33 inside the building!" Greg said with a lot of urgency. 

"What does that mean?" Clark turned to look at me and Dean. 

"10-33.... officer down." I started to listen more intently now to see what they would do.

"Let's move now. Move move!" I watched as Ed led the team into the building. "They are going in blind?" Clark sounded concerned. 

"They don't have a choice, officer down" Dean didn't take his eyes off of the scene. There was a blast that came from inside of the building, must have been a smoke grande from the team. Then another, then gunshots, then everyone yelling for the suspects to drop their weapons. I heard my mom and dad over the rest of the team. One of the guys my mom was yelling at claimed to be an officer. 

"Ed?" Dad said once the situation calmed down and he could hear.  "Eddy?" Nothing. "Ed status." Still nothing. I looked at Clark and was tempted to take his intercom after seeing his face. "Eddy," dad said again. A long moment of silence came across the team. 

Finally, Ed gave everyone the "all clear." I sighed with relief and looked at Clark who also sighed. Mom called for EMS for the wounded officer. "Boss the officer has a gunshot wound to the chest but he is still breathing." He was in critical condition.

"Okay, we should go." Clark almost stood up to leave. "Wait, look. Is that the guy who left the building?"

"Yeah, I think it is.." We all watched him and ducked down when he started to look around. I managed to look back up in time to see him hopping a fence and putting a bag in a garbage can, then fleeing the scene. "Let's get out of here" Dean stood up and started walking away so Clark and I followed.

"Boss something isn't adding up. Two plain-clothed officers, guns in hand, no ID"

"So what, they just happened by?" Greg asked

"That's the claim but the officers were pretty deep inside the apartment. Bad guys got between them and the door." Spike said softly 

"Alright. Just keep at him. I'm going to see if we have any witnesses."

We were walking down the fire escape of the building that we had climbed onto. I was behind both of the guys. "We have to tell them what we saw."

"That's not going to happen," Clark said climbing over some bars. 

"We're just going to let that guy get away?" Dean waited for Clark to get over so he could do the same. 

"We don't know anything about that guy."

"He left a crime scene and he is evading the police. Does that seem like a good citizen to you?" I got over the bar and went down a small slope thing that led back to the truck. 

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