Best Friends (part 1)

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I had managed to miss the bus for school one morning so mom and dad took me before they had to go to work. I sat in the backseat texting my friend May telling her happy birthday. May was my best friend. I had known her since 3rd grade and we bonded pretty quickly. I am also kind of her counselor. See, her dad is this crazy guy who had abused her mother for years, he blamed every little thing on her and never thought that May saw it, but she did. And she would always come to me about it. She knows my mom and dad were cops and that if she and I would talk to them about it, they would be able to make sure something was done about it but she always told me that if we did then it would only get worse. Luckily for her, her mom was able to escape from him and move away. But today as I was texting her she told me that he had just called her and that she wasn't going to take the call. I told her that was good and she should just ignore anything else that he tried to do in order to get back in touch with her. 

"You ok Lauren?" Mom asked looking back at me. She had a worried expression on her face, which was weird because I was texting May, not talking to her on the phone. "Yeah, I'm good. Why?" 

"You look angry and worried at the same time. Is everything ok?" 

"Oh. Uhh.. yeah. Yeah everything is fine." We pulled up to the school and I grabbed my bag and opened the door. "Thanks for the ride." 

"Hey," Dad turned and looked at me "are you sure everything is ok? You know you can talk to us about anything right?" 

"Yeah, I know. I'm fine really." 

"Ok. Well, have fun. We love you and will see you later tonight. Text us if you need anything." 

"OK. Love you too, be careful please." I got out of the car and shut the door and walked inside the school. I always tell them to be careful, I know that anything could happen with the job they have, so I make sure to tell them all the important stuff before they get to work. I walked to my locker and put my bag inside it. I shut the door and see May standing there, with Clark too. 

"Oh. Hey, what's up? Has your dad texted you or anything?" Clark walked beside me holding my hand as we walked. May walked on the other side of me. "No. He tried to call me again but I ignored it." 

"Good. Eventually, he will catch on to the fact that you don't want to talk to him."

"I hope so." My phone buzzed right as I finished talking so I pulled it out and saw that I got a text that read "Where is May?!" I looked up at May in shock. "What? What was it?" 

"He got my number. He asked me where you were."

"Are you serious?!" 

"Yeah look." I showed her the text and then another one came up on the screen. This one read "Stop hiding her from me, she is my daughter and I deserve to see her! I know this is you Lauren so don't lie to me! Just tell me where the hell my daughter is! I know you are hiding her from me!" 

"Oh my god... Lauren what if he comes after you?"

"He isn't going to. He knows my parents are cops. He isn't smart but he isn't stupid enough to come after me."


So this one is based off of season 5 episode 1 Broken Peace. I am going to be changing it up a little bit to fit the story line that I want. So yeah, if you have any suggestions leave them down in the comments! Byeeee

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