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I was at my friend Jessie's house along with my other friend Kate. We were all having a good time laughing and telling each other stories to pass the time. We weren't the like stereotypical teenagers that would go out and do drugs or throw these huge parties, obviously. Right as we were getting to the good part of one of my stories, Kate's mom called her and told her that she needed to go home. We all said our goodbyes and Kate left. Then Jessie's mom called us both downstairs and asked us if we would walk to the store and get a few things for her. Jessie got a little aggravated at first, but I told her that it was fine and we could do it and be back in 10 minutes. We both walked outside and walked down the ally way where there was a big blue van sitting in the middle of the way. I didn't like the way it looked, but I didn't say anything. Suddenly two guys came out of the van wearing masks and started walking towards me and Jessie. 

"Jess...Who are they?"

"I.. don't know..."

"Run!" we turned around and ran, but neither of us was quick enough so they both grabbed us and threw us in the back of the van, and drove off. One of the guys gave me duct tape and told me to tape Jessie up and cover her mouth. "What do you want? Money? I can get you money but you have to let us go!"

"I said, tape her up!" He aimed a gun at me. "Okay... okay." Jessie was crying and I was trying to hold it together as I taped her hands together. "Now her mouth." He said still holding the gun to me. "Please no..."

"DO IT!" He pointed the gun at her, Jessie screamed. "OKAY! okay..." I put tape over her mouth already having a tear running down my cheek. "You don't have to do this. I can get you money! Let us go we are kids!" The guy shoved me over from my up-right position and moved closer to put tape over my mouth and tape my arms and legs up, but Jessie bumped herself into him making him fall back a little bit. The driver asked what was going on and pulled out his gun and struggled to keep the van from crashing. I punched the guy in the back and he quickly grabbed Jessie and held the gun to her head. 


"Okay.... okay I'm sorry.." The guy let go of Jessie and pushed me down and taped my hands together and covered my mouth as the driver held his gun to Jessie's head. I heard car tires screech and all of the sudden the driver said that they had been made. I hoped to god that it was mom and dad, but I had a feeling that it wasn't. The driver pulled into what I guessed to be an ally, and the guy in the back got out of the van and soon came back in and told the driver that there was a patrol car sitting in the intersection right next to us.  The driver knew that they were trying to box them in so he quickly reversed out. I stayed close to Jess and at this point, we were both sobbing. 

He pulled into a parking lot and the men moved us into a different car and tied up the guy of the other can and threw him in the van we had been in. They quickly got in the car and drove out of there without seeming suspicious. I made eye contact with Jessie and carefully pulled my phone out of my pocket and called 911. After a little while, I heard Greg's voice. "Lauren, can you hear me?" Jessie took the tape off of my mouth. "Where are you taking us? Maybe I can help! Let me help you! Just tell me what you need?"

"Will you shut her up?!" The guy came over and held me down. "No, get off of me! Stop it!" He put the tape back over my mouth so I just mumbled a little bit as he went back up front. 

"Lauren, can you hear me? I understand you might not be able to talk right now but if you can hear me I need you to press a button on your phone." I pressed one. "Okay, that's good. Now, is it safe for me to be speaking to you right now?" I pressed a button again. "That's good. I'm gonna ask you a few questions if the answer is yes you keep pressing the button if the answer is no stay quiet okay?" I pressed the button. "Is Jessie in the car with you?" I pressed it. "Are you both okay?" Did it again. "Are you guys still traveling in the car?" And again "That's great. You are so brave right now. Now, are their two men?" 

Flashpoint Braddock's DaughterOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora