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I was downstairs watching one of my favorite shows on Netflix, Lucifer, while mom and dad were out shopping. It was our day off unless something came up and we needed to go in, so we were taking it easy while we had the chance. While my parents were out I got a sudden idea. Dad had been teaching me how to fight recently, and it was going really well. I was confident in my fighting skills. So I decided that when they got home, I was going to try to catch dad off guard and wrestle him, just to see who would win. So when I heard the truck pull into the garage I quickly turned off the TV and quietly made my way closer to the garage door. I heard them both talking and getting closer to the door. Once it opened I stood still behind the door and waited for dad to enter. Of course, mom came in first, as she often did, but as soon as dad got into sight I lept into action and jumped onto his back. "Woah!" Dad laughed and managed to get me off his back. He turned around to face me and was in the same stance as me, the stance he taught me. 

"Uh oh Lauren, you picked a fight now," mom chuckled as she set down the bag of groceries she had in her hands. Dad and I both had huge smiles on our faces and I was laughing a little bit. I made a move at dad and he quickly countered my attack and before I knew it, he had me down on the ground. I could already tell that he was taking it easy on me. Let me make something clear, I did not expect to be able to beat him. I wasn't that good yet. But I still had to try. "Now what are you gonna do?" Dad asked as he started to laugh. I struggled, trying to get free, of course to no avail. Once he was sure he won, he laughed harder and started to tickle me. "NO! DAD-" I laughed harder, "Stop it, no!" Mom started laughing too now. "You gotta tap out, you know how this works." He managed in between his laughs. As I said before, I never expected to beat dad. But I wasn't about to just give up either. "Never!" I challenged further. "Oh really? Well, then you're gonna be down here for a while," he continued to tickle me, and despite my struggling, he stayed exactly where he was, completely unbothered. 

A few minutes passed and I knew it was over for me. "Okay okay!" I tapped out as quickly as I could, and just like that the tickling stopped and dad got up off of me. I rolled over onto my back and took some deep breaths. Mom and dad were still chuckling, well. Mom was laughing. Dad was kind of out of breath too so it was more of a chuckle. He reached his hand down once he caught his breath and helped me up. "So what did you learn today?" He asked with a smile on his face. "That I gotta keep practicing so I can win." We all laughed again and dad wrapped his arm around my neck pulling me closer to him so he could kiss the top of my head. 

"Better luck next time Snips."

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