Getting Back Into Action (Finale)

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I listened as he kept talking about how his girlfriend Kelly had changed his point of view on things and how she made him want to leave the group, but he wouldn't do it without his brother. Then he mentioned how Trent was angry that he was dating Kelly and hoe Danny thought that it was because Trent thought he was going to leave him behind for Kelly. 

"Danny is it possible that Trent is doing any of this to prove something to you?" I asked trying to think of possible reasons. "I don't know. Maybe, I don't know what he would be proving though."

"Boss, we got an ID on Jeff and Trent entering  Hancock Square carrying backpacks. They could be heading to the Department of Immigration. It's one of their targets." Spike said, ending our conversation. "What about Victor?" Greg asked. "Got units at all targets, but still no sign of him."

"Okay radio ahead, let them know we are on our way. Do not engage the subjects." 

"Got it." 

"Lauren, you said you think you know Trent right?"

"Yeah, boss."

"Then I want you to talk to him if he gives us that chance." Dad looked back in the mirror at Greg, I could tell he didn't think that was a good idea. But I knew that I could do it. "Copy that."

"Winnie, alert all units. Victor Aklin is now traveling alone in a possible possession of a third bomb. We are still looking for backpacks. Keep the pressure up."

"Copy that boss."

Once we arrived at the building, the team all walked in together and one of the officers walked up and started giving Greg a rundown of what they had. I followed behind and looked at all the people as we passed by them, looking for Trent. Greg showed Spike where to set up the command post. 

"This building has 15 floors and the department of immigration takes up the first floor and the lower plaza," Dad said looking off of his map on his PDA. "If they are after civilians then he is going to be targeting the open immigration areas," Greg said to Ed. "Wordie and I will take passports. Jules, Sam, and Lauren take the immigration and appeals. Let's go."

"Remember subjects are backpacks. Danny, you're with us." Greg said as he walked behind a desk with Spike. The rest of us walked around to our areas and I followed mom and in front of dad. I heard Spike say he had a visual on Jeff in the lobby. I heard them devise a plan to get the bag without setting it off and how to get Jeff into custody. Once they did that I heard Greg. "Get him out! Get everybody out!"

"That's you too boss. " After a moment of silence, "Copy that."

I waited a little bit as I walked around with my parents and finally heard say that the package was secure and we were good. I sighed a little bit and continued to do my job. At this point I was walking around with dad and mom split off to look at other areas. I kind of hated the fact that I was allowed to be out in the field like this, but I still had to stay around one of my parents. I looked around for a little bit, then I saw him. I told dad quietly and he signaled to mom. We all started to move in slowly. Trent stood up and walked somewhere. Dad held out his arm and told me to stay back as he followed him. But I had to do my job and follow him. 

"We have a visual on Trent" dad said as we all walked together now. Trent stopped in the heart of the room. Dad held up his gun and said, "Trent.."

Trent held up the bag and yelled, "I have a bomb!" All of the people screamed and ran around while mom tried to tell everyone to stay calm and get out of the room. "Lauren.." mom and dad said in sync. "I got it.." I slowly walked forward and mom walked back. Dad stayed a little bit behind me with his gun still up. 

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