First Day (Part 3)

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Wordy and Ed ran off talking about options and whatnot. Mom, Dad, and I all started walking through the crowd. Everyone's phone started going off, and they all looked at them. Mom and Dad didn't seem to notice this, which I thought was weird. "He's got an audience here," Dad said in a quiet voice as to not tip off any of Jamie's fans. "Winnie we are gonna need more units down here." Mom said.

Before I knew it, everyone started charging into the building. We all tried to stop them but it wasn't working. "Ed, evac has been compromised!" Dad yelled over the crowd. "Copy that, I'm on my way." Then from inside the building, we heard 2 gunshots. "Shots fired!" I yelled, we all ran into the building with our guns up and ready. "Active shooter inside the building. Go go!" Dad added. Ed made it into the building and was walking around it. 

"Boss, it's a mess in here," he said over the headsets. "Have you located the shooter?" 


"Anybody down?" 

"Cannot confirm." 

The two's conversation ended after that. Dad and I continued to try and get the people to clear out of the building again. It was getting to be too many people in there, and I knew that they were all told to rush in by Jamie. He wanted the cover so he could make it through with no problem. Mom had walked around doing the same by herself. Out of nowhere, I heard a guy say, "I'm the one you're looking for!" I turned around quickly and said, "Put your hands where I can see them!" I held up my gun. "I'm Jamie D," he said, then everyone started saying that they were Jamie D. They were playing with us now. 

"Let's move these people back. Get back!" Ed said still ushering people out of the building. We all continued doing the same. "Boss, we need unies her to seal the entrances. "

"Copy, this isn't the kind of place he holds up. These aren't the kinds of people he targets. It's a distraction to cover his exit." This situation was getting really out of hand. Finally, we all reached the exit, Ed being the first one out. I heard tires screeching, and Ed took off running, so we all followed him.

"Officer, talk to me," Ed said as we approached a cop who was watching as Jamie pulled off in his squad car. "He had a hostage." 

"Sam with me let's go!" And with that, Ed and Dad took off. I walked back to where mom was and continued to help from there."Winnie, get an APB on that vehicle." Greg said, "Note the subject has a hostage."

"Copy that." Mom, Greg, Wordie, and I all gathered together by our truck. Mom was the first to talk. "You were right about the diversion, but I don't get it."

"Cops are a step behind him and he drops to hostile," I added. "Manager said he came in with some kind of package. An envelope," now Wordie chimed in."Let's track it down Wordie." From inside the truck, Spike was working his magic, "Boss, we got the feds on visual link. Agent Gilbry."

"Okay, be right there,'" Greg said and mom and I followed him into the truck. Upon entering, I saw a guy on a screen, must have been the agent Spike was talking about. He started talking to Greg and I sat quietly listening. We got all the information we could from the guy, some of it seemed wrong to me like they had some of the information mixed up. But for now, I had to sit patiently and silently. 

SO I was going to try and finish this one up today. But I can't type right now so this is all that I am gonna do. Sorry folks!

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