Spike (pt. 4 Finale)

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"Okay talk fast. How does this work?" Charlie was feeling the pressure just like the rest of us. I looked over at Alvin who appeared to be feeling it more than anyone. He had his hand on the back of his neck and was pacing the floor behind Spike. "When a fire alarm goes off it unlocks all the doors until the all-clear. It's easier now."

"Except now the SRU gets called." Spike nodded and continued working. "Yeah and I'm SRU, I know exactly what they're gonna do and how they are gonna do it. Team one is down two guys, so there are going to be holes in the perimeter. We'll have a window before backup shows up," I watched Charlie close, I knew what Spikes plan was at this point, and even though it was probably going to work, I still had my worries. When Charlie started to tell his boys the plan, Alvin stopped him. "Hold up Charlie. Firing shots in a building full of cops, how does that not lead back here?"

"I've got the doors locked. Wanna tell me why your source ignored the fail-safe?" While those two argued again, I took this chance to talk to Spike. "Spike, I'm so sorry," I whispered so that they wouldn't hear me. "This is all my fault, I shouldn't have called you here."

"No, it's okay. It's okay. I set off the alarm on purpose," there it was. He really did do what I thought he did. "No, Spike please just do what they say. I don't want you to get hurt." I heard Charlie tell his boys the plan from behind me. "Lauren, the second they get what they want and they get out of there, we become a liability, and they are going to kill us, okay? I have to draw this out, and I have to make sure the team gets here. They are the only ones who can help us now." Even though I hated the plan, I knew that he was right. I nodded and felt more tears fall down my face. Charlie caught onto us talking, "HEY! Hey, I need you focused!" He pointed his gun at Spike. "Charlie, don't hurt him!" I yelled at him. 

"Alvin shut her trap." Charlie glared over at me and ignored what I had said. "No," I tried to back up to no avail. Alvin put tape over my mouth despite my fighting. "Lauren, it's okay. Get off her!" Spike tried to get me to calm down, "It's gonna be okay." He looked at me with the calmest eyes that he could manage in the situation. I wasn't so sure about that, but I had to go with it. Once it all calmed down in the room again, they got back to work. 

"Alright Spike, what's the SRU's plan?" Charlie watched over Spike's shoulder with his back turned to me. "They are going to set up a command post and make a B-line for the evidence room," he told them as he typed away on the computer. "Time?"

"Minutes." I watched on the cameras as the guys on the inside made their way into the evidence room. "This better work," Charlie said watching the same thing I was. "As I told you, you do what I tell them, they aren't gonna know what hit them," at this point, I could tell Spike was just trying to get them to make minor slip-ups here and there. I just hoped that Charlie and Alvin wouldn't catch onto that. "They are entering the surveillance room right now, but not for long." Charlie barked at his guys to hurry up. Spike looked back at me, checking on me to make sure I was okay. I nodded at him and he returned the favor. "They're on the move," Spike said when he looked back at the computer screens. "Guys you have four heavily armed SRU cops closing in," Charlie told his guys and I watched as they started to move a little faster in response. They must have found what they were looking for because they started stuffing stuff into their bags. 

"Quickest way out. Not the way they came," Charlie demanded as they finished packing everything up. "Out the back?" Alvin questioned walking over to the monitors. Spike confirmed that. "Alright, we can get you out without them seeing you but you've gotta move." I watched the dots on the computers that were team one, ignoring the others. "They aren't going to have enough time," Alvin said. "You need to slow your guys down."

"I know," Spike said, and right on cue, another alarm went off, causing the team to split up a little bit more. "They won't get anywhere near your guys. I promise," Spike said quietly before looking back over at me for a few seconds then back to the monitor. After a few minutes of everything going smoothly, the team ran into the inside guys, and once again I felt my heart drop. I wasn't sure who it was, but my brain told me that my parents were there, and I started to fear the worst. Charlie asked the guys what they were doing, not enjoying the unexpected change. "C-4, good idea," he said looking back at Alvin. There was the bad thing I was trying to avoid. I looked at Spike and saw the panic in his eyes too, "No that's a bad idea. That stuff is really unstable."

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