Asset to the Team

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It was the same night that May died. I was sitting in an ambulance letting the EMS workers check me out to make sure I was okay. I sat in the truck quietly watching as James got put in a cruiser to get taken to jail. After the workers cleared me I thanked them and walked away from the ambulance and leaned against my parent's truck quietly. The team members kept walking past me saying that they were sorry and patted me on the shoulder. Then Ed walked over to me. I could tell he was upset. 

"I am so... so sorry Lauren. She didn't give me an option I had to..." He could hardly talk, let alone finish his sentences. I gave him a hug and told him that I understood why he did it and that everything would be okay. I let go of him and he smiled softly at me and walked off to do whatever he had to do. I decided that I would sit in the truck because I didn't want to see May's body bag being taken away from the scene. 

After a little bit, dad got into the truck and looked back at me. He didn't say anything, he just looked at me for a while. "Dad... I'm okay.." He shook his head, still, he said nothing. Mom got in the truck and dad drove to the station to debrief. We walked inside, dad had his arm around me walking in silence. Greg came around the corner and saw me. 

"Lauren I know this may be hard for you but we need you to be in there with us, you may know more about the situation than we do. Can you take that?" 

I nodded "Of course... Whatever you need." 

"Thank you." Greg walked into the room and I followed with my parents. Mom shut the door behind us. I sat down in an empty seat and looked around as I noticed the team was looking at me. Once I looked up they all looked away though, once they did that Greg started talking about the situation. I listened making sure they had all of the facts right. Then they said something about how James how he left May and her mother. 

"No. May and I helped convince Mrs. Dalton to get away from James. He constantly attacked both May and her mom and I was able to convince May to talk to her mom. One day I was at their house, at first it was just the three of us. But then James got home and started going off. He didn't know I was there until I got tired of hearing him yelling at Mrs. Dalton. Right when he saw May and I he started to act like nothing was wrong..." I looked at Greg "I thought I was helping them."

He nodded at me "We always think we are, but sometimes you can't do anything no matter how hard you try. You did the right thing." He started going over everything again and seemed to have the rest of the information right. Finally, debriefing was over and the team all left the room. Mom and dad walked out thinking that I was following them, but I wasn't. "Mr. Parker?" 

He looked at me, "Yeah?"

"I know I am still young and only a teenager... But I was wondering if I could do something to benefit the team?" He just looked at me for a second before responding, "Lauren, have you talked to your parents about this?"

"No. But it is my choice, right? What happened to May... I don't want that to happen to anyone else. I want to help people."

"I like your dedication. You are a smart kid. I really do think that you would be an important asset to this team. Tell you what, I will talk with the board about it. In the meantime, talk to your parents. Okay?" 

I nodded "Okay. Yes, thank you." I walked out and saw dad waiting for me in a hall. I walked over to him and he put his arm around me and kissed the side of my head. "How are you feeling?" He asked looking at me as we walked.

"I'm okay... I just want today to be over." 

"I know.. I'm sorry about your friend."

"It's okay... You didn't do anything wrong.."

"Neither did you. You know that right?"I sighed and looked down at the ground "I... I guess." 

He just kissed the side of my head again as we got outside and got in our car where mom was waiting. She was driving this time so dad got in the passenger seat and I got in the back at looked out the window in silence the whole way home. Once we got home I got out of the back and walked behind mom as she unlocked the door and walked inside. 

"You should get to bed." She said after putting her bag down. "Uhh, actually there is something I want to talk to you guys about.."

"Okay, come on." She walked to the kitchen table with her hand on my arm. We all sat down and I sighed before I spoke. "I stayed in that room... to talk to Greg... I asked him if I could be on the team.." 

"Lauren, honey your just a teenager.." mom said and looked at me. "I know that... But what happened to May... I don't want that to happen to anyone else.  I want to help people, like you guys..." I looked at them both as tears started to form in my eyes and they sat in silence for a while. Mom was the first to talk. 

"How about you sleep on it okay? You have been through a lot today."

"No, I already thought it threw. This is what I want." 

"Lauren, this isn't a job for kids, and you haven't been through all of the training yet." Dad finally spoke. "Yeah but I don't need that much training to be in the truck, or to negotiate with people. I mean I convince people to do stuff all the time. So all I have to do is be able to do it when someone is being threatened." 

They both sighed and looked at each other. "I love that you want to help people, but I don't think you have thought it threw. And-" 

"I have. Please just give me a chance." 

"We'll see. Go to bed okay?" Dad stood and walked over to me kissing my forehead. The conversation was over whether I wanted it to be or not. Mom did the same and walked away so I walked upstairs to my room and got into bed. Then I fell asleep after the long, long day.


So this wasn't based off of an episode (obviously). I just kind of wanted to continue the story a little bit. We will see where this takes us because I am literally making parts up as I write so.. XD. Hope you guys are enjoying this so far! BYYYYYEEE

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