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It was finally time! Clark, Dean, and I are all graduating today! Honestly, I never thought this day would come. Okay, I knew it would come, but I figured it would take longer. Anyway, I was in my room getting ready at my vanity when there was a knock on my bedroom door. "Clear," I responded quickly and turned my head to see who was entering. I was shocked to see Clark standing in the door frame with a smirk. "If I didn't know any better I'd think you were getting ready for prom or something," he joked walking into the room and behind me. Confused, I looked down at the sundress I was in and back up into the mirror to see him as he placed his hands on my shoulders gently. 

"You think I'd wear a sundress to prom? Honestly, I'm a little insulted," I let out a chuckle as his smile grew and he walked to my bed plopping down on it. He leaned back onto it letting out a sigh as he lifted his wrist to look at his watch, "You know we have to be there in thirty minutes right?" I playfully rolled my eyes at him in the mirror and finished putting my hair up, "I know, I know. I'm ready," I stood up and grabbed my bag off the bed as he sat up slowly. "You remembered to grab your cap and gown right babe?" I asked with a smirk, knowing that Clark was very laid back, and often very forgetful. His only response was a playful eye-roll and a mocking laugh, "Ha ha very funny. Yes, I have it. Come on lets go. We're gonna be late." 

When we finally arrived at the school, we were greeted by Dean and the rest of our friends, as well as the administrators and other classmates. Dean smiled giving us both hugs and told us that the teachers had placed pictures all around the school of our class as we grew up. After begging Clark for two minutes to go look at them with me, he finally caved in. Together, and with Dean, we walked through the halls seeing all the memories that we had made with the school, our classmates, and each other. Before I was able to get too emotional, it was time for us all to gather in the gymnasium and start our graduation ceremony. 

When our superintendent finally called my name I walked up to my principal and got my diploma. The second my hands touched that diploma, I heard loud cheering coming from the stands. I turned my head quickly to see all of Team One, my family, standing up and cheering for me. I laughed a bit and walked off stage to let the ceremony continue. When it was all over, Clark, Dean, and I all made our way over to the team who were standing at their trucks, lights and sirens blaring. In any other instance I would have been embarrassed, but this honestly just made me feel loved. I grew up with this team, as well as this school. It makes sense that I would end it this way. Once we were close enough, the team greeted us all with warm smiles and big hugs. "Congratulations guys!" Spike cheered as Dad smiled down at me and wrapped his arms around me in his familiar tight hug, "Proud of you, Bug."

I was always grateful for this team, but today I was reminded just how lucky I truly am to have them in my life. Once Clark was done saying his hellos to everyone he made his way back to my side, wrapping his arm around my waist. We all stood there and talked for a while, before finally getting in the trucks and going to the park where all of us would celebrate together. But I had something I wanted to do first. May would have graduated today too if she was still here. I had to go see her. Mom and Dad took me to the cemetery and let me have a few minutes alone with her. 

I walked over to her grave, with flowers that I had bought earlier in the day for her. I sat down beside the stone and took a deep breath. "Hey, May... We graduated today," I already felt tears welling up in my eyes. "I wish you could have been there with me. We'd walk together just like we always talked about. Remember that?" I let out a small chuckle, "Yeah, you'd probably had a song with a million hits by now and we would play it at our open house." I heard a stick break behind me and instantly knew that it was my parents, but I knew that they would give me however much time I needed. "God, May why didn't you just drop the gun..." I started to sob remembering that night. The roof of that building. "I would have been okay... you would have been okay. We wouldn't be here now. I miss you so much, May." I felt a hand on either one of my shoulders and saw them sit down on either side of me. 

"She would be proud of you, Lauren," Mom spoke softly as she rubbed gentle circles on my back. Dad wrapped his arm around my neck gently and pulled me into his side a little bit. "I miss her," I sobbed leaning into Dad. He pulled me a bit tighter against him and kissed the top of my head, "I know. She died protecting you, and I'd like to think that she still is protecting you. She is always with you. She will always be with you." We all stayed there a while, before going back to celebrate the continuation of life. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2023 ⏰

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