First Day (Part 2)

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"Copy that," Winnie said just as dad finished reading off the license plate information to her. Ed wasted no time moving forward into our investigation, stating, "Sam, you and me. Let's go," and they both took off down the hall. I wanted to go with them, but also didn't want to push any buttons. So I just stayed with mom and the rest of the team. I studied the pictures of the guy that Spike had pulled up. Then Spike started going through comments and other things on Jamie's website. 

"Where are we getting all of these?" Greg asked peering over Spike's shoulder. "Some of this he posted himself. Others, he's got a lot of fans, a lot of followers, he is huge on the web."

"Jamie Dee Wild and Free?" Wordy asked looking at the screen."That's his fan blog. He's also got a Twitter." He read out one of the tweets he had recently posted, "Shoutout to all the fat cats of North America. See you soon."

"That was posted two hours ago." I said reading the screen Greg looked at me, "Jessie James used to do that. He would write about his robberies before he ever did them." I just smiled and said, "Old school. I like it." Greg looked me in the eye and I did the same. We both broke out into a chuckle. Then almost out of nowhere, I heard Ed telling everyone that Winnie had someone call in telling her that they had a visual on the car that Jamie had stolen and that they were on their way. 

"Okay copy that Eddy," Greg's smile faded as he re-entered his business mindset. I did the same as mom looked at me and said, "Let's go." We both headed out the door but I continued to listen to everyone trying to understand as much as possible about Jamie. This was the first call that I was actually a part of for team one, I wanted to make a good first impression. I had heard about Jamie Dee at school. Everyone was crazy about the kid but I didn't really understand why. All he ever did was break the law, apparently, that's what all the cool kids did. I guess I was born to be different then. 

"The pursuing officer lost him but he picked up a stolen vehicle north of Queen," Ed told everyone and I felt my heart drop a little. This guy needs to be caught."It was abandoned. J.D. spray-painted on the side. Any idea where he is heading?" Dad asked, I assumed that was a question that could be answered by Spike. "Well, we've got a lot of eyeballs so there should be a sighting soon."

"Winnie, send more units to that sector," Greg ordered, but before anything else could happen Spike chimed in again. "Ah, Jamie just tweeted. 'Party at the Beverley Sweet hostel. 3 PM sharp. Come as you are. Bring friends.'"

"Yeah, he might be trying to throw us off the trail. Why would he tell us where he was going?" Greg was suspicious and for a good reason. Greg called the lady at the front desk of the building and began to explain the situation to her. Then he began to describe Jamie to her, and without fail, she told him that he had just walked past her. We had confirmation that our guy was in the building. Greg told her to leave the building but to be careful because we knew that Jamie was armed and dangerous. He hung up and asked Winnie for whatever information she had dug up. She began reading off the information to everyone, giving us more info. 

Upon our arrival at the building, Ed asked the woman that Greg called a few questions. Then he started assigning positions to everyone. "Sam, Jules, and Lauren on white door. Wordy back door with me." We all ran to our positions. I stayed close to dad as we walked through the crowd of people. 

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