Coliseum Shooting (part 3)

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With that, we continued our investigation. "Winnie cross-referenced recent vets with criminal records. I have 37 names," mom said sounding more relaxed now. "We need a shorter short list," Ed said and I could hear the anger in his voice. "They let guys with records into the military?" Leah questioned. "No, they get their records when they get home," Greg answered with a sigh.  Mom started listing all of the reasons that they had gotten arrested and Greg chimed in to have her look for recklessness and aggression on a lack of impulse control. "Trying to feel something again rather than not feel something," dad said looking at my arm again causing me to wince a bit as he put pressure on it. He looked at me with a sorry expression and I just looked at him and nodded, I didn't need him to get all protective on me. Not now.  "Jules one of those 37 vets might be in this personally." Greg continued and mom said that she was looking for a connection. One of the officers called Greg's name causing all of us to turn around and face her. It was an usher to help us through the maze of the place. He mentioned a bunker and all of us figured that's where he was hiding. 

"All I remember is it's around a concession stand. I only saw it once," the old man said as he talked to Greg. 

"There are 24 concession stands." Spike sighed. "Well, let's get out there. Y'know the old muscle memory will kick in." 

"No, it's too risky Charlie." That was the usher's name. 

"I gotta be on my feet. Trust me, I'll know when I feel it." 

"Alright, we take him in diamond formation through the concessions. We'll have great visibility, he'll be safe." Ed said and I decided that I was going to get back out there. I walked away from the water bucket and grabbed my headset and put on a bulletproof vest since my other vest was too risky to put back on. "Wordie, Leah, Sam, Lauren. Let's go." Ed said. "Let me try him on the cell phone. Maybe he'll talk to me." Dad said from behind me. Ed nodded and told Sam to stay with Greg, we would take Spike instead. "Lauren, you stay here too," Greg chimed in. I knew why, but I wanted to do my job. I looked over at him and he gave me a slight nod, knowing exactly what was going through my head. I would stay because I didn't want to lose this job, and it was Greg, so I wouldn't win the argument either way. "Copy that," I sighed. They got Charlie geared up in case of a shoot out and dad pulled out his phone. 

"Hey Jules, I'm sending a text to boss' phone. If this guy picks up are you going to be able to patch it through to the headsets?" Mom confirmed this and I stood next to dad waiting. There wasn't much else I could do at this point. The phone buzzed not 2 minutes later and dad picked it up, read the message, and chuckled a bit. I watched the conversation over his shoulder, Greg did the same. Then the phone started ringing, it was time. Dad looked over at Greg who gave him a nod to answer. 

"Braddock," he said. "Aka Badass Junior," the man said. I didn't really know what that meant but decided to leave it alone for now. "That's right," dad said chuckling a bit. "What do I get to call you?" He asked. "What are you doing MIO?" 

"Just keeping the peace," he said. '"Braddock, I need you unmask this area."

"Copy that, I just need to know that everything is going to be okay."

"I'm not going to say it again."

"I'm just glad to be back in this place again. Haven't been here since the 94 play-offs. Chicago game 5. You see that game?"

"I would have freaking killed to see that game," the man said with a slight chuckle. "But I had to turn into Hamilton."

"Get out of here, you must have been what, Branson? Pewe?"

"Adam. I didn't have a choice. The team needed me."

"So how'd it go in Hamilton?" The conversation went smoothly for a while. I started to think maybe dad could just talk this guy out of here. At least that's what I was hoping. I heard mom talking about the man whose rifle was used in the shooting, then I went back to listening to dad and the subject talk. "Why this place?"

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