Getting Back Into Action

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I decided one day that I wanted to get out of the house. Away from the memories of May and Jess. I walked downstairs and saw mom at the table eating her breakfast. She looked up and saw me standing there. "Hey, sweetheart. How are you feeling?"

"I'm okay. I just want to get out of the house. I want to get away from the constant reminders... Can I go with you to the station and hang out?"

"Yeah of course. I think Dean is there today too. Being around him may help you." I nodded and went upstairs to get dressed. Dean wasn't Clark, by a long shot, but it was still nice to have him around to help. I got ready and walked back downstairs and got in the car with mom. She drove us to the station and I walked into the building. The team all saw me and said 'hi', I told them all the same. I walked around until I saw Dean and I walked over to him. 

"Hey there. Are you feeling alright? I know this is really hard for you." He said looking at me and giving me a hug. "Yeah, I'm fine though. I just gotta keep pushing through it I guess." I sighed and hugged him back. "Well, that's good to hear. " He smiled down at me and I smiled back. Then I heard Winnie call Ed over to her desk. She told him something and he called the team into the briefing room. Dean and I followed just to hear what was going on. 

"Okay, guys. 12:45 pm, an unidentified male called 911 to report a series of attacks planned for today. Multiple bombs, targets are unknown." Spike chimed in, "Did the caller give a deadline?"

"No, he did not." Then Greg, "The attacks are racially motivated. The leader is Victor Akland. " He put a picture of the man on their screen. "What do we know about him?" Mom asked, probably profiling already. "Not a whole lot. 5 years ago he was red-flagged for handing out white supremes literature on university campuses. He ran with the Arians, now he looks like he's gone Indies. He's got no record, no website, he's a little under the radar"

"Home base is this abandoned glass factory," Ed added and put a picture of the factory up. 
"There are 23 subjects and they are armed. We gotta get them before they put their plan in play. We're gonna come at them in the east spilled north-south while Spike does his thing. Team 4 will hit from the west. "

"Extra cuffs kids," Greg jumped back in. "We're gonna need them."

"Let's go guys. Let's go. " They all walked out of the room, to get their weapons and supplies. Dad walked by me and Dean and told me to stay here until they got back. I nodded and, once again, told him to be careful. Once they all left, Dean and I got headsets from Winnie and listened as they did their job. 

"Anything Eddy?" Greg asked, I assume Ed must have been using binoculars. "No movement. Spike?"

"I got a network of security cams. Wireless, which is good. We knock out camera 2, we go a 50-degree zone of entry."

"Knock out camera 4 we gain another 20 degrees." Dad chimed in. "Nice" Spike said sounding impressed."Dangerous with a rifle, deadly with geometry." Wordy joked quietly.

"Come on camera 4, you can't hide for long. Your inscription means nothing to me." He must have been working on shutting it down. "Got you. Okay, recording a 10-second video to clean and loop."

"Zone by zone. Stay in contact. Spike you're looking for explosives."

"Copy that. The camera is looped. We're ready to go."

"Alright, let's do it. Team 4 let's move in." Listening to them is always stressful, but to know that they have 23 subjects in there is terrifying. Anything could happen. Then I heard a siren go off. "That can't be good..." I looked at Dean then Winnie.

"Troy, what the hell's going on?" Ed asked who must be team 4's Sargent. 

"Double tripped wire at the outer gate. We missed it."

"Copy that." This is where it got really scary. I was worried about my parents, and the rest of teams one and four. But no amount of fear was going to stop me from listening anyway. If something happened to them I want to know as soon as it happened. 


Okay so I didn't like the part I uploaded earlier so I deleted it and wrote this one instead. I think it flows a lot better. Any who. Its midnight right now, I am tired. So goodniiiiiiiight yall!

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