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"Let's see what the Schnee name really means." 

"I'm more than just a name."

"Hm, then prove it."


Weiss was losing, it didn't take a genius to figure that out. Despite being a part of one of the top first year teams at Beacon Academy, having killed numerous Grimm throughout the school year, reaching the semifinals of the Vytal festival, and surviving the Fall of Beacon, Weiss knew that she was outclassed. Despite her years of training with Myrtenaster, her Multi Action Dust Rapier, Weiss stood no chance against a bandit with years of experience, especially one with the powers of the Spring Maiden. 

Still, that wouldn't stop Weiss from doing her best, fighting till her last breath, despite this ambush.  She was a Schnee after all, as much as she hated what her family stood for, Weiss Schnee was a part of Team RWBY first and foremost. She won't disappoint her teammates, and the remains of Team JNPR. The interior of Haven Academy had turned into a battlefield, Ruby, Yang and the others facing off against their respective opponents. 

Running her finger along her blade, Weiss narrowed her eyes. The Atlesian etchings in Myrtenaster's blade turned orange, the color of the fire dust imbued in her blade's hilt. 

"Hyah!" Weiss swang Myrtenaster, a wave of flames aimed at Vernal, that stupid bandit using the powers of the Spring Maiden for selfish reason. Stupid Branwen bandits, stupid White Fang, stupid Cinder and her followers, stupid Lionheart that traitor! Most of all, stupid Salem for causing so much pain and suffering. 

Vernal simply jumped back, avoiding the flames. She fired a few shots from her crescent blade weapon, forcing Weiss to switch to ice dust. Forming a glyph right in front of her, Weiss stabbed the ground, forming a wall of ice that managed to block Vernal's bullets. 

This was bad, this was really bad. Weiss aimed Myrtenaster at the ground again, forming another glyph, the snowflake having the pattern of a familiar sword. The Arma Gigas could help Weiss turn the tide! It was strong enough to face a Queen Lancer, so it should be strong enough to help her fight a maiden. 

Armored arms pulled themselves out of the glyph, the knightly armor of the Arma Gigas rose from the white snowflake. Suddenly, yellow lasers sliced through the ice wall, decapitating the half formed Arma Gigas in the process. 

"Damn it!" Weiss mumbled under her breath. She barely rose Myrtenaster in time to block a strike from Vernal's crescent blade. 

"Did you think I was going to let you take the easy way out?" The Branwen second in command growled. Weiss only glared in return and formed a black glyph, this one pushing her away from the fallen Spring Maiden. Vernal threw one of her blades towards Weiss, forcing her to use another glyph to deflect the strike. 

Vernal caught her weapon easily and started firing, Myrtenaster easily being able to deflect several of the bullets. Using a glyph to launch herself in the air, Weiss dodged a few of Vernal's bullets, using Myrtenaster to deflect those she couldn't dodge. 

Gracefully landing back on the ground, Weiss stabbed the ground again, forming her summoning glyph. Only an arm was formed when Vernal suddenly struck, both of her crescent blades locking with Myrtenaster's blade. 

"You should have focused on fighting me instead of trying that trick again." Vernal boasted when she unleashed a barrage of lasers straight into Weiss' chest at point blank range. 

Weiss was sent flying through the air and she struck the ground hard, her aura shattering upon impact. Gritting her teeth as her blue aura disappeared, Weiss used Myrtenaster to force herself upon her knees. That was definitely going to leave a bruise, until her aura returned at least. 

"No!" Weiss heard Jaune scream from across the commons. Before she could turn, Weiss gasped, something had pierced her side. Feeling her eyes widen in pain, Weiss struggled to breathe. Looking at the golden spear that had impaled her, Weiss had never felt this much pain before in her life. Not even the training exercise that gained her a scar over her left eye caused her this much pain. 

The golden spear disappeared, leaving a bloody hole in her side, and the last thing Weiss saw as the floor rushed to meet her was darkness. 


Yu Takeyama, better known to the public as Mt. Lady, was bored. Patrol was fun half of the time, but the other half was extremely boring. Well, it was certainly much better than hanging out at her agency building. The rising hero didn't really have any sidekicks as of yet, but that was something she could fix in the future. At least the paparazzi took plenty of good pictures. That could help boost her ratings. 

At the rate she was going, Mt. Lady would soon become a household name! Those sponsorships would come flooding in once she managed to slide herself into the top ten. Hero insurance was starting to become expensive, especially with all of the damage that her quirk caused. Shinji was never going to let her hear the end of it. Always talking about responsibility and other boring stuff. 

Ignoring the stares of her dedicated fans as she flashed a few winks and a couple suggestive poses towards those who had cameras, something caught Mt. Lady's eyes. A bright flash of blue appeared near the mouth of an alleyway, not even a few feet away. 

"Excuse me." Mt. Lady formed a smirk as she grew a few inches. Walking through the crowd, Mt. Lady turned into the alleyway, when she suddenly paused. 

Laying in a small pool of blood was a teenage girl with hair as white as snow. 

"Somebody call an ambulance!" 

Today just turned out to be a lot less boring. The blood was going to be a bitch to get out of her costume though. It would be worth it, as long as the girl survived, which she would. 

Mt. Lady was here to the rescue after all. 


I've had this idea in my head for a few days now. It's my second attempt at writing a RWBY story and my first attempt a MHA story, so any advice would be appreciated

Weiss is my favorite character, so I hope to be able to do her character justice. I don't have much experience with fight scenes, but I'll do my best to make them enjoyable. 

Fun fact, the first draft of this story would have dropped Weiss into the Worm universe, ending up in Brockton Bay. 

We'll talk more about Myrtenaster's dust next time. 

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