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After the rude nurse left, Weiss was left alone to her devices. Naturally, if this was one of Cinder's plots. Weiss wasn't going to take it sitting down. Whoever these people were, they were not about to take Weiss as a hostage. Even with her losing her position as heir to the Schnee Dust Company, Weiss was still a Schnee. Father would just pay the ransom to punish her himself. Weiss' eyes darted around the room. While it may seem like a normal hospital room, who knows what hiding beneath each counter or desk. 

Weiss touched her side, feeling the bandages beneath her hospital gown. Yup, it seemed that someone got a lucky hit on her once her aura was down. If only she had her scroll on her. Being able to see her aura level would allow Weiss to plan an escape using her glyphs. Of course finding Myrtenaster would have to be next on her top list of priorities. 

The door opened again, revealing that rude Nurse, this time accompanied by an older man wearing a white lab coat. They both had some type of name tag on them, but it was in a language that Weiss didn't understand, which was surprising. 

"Can you understand me?" The Doctor said in Mistralian. He took out what seemed to be an older scroll and pressed a few buttons. He spoke again, but more hesitantly. "Or do you understand me with this language?" He said that last sentence in Atlassian. Weiss rolled her eyes. He had butchered every word in that sentence. 

"I can understand you just fine." Weiss replied in Mistralian before he could butcher her native language anymore than he already has. While she prefered speaking in Atlassian when alone or at home, she could easily speak to her friends in Valish, which served as trade language for all of the Four Kingdoms for some reason. The perks of knowing multiple languages ensured that she always knew what people were saying about her. 

The Doctor shared a glance with the rude nurse. 

"My apologies. Your Japanese is pretty good." The Doctor said while forming a smile on his face. Weiss only glared in response. What the hell was Japanese? That sounded like something Yang would have been into. "I'm Doctor Miura and this is Nurse Hayashi." He motioned towards the rude woman from earlier who also gave Weiss a warm smile. 

She didn't trust them. Something bad happened at Haven, otherwise Ruby, Yang, Jaune or even Ren and Nora would have been here already. Ruby would have been here before the doctor, attempting to break Weiss' ribs. 

"May I ask your name?" 

Now that was very insulting. While Weiss may have been known as the heir, now former, to the Schnee Dust Company, she also was a very popular singer throughout the Kingdoms. Every single one of her concerts never had an empty seat for crying out loud! Her last album stayed at the top of the charts for weeks. Weiss seethed inside, but she forced herself to swallow her pride. Exposing herself wouldn't do her any good if they were kidnappers or working with Salem. 

"Ruby Rose." Weiss said confidently, the Mistralian translation of her partner's name easily leaving her lips. 

"We shall see if that's true." Someone else said, the voice coming from the door. Weiss glared at the intruder once they made themself known. Walking through her hospital room's door was a tall man dressed in an oversized trench coat with a fedora. The man's face was impassive, not showing a single bit of emotion. 

"And who are you supposed to be?" Weiss said sarcastically. He looked important, but how did he know she was lying? Was that his semblance? 

"I'm Detective Tsukauchi from the National Police Agency." He pulled a small notepad from one of his many pockets. Oh, so he was a member of the police then? That was worse than dealing with the hospital staff here. The Detective exchanged a glance with Doctor Miura. "I have several questions for you once the good Doctor is done giving you an examination." 

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