One Hundred Twenty Five

721 31 8

The next day came faster than Weiss had expected, after convincing Mina that she was not in love with Midoriya, or even held the slightest sliver of affection for the green nerd. No offense, but she had never even seen him in a romantic light, at all. He wasn't Weiss' type, not one bit. The thought of liking him in that way nearly made Weiss gag, in a polite manner of course. He wasn't the issue, not that Weiss knew him enough for Midoriya to be one. Still, she would try being nicer to him in the future.

"Nervous?" The most annoying idol in the world asked. Weiss had to already be in the reception hall before most of the other guests arrived, to prepare for her performance. Ahri and Uta, along with their accompanying bands were also there, along with the waiters that were preparing for the upcoming party. The red and white haired girl was at one of the snack tables, devouring anything she was able to stuff in her mouth.

"Of course not." Weiss crossed her arms. That question was starting to be too common, and was losing its effect. She had decided to wear a dress that was identical to the one she wore when she first arrived here, down to the smallest details. It was simple, elegant, and wouldn't take too much attention away from her performance. Ahri wore a short skirt that fell mid thigh, and a glittery blue top that left one of her arms bare. Sadly, her blue was a similar shade to Weiss'."I practiced too hard to fail."

Ahri smirked as she took a small sip of lukewarm water to prepare her throat. She stood beside Weiss, watching the amateur bands that had won the contest to perform with them stare at everything in wonder, mostly the unlimited amounts of food. This would be the biggest stage ever for most of them, with powerful people of industry, and famous heroes that came from all around the world. There were rumors that All Might himself was attending, and was spotted walking around the I-Expo. "I like that drive of yours."

"What drive?" Weiss sighed. She'd rather be talking with Uta, or her band from Sakuragaoka High School. They were decent, and had potential, even if their lead guitarist liked to do her own thing occasionally and forgot the lyrics to the song. It was weird, talking to people who could be considered normal.

"That's for you to find out, since you're asking me that question." Ahri winked. The first of the guests soon started to trickle in. The Gumiho Hero started to saunter away, giving Weiss a wave without even bothering to look back. "I look forward to your song!"

Weiss wished she could say the same, but then that'd be a lie. Her friends and classmates would be arriving a little later, to not be the first since that was usually awkward, but not too late as to miss her song. Kyouka, Mina, and Momo had already seen her sing in person countless times anyways.

"Yui! Ritsu! don't you dare eat that!" A girl with her long black hair in pigtails chased after Weiss' guitarist and drummer. That managed to crack a small smile onto Weiss' face. Hopefully everyone had fun with her performance.

That was all that mattered.


Note to self, running in a suit is a bit harder than it looked, at least in Izuku's opinion. He had spent the entire morning with Melissa, and had forgotten what time it was until Iida called him. Well, Iida yelled at him through the phone since he was late.

"Sorry about that you guys!" Izuku ran into the entrance of the waiting hall. He paused. Only Iida, Kaminari, Mineta and Todoroki were standing around. "Where is everyone else?"

"Schnee's already inside, and everyone else is not here yet!" Iida complained, his face serious like always. "This is why we arranged for a proper meeting time, people! Does that not mean anything anymore?!" He started bending and unbending his arm like a robot.

All Izuku could do was scratch the back of his neck sheepishly.

"Sorry I'm late!" A familiar voice called out as the mechanical doors opened. Uraraka walked in with an awkward smile. "It took me a while to get ready." She wore a fluffy pink dress with black stockings. S-S-She looked cute.

Schnee: Hero or Huntress (RWBY/MHA)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora