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Running an aura protected finger along Myrtenaster's blade, Weiss inspected her beloved sword for any imperfections. There weren't any of course. Myrtenaster was designed by Weiss, and she helped in its creation physically. Myrtenaster was an extension of her very being, an extension of her very soul. Without Myrtenaster, Weiss would be incomplete. Her body was trained to be able to use it to its fullest potential, using the ice-skating and ballet skills she perfected when she was younger. In Weiss' hands, Myrtenaster was the perfect weapon.

Holding the sword in her left hand, Weiss struck a pose, with her right hand hovering where the Dust chamber met the blade. Sadly, Myrtenaster was dependent on her supply of Dust, which would be severely limited in this world. Growing more with the old Schnee techniques would take a while, but it was possible. She already emptied the Dust vials in the chamber, hiding them in a box under her bed.

Forming a glyph beneath her feet, Weiss launched herself forward, Myrtenaster ready to strike her imaginary opponent. Thrusting her sword forward, Weiss used another glyph to change her direction, avoiding the wall. Mt. Agency was a four story building, with the first floor looking like a normal office workspace, albeit with posters of Yu posing suggestively in her costume. The second floor held their living quarters as well as other rooms. The third and fourth floors were empty, void of any furniture with plenty of space to practice.

Jumping, Weiss landed on a glyph that formed on a wall and used it to send herself gliding through the air, before striking another pose in the middle of the empty space. Aiming the blade downwards, Weiss formed another glyph, a different one with a unique pattern.

The armored head of the Arma Gigas appeared, the very Grimm that gave Weiss her distinct scar. Could she have had it healed? She had access to the finest doctors and surgeons after all, but doing so would be folly.

The scar helped Weiss to remember that she wasn't invincible, that she could be defeated in combat. Winter had thrown a fit when she found out that Weiss refused to use her aura to heal the wound. Perhaps she had done it out of spite since everyone in her life abandoned her.

Winter ran away to the army, leaving Weiss to be molded by Father's lessons on running the family business. Mother didn't even seem to notice, so engulfed in her own world, and Whitley only gave her a snide comment. At least the tabloids ate it up, with some accusing the infamous Jacques Schnee of child abuse. The rumors quickly disappeared, the tabloid companies being bought out not long after.

Staring at the armored knight, Weiss waved the glyph away along with the Arma Gigas. Nobody needed to know what she was truly capable of. Keeping a few cards hidden would be beneficial in the future. She started working on her slashes, thrusts, and ripostes, twirling and dancing as she fought the air. Forming another glyph, Weiss used it to catch her to take a small break.

Taking several deep breaths, she allowed her aura to sooth her almost healed wound. Weiss had been working out for nearly two hours now, using as little aura as possible in the beginning.

Wiping the sweat from her forehead using her sleeve, Weiss started to do her final stretches, her mind drifting back to her scroll. She had albums worth of music stored, ranging from all types of genres that she experimented with. Hopefully she could find a record company that would take her in.

"That was pretty impressive. You should consider applying to UA."

Weiss quickly turned around, Myrtenaster in hand, and stopped her slash an inch away from the intruder's neck. Purple eyes met Weiss' light blue.

"Yu? I'm so sorry." Weiss removed Myrtenaster from nearly taking Yu's neck off, and bowed her head while shutting her eyes closed.

"Eh, don't worry about it. You're far from the scariest villain I've had to face." Yu patted the smaller girl's back softly. That did little to comfort Weiss. The people here didn't have aura, and while some were durable, Yu could have been injured, and it would've been Weiss' fault.

She would have to adjust how much strength she used in the future.

"When did you get back?" Weiss said, changing the conversation.

"Not too long ago. I tried calling you down for dinner, but someone wasn't answering their phone." Yu smirked. She smiled as if Weiss hadn't almost taken her head off just moments earlier. "So I guessed that you were up here."

She didn't deserve her.

"Oh…" Weiss had muted her phone beforehand, not wanting anything to interrupt her concentration. "I'm sorry-"

"Upupup!" Yu placed a finger on Weiss' lips, silencing her. "Stop apologizing for everything. Now let's go eat. We have guests so be on your best behavior."


Yu sniffed the air, and her smile turned into a grimace.

"Take a shower first though. You stink."

"I hate you." Weiss grumbled as they both made their way to the elevator, Myrtenaster aimed towards the ground.

Yu only pulled Weiss close as soon as the elevator doors closed, gagging as she did so.

"I know you mean love."


After taking a quick shower that did confirm Yu was over exaggerating, Weiss exited the bathroom in a fresh pair of clothes. Myrtenaster was back in her room, locked away in her closet. Drying her hair with a towel wrapped around her neck, Weiss made a quick stop in the laundry room, dropping off said towel, and made her way to the living room.

"Nice of you to finally make it. I was about to send a search party." Yu said from the table, a man Weiss had never seen seated across from her. The man's skin was tanned, and he wore a tight blue costume with wood attached. Weiss blinked slowly. Correction, the man seemed to be made of wood, most likely his quirk. He seemed a bit familiar. "Weiss, meet Shinji Nishiya. Shinji, meet Weiss."

"A pleasure to meet you, Nishiya." Weiss gave a slight bow of her head. She took the seat next to Yu.

"Same here. I'm glad to see that you're feeling better." Nishiya said. "And don't worry about the naming thing. I'm sure it'll take some getting used to. Feel free to call me Shinji, unlike someone else here." He glared at Yu who grinned sheepishly.

What did he mean by that?

"I filled him in already."

Weiss' head turned so fast, her hair slapped the other side of her head.


"Don't worry. Shinji is the one that found you the night you escaped the hospital." Yu said as she opened her bowl of food. "Now let's eat before this food gets even colder. Soggy noodles are the worst."

Weiss' eyes darted between the two heroes. Did these two have something going on? The two started bickering as soon as Weiss started eating her own meal.

At least dinner came with a show.

I saw the Volume 8 finale fight. I was so proud of Weiss, and she even lasted the longest against Cinder while solo.
I'm glad I isekai Weiss where I did, otherwise she would steamroll most of the MHA storyline, and where would the fun be in that?

Question of the day:

What is your favorite MHA intro?

Till next time on Schnee: Hero or Huntress

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