Thirty Eight

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"Last one there is a rotten egg!" Yu shouted as Weiss used a glyph to step over the table. She formed a dozen more that allowed her to glide to the floor. Landing on the ground, Weiss practically ran to the elevator, with Yu scrambling right behind her. Slamming into the elevator, Weiss frantically pressed the close button, which closed shut as soon as Yu reached it, the door shutting on her. Now Yu would have to take the emergency stairs if she wanted a chance of beating Weiss. The elevator continued to move as Weiss took a deep breath.

The elevator soon came to a stop. Weiss narrowed her eyes, willing a line of glyphs on the floor to life as soon as the door opened.

"GOT YOU!" Yu shouted, bursting through the nearby entrance to the emergency stairs. Weiss ignored her as she launched herself forward, using her skating experience to slide on her glyphs.

"I DON'T THINK SO!" Weiss spotted the front entrance, a lone letter on the floor beneath the small entrance that the mailman used to deliver any mail.

Weiss and Yu both jumped at the same time, their arms extended. Landing on the floor with a thud, Weiss grinned victoriously as her pale hands touched the paper of the letter. It was sealed with UA's logo, and she felt something else in the packaging, something round.

"Cheater…" Yu groaned in pain, her face still aimed at the floor. Weiss kept grinning as she slowly stood up, smoothing out her black dress. Thankfully, she always wore her black safety shorts that weren't visible, unless someone decided to look up her skirt either on purpose or on accident.

"I'll take this in my room." Weiss smirked as she sauntered past Yu's prone form. She turned her head slightly once she heard the rustle of Yu getting up. "I'll let you know what it says."

"You better." Yu pouted as she slowly sat up with another groan. She gave Weiss a wink. "Just know that I'm proud of you no matter if you got in or not."

Weiss smiled in return. "Thanks."

She needed to pass.


Closing the door to her room behind her slowly, Weiss made her way to her desk. Placing the letter on the desk gently, Weiss felt her hands start to shiver. Schools normally sent letters to everyone who applied, whether they passed or failed. Just because they sent her one didn't mean she passed. Even Beacon did the same for their applicants.

Weiss took a deep breath. Ruby, Blake and Yang, what would they think if she failed? How would they celebrate if she passed? Grabbing her 'Weiss Schnee' brand letter opener that had a carving of her signature glyph on the handle, Weiss carefully sliced through the opening, making sure to leave the UA seal intact. Placing the letter opener to the side, she grabbed the contents inside.

…and what in the Four Kingdoms was this?! Apart from another letter, was a circular metal object that sat in the middle of her small palm. Holding it in the air, Weiss' light blue eyes examined the strange piece of technology. UA must've had a rather large budget if they sent these to everyone who applied, and that wasn't even mentioning the various Battle Center's where they were tested. Placing the object on the desk, Weiss started reaching for the letter that was inside the envelope, when the metal object came to life.

"I am here! As a projection!" The metal object turned out to be a holoprojector, shooting up the image of the world's number one hero in the air. With his signature grin, bangs in the air, and rather expensive looking suit that he wore, All Might looked rather impressive. Weiss narrowed her eyes at the grinning projection. She wasn't aware that he was a teacher at UA.

"Congratulations young Schnee! Your performance during the Physical exam impressed many of the judges, and your performance on the written exam was just as exemplary!" All Might said, his grin never leaving his face, as if it was etched onto him. "Of course, you still have much to learn! As you may have guessed, I shall be the newest member of UA's teaching staff."

Well, that explained why he was sending her a personalized video, but was he doing this just because of her name-

All Might suddenly gazed away from the camera. "Hurry it along? I thought I was almost done with all of the videos. Oh well." He turned back to the camera, and Weiss felt a shiver go down her spine. It felt like he was staring straight at her in person.

"Young Schnee, I am also proud to say…"

Weiss felt her breath get stuck in her throat.

"That you scored 100 points during the Physical exam!" All Might threw his arms to the side, revealing a chart with names and numbers. "With 80 Villain points and 20 Rescue points, you placed first in the exam! Congratulations once again!"

Her cheeks felt wet as tears started to flow down her face. She made it! She really made it! Weiss passed! If only the rest of her friends could be here to join her. If only Ruby was here-

"I shall see you soon once classes begin Young Schnee!" All Might's recording gave her a thumbs up.

"Welcome to your Hero Academia!"

Weiss smiled as the recording ended, and wiped her tears away with her loose hair.

"Thank you…"

We're finally here! Over 40k words and Weiss has finally been accepted into UA! Judging by how long this took, I can tell that this is going to be quite a long story.

Weiss was supposed to reach UA by chapter 20 a long time ago in my first draft. That clearly didn't happen, but I'm glad! It allowed me to flesh out Weiss adapting to this new world she's in, and build her relationship with Mt. Mom!

No chapter tomorrow since I wasn't supposed to write today. We also have a TV tropes page now! Feel free to add to it

Question of the day:

How do you think Weiss would do in Aizawa's test?

Till next time on Schnee: Hero or Huntress!

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