Fifty One

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"Everyone gather around so we can review the third matchup!" All Might declared as he held a notebook in his hands. By now, Weiss, Mineta and the two heroes they went up against were now in the observation room, their classmates gathered around them whispering and shouting. Thankfully, they were focused on the wellbeing of Kirishima and Ojiro, with the redhead having been slightly injured with Weiss' lazy swings. Like seriously, she didn't even strike him that hard and he still bled! Ignoring Kyouka's and Mina's concerned looks. Weiss stood next to the other three participants. All Might stood off to the side. 

"What mistakes did the Hero team make?" All Might asked, turning his gaze towards Kirishima and Ojiro. He truly was a wise teacher, using these reviews to tell his students what they needed to improve in, but could he tell that Weiss was holding back like Mr. Aizawa? Yaoyorozu and Iida's hands immediately shot into the air. "Iida, what do you think?" 

Glasses took a step forward and bowed his head politely. "When they heard Schnee's singing, they assumed that she was alone and fell for her trap!" 

All Might nodded slowly. "Yaoyorozu, anything else?" 

"They also allowed the villain team to decide where and when the initial battle shall take place, which means that they had the advantage with knowledge of where Mineta's balls were stationed throughout the building." Yaoyorozu said respectfully. Weiss had personally spotted a few more mistakes, but she had made a few of her own so who was she to say them out loud? Of course, the mistakes were done in order to throw off the scent that she was more experienced than they were, and how versatile her glyphs were. 

"Yes! When possible, remember this. This is the villain's hideout, they are on the defense, so they shall try to use every trick and strategy possible in order to win." All Might said firmly, yet kindly. "Sometimes you must fight them on their terms, but there will always be a better option! A tactical retreat does not mean defeat!" All Might's grin never faded. "You did well, Young Kirishima and Young Ojiro. Just reflect on what happened here today. Good job!" He gave them a thumbs up. 

All Might turned to Weiss and Mineta, who was no longer bleeding from his scalp. He gave Myrtenaster a glance before turning to the rest of the class. "What did the villain team do wrong?" 

"Ooo oo! Pick me!" The floating pair of gloves and boots waved their hands. Hagakure if Weiss' memory was correct, as usual. Let's see what the invisible girl noticed. 


"Schnee left Mineta to guard the nuke while going off by herself!" True, that was a potentially dumb move that could have costed them the victory, if Weiss was a lesser person. It was a risk that Weiss was willing to take. 

"And she toyed with them instead of ending the fight as soon as possible, ribbit." Tsuyu the frog faunus added. That was a valid criticism as well. 

"Excellent!" All Might held a single finger in the air. "Never prolong a battle just for the thrill of it! You may find that your opponent may suddenly turn the tide. Congratulations on your victory, Young Schnee and Young Mineta!" 

Weiss bowed her head politely, but kept her composure. It was only natural that this would end in her team's victory. Still, the battle would have been over before it started if Ruby was here. 

"Who was the MVP of this match?" All Might asked. Another thought provoking question, one that Weiss already knew the answer to. Kirishima and Ojiro didn't really do anything special, so it would be between Mineta and herself. Of course, while she did most of, if not all, of the physical fighting, Mineta's balls allowed her to control the environment around her due to knowing where they were all placed. 

The little mongrel was actually useful, or at least his quirk was. He was still annoying. Plus Weiss was going to have a word with him about calling a queen and goddess. Turning her attention back to the class, she observed as they all turned to each other confused and whispering. 





Weiss swore that a large sweat drop formed on the side of All Might's chiseled face. Those were rather divisive answers that he received. 

"Ha ha ha! It's great to see so many opinions." All Might laughed confidently. "I would have to agree with those who chose Young Mineta." 

Disappointing for sure, since Weiss was the one who took on both 'heroes' and came out without a single scratch. She tightened her grip on Myrtenaster, but didn't reveal any emotions on her face. 

"By using his quirk to set up traps and barricade doors to funnel the Hero team in the direction which would suit the Villains the best, Young Mineta essentially allowed the Villain team to control when and where the Heroes shall fight Young Schnee." All Might gave them all a thumbs up. "Don't be afraid to think outside the box. Now onto the next match!"

Weiss rejoined her class in watching the rest of the matches, ignoring the confused stare the idiot dog gave her. 

How annoying. 


The rest of the day passed by quickly. After Basic Hero training, the school day was almost over, so the class divided into their cliques and friend groups that had been formed. Kyouka was near the student with a bird head, who was sitting on one of the desks, along with Ojiro, the student with a tail. Mina was talking to Green Boy who had just returned from the infirmary after injuring himself during his fight with the dog. Weiss formed a small smile.  

She loved that her friends were able to socialize without Weiss there to ruin it for them. They deserved that and so much more for everything that had done for her. Still, there was a hole in Weiss' heart that wasn't easily filled, a large rose shaped hole. 

Looking down at her notebook, Weiss bit her bottom lip gently. She had decided to accept the offer to produce that new movie's soundtrack. Apparently it was about some rebelling cybernetic soldier from the future that decided to become a hero, and Weiss had no idea where to start. 

"Was that one of your new songs, Miss Weiss?" A voice interrupted Weiss' lonesome thoughts. Turning her eyes slightly, Yaoyorozu came into view. "Back during the training exercise I mean."

"I'm afraid a song like that isn't very public friendly." Weiss said dryly. "I came up with it on the spot, hoping it would give me an edge." It worked out in the end, judging by how scared Kirishima and Ojiro were when they saw her. 

"Ah I see." Yaoyorozu replied. "Maybe you should do a concept album full of villains-like songs." She giggled politely. 

"Perhaps. If I do, I'll let you hear it first." Weiss was just being polite of course. Why would she write villainous songs? Just the thought of writing a song with its lyrics based off of Cinder started to make her leg shake. That psycho almost killed her, only being foiled by whatever sent Weiss into this world, and Yu. 

"Really? You're so kind!" Yaoyorozu said with a large smile. Weiss returned it with her 'Idol' smile. Overall, today was not bad for the second day of school.  

Now if she could only get that Todoroki guy to stop staring at her. 


Did you guys see the RWBY Ice Queendom trailer? I personally can't wait since it seems to be a Weiss-centric story. Might have to adapt some things depending on Weiss' abilities there. Speaking of Weiss' abilities.. 

I checked her Vs wiki page and rewatched her part in Death Battle. Damn, it seems that most of us are really underestimating her because of her 'always losing'. Yeah, she's holding back a lot. 

Question of the day:

Have you ever gone to RTX? The con hosted by Roosterteeth. 

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