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Weiss stared out of the car window blankly, her mind still thinking back to the events of the previous night. The moon, that wasn't her moon.  Back home you could always see pieces of the shattered moon, even during the time of month when it was supposed to be full. Here, she didn't see the fragments that shone like the stars, only the round fullness of a moon that wasn't her own. She was stuck in a world that wasn't her own, that much was obvious. Now that she had a better view of the outside world, Weiss realized that the streets here looked nothing like the ones in Mistral. Humans, faunus, and others with more extreme quirks, as Detective Tsukauchi explained, roamed the sidewalks. 

This world was weird. They had no Grimm, no Dust, no huntsmen or huntresses, and they didn't have any aura. Instead this world had quirks, sort of a more extreme semblance, and they had heroes who attended hero school's instead of huntsmen academies. 

Weiss pinched herself. Yup, this was not a dream. After she was returned to the hospital, she underwent one final check up, and was discharged. Doctor Miura was confused why her wound healed so quickly, but dismissed any questions after a brief chat with Detective Tsukauchi. 

The conversation that came afterwards with Mt. Lady and the Detective was the most uncomfortable talk Weiss ever had, and that was counting those meetings she had with Father and the board members of the SDC. They asked questions, some of which Weiss answered, and then she would ask her own questions. She didn't like any of the answers she received. 

"Are you hungry? I'm sure you haven't eaten breakfast yet." Mt. Lady asked from the front of the car. No longer dressed in her 'hero' costume, she was a pretty woman, most likely around Winter's age if not a bit younger. She told Weiss to call her 'Yu' when she was out of her costume. 

"No, thank you for asking." Weiss answered politely. She stayed at the hospital last night since it was too late at night to leave without a place to stay. Yu had promised to come back to pick her up in the morning, after making sure that Weiss wouldn't try escaping again, not that the idea crossed her mind. Even if it did, where would she go? Her lien was useless, she didn't know the city, and Weiss was all alone. 

"If you say so. I'll pick something up since we're already out, and you can eat it whenever you feel like it." Yu said as she parked on the side of the street. She gave Weiss a small smile. "I'll be right back." 

Weiss didn't respond as Yu left. She didn't tell them the complete truth about where she was from, only the basics. How she was a huntress-in-training from Beacon Academy, and how she was seventeen years old. That last one earned her a confused look from both adults. The doctor's had placed Weiss' age at around fourteen to fifteen years old, and the 'official' paperwork Yu signed for Weiss' release said that she was fourteen years old. Looking at her reflection in the window, that was understandable. Why did this happen? Was this one of Professor Ozpin's schemes? If it wasn't him, did that Spring Maiden do this to her? Magic was able to turn Qrow and Raven into birds, what if it could also deage someone and send them to a completely different world? 

The lack of sleep caused Weiss' head to hurt, but she couldn't sleep. Everytime she closed her eyes, silver, lilac and golden eyes always stared back. Her eyelids slowly started to drop. 

You left us, Weiss. 

N-No! Weiss jumped awake just as Yu got back into the car. 

"And I'm back! Sorry if I took too long, the line in there was killer." Yu placed the bags of food on the passenger seat. She turned her head to look at Weiss. "Thank you." 

"For what? I didn't do anything." Weiss sighed. She should be the one thanking them. Yu was the one that saved her life after all. 

"For not driving away with my car. I just bought this baby." Yu gave her a grin as the car started moving again. Weiss tried glaring at the blonde woman, but she couldn't. Everything was happening too fast, it was like a blur. "Hey Weiss, what kind of snakes are found on cars?" 

"I don't know." Weiss said absentminded. Her eyes were busy scanning the strange signs that covered some buildings, and staring at passerbyers that had strange appearances. If Father didn't like the Faunus before, he would have a heart attack once he saw how different people looked here. Some had extra hands, perhaps an extra eyeball, anything seemed to be possible. 

"Windshield vipers." 

Yu's blonde hair was suddenly replaced with a familiar gold. Weiss' eyes widened at the sight of Yang and Ruby bickering in the front of the car, Blake seated alongside her with a small smirk. The vision disappeared as soon as it came, leaving Weiss alone in the backseat. 

"Weiss? Are you ok?" Yu asked, looking at the rearview mirror.. Taken out of her thoughts, Weiss touched her cheek, her tears wetting her pale fingers. Was she crying? 

"I'm fine." Weiss said, rubbing the sleeve of her borrowed hoodie that was a few sizes too big on her cheek and eyes, the purple cloth turning damp. 

"Ok…" Yu turned her eyes back towards the road. "We're going to my agency. You can stay there as long as you want to. Detective Tsukauchi said he'll come by later so we can talk in more detail. Too many ears at the hospital you know?" 

Weiss nodded silently as her hands tightened around the box that held Myrtenaster along with her other belongings, her only connections to her friends. What was she going to do? What could she do? She was just a child now, a child armed ti the teeth, but a child nonetheless. What could a huntress-in-training do without any Grimm to fight? 

Nana Schnee always liked telling stories when Weiss was younger. Many of them were about her own ancestor, the Schnee's were one of the ancient houses of Atlas and had a long history. Yet despite hundreds of conflicts or economic crises that came their way, the Schnee's survived, and that's what Weiss would do. 


I skipped the initial talk. Why? It's basically a bunch of expositions that could be explained later, like at Mt. Lady's agency building. It wouldn't add anything to the overall story. Worst chapter so far, but I hope it was enjoyable, because that's my goal. I want a story that's fun and enjoyable to read. 

Thank you to all of my readers! I appreciate each and everyone of you that took the time to read my writing. This story wouldn't be here without the support from you guys! Even more thanks to those who watch, like, follow, favorite, comment or give kudos! (This is being crossposted on a lot of places)
Question of the day,

What is your favorite RWBY song? There are no wrong answers. 

Till next time on Schnee: Hero or Huntress

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