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Todoroki Shoto didn't have many pleasures in life. He enjoyed traditional Japanese literature, pissing off his Father, eating cold soba, but most of all, he loved Weiss Schnee's music. At first, he had simply dismissed her as the latest trend, a bratty idol that everyone would forget in a year or so. Then Fuyumi forced him to watch the live stream of the White Concert, which changed him. Her music touched his very soul, it was as if she was speaking to him. He spent the rest of the day listening to This Life is Mine, rewatching the concert clip over and over again. Whenever Father decided to stay over at home instead of sleeping at his agency, Shoto would make sure the volume was loud enough to shake the foundations of their house. 

The fact that the Weiss Schnee ended up in the same hero course as him made Shoto feel butterflies in his stomach. Still, he was here to become a hero, not ogle over the amazing singer. He would surpass his Father, surpass All Might and become the World's Number One hero just by using his ice. Once he did that, Shoto could finally allow himself to be happy by spitting his Father's dream of a legacy. 

Staring at the large holographic screen in front of him, Shoto found himself standing next to Jirou, who watched nervously. She seemed familiar with her earjack like earlobes. Shoto gave her a side-glance, when his eyes widened. He had seen her before, multiple times. 

"You're her bassist aren't you?" Shoto found the words leaving his mouth before he could stop himself. His eyes drifted back to the screen. Kirishima and Ojiro were barely on the second floor, scrambling as they searched door by door. It reeked of inefficiency. 

Jirou's head turned so fast, she looked like she snapped her neck. "Wha-How did you even?..." She gave their fellow classmates a glance before giving him a glare. 

"Don't say that out loud." Jirou hissed as she turned her attention back to the screen. Schnee was now standing at the end of a hallway that led to the third floor where the fake nuke was hidden. 

"Why-" Shoto's question was interrupted by the sound of the building's microphones picking up someone's voice. 

"Does it feel good? Knowing that you tried…" 

Shoto knew that voice! His eyes darted to the smaller screen that was focused on Schnee. She was inspecting her blade as she sang the slow and creepy song. Kirishima and Ojiro seemed spooked, but they started heading in her direction. 

"What's she doing?!" Sero, the student that could shoot some type of tape out of his elbows, said. "She's leading them straight towards her!" 

"...knowing that remains is a slow and brutal death…" 

Now that was a rather creepy song. Shoto didn't remember any of her songs that were this eerie, and she had quite a few that dealt with mature topics. Shoto's eyes darted to the hero team. They both seemed unnerved, but they pressed onwards as they avoided several purple balls. 

"She's using psychological warfare." Yaoyorozu said, her finger on her chin as she stared at the screen. "Using the environment and the song's lyrics, she's trying to catch them off guard." 

"She's leading them straight into a trap…" Jirou said softly, her eyes still focused on the screen. Perhaps she was, but even with her quirk, Shoto doubted that the Idol could fight a two on one battle and win. Mineta was still recovering in the bomb room so she wouldn't have any reinforcements anytime soon, unless she was just trying to stall them until time ran out. 

"..of the fools that will die in vain…" 

Kirishima and Ojiro turned the corner, freezing in place as they caught sight of the smaller singer in the purple ball filled hallway. Kirishima raised his arms defensively, and Ojiro's tail swung from side to side, his arms also held in front of him. Shoto couldn't see their faces due to the camera's angle, but Schnee's was on clear display. 

Schnee: Hero or Huntress (RWBY/MHA)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum