Ninety Two

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The next day, Weiss lounged around Kyouka's house, a notebook in her hand as the bassist messed around in her parent's studio. Mina was busy with her parents, but Momo, it still felt weird calling Yaoyorozu by her personal name, said that she would show up in an hour or so. It was Kyouka's idea to invite her honestly. 

Writing music where it would be born was always a great motivator. She pressed the end of the pen against her cheek, flipping the pages of the notebook. Hero and Sacrifice would work well with the dark atmosphere the director wanted, they would have a video conference in a few hours to continue discussing the tones he wanted, but Weiss also wanted to experiment more, maybe even add a new voice. She eyed Kyouka who pushed several levers and twisted a few knobs. 

"Hey Kyouka, do you have any songs that are finished?" Weiss asked, closing the notebook shut. Just because she was writing the music didn't mean she would perform all of it. She would probably sing Sacrifice on her own, and Nevermore with whoever the producers wanted. Hero would have to go to a male singer despite it being her favorite so far, especially since part of it was inspired by All Might. 

"Yeah, why?" Kyouka paused and turned her head with a frown. She scratched the side of her head, her mouth open in confusion. "I wrote one for fun when you first told me about the movie." 

"Because you're talking to the idol that's producing the OST for a Hollywood blockbuster, who is one of your closest friends and wants one of your songs in the album." Weiss said bluntly. While Weiss was undoubtedly a master when it came to lyrics and music production, which she was called word for word back on Remnant, Kyouka was still a bit rough around the edges, but she was a natural at it. The dark haired girl just needed to work on her confidence. 

Kyouka's voice would also add a nice flavor in between all of the songs featuring Weiss' singing. 

"Momo can play the piano right? Pass me the sheet music and we'll play it right now. If I like it I'll tell the Director when I see him this afternoon." Weiss continued, not giving Kyouka a chance to reject her. Her friend groaned and placed her head in her hands. 

"What if it's not good enough?" Kyouka mumbled after a few seconds, finally deciding to sit up straight. 

Weiss got up from her spot on the couch and poked Kyouka's forehead. "Then you keep moving forward. Just because you stumble a few times doesn't mean the race is over. You don't lay on the side of the road and wait to die, you get back up on your feet." 

Kyouka stared at her, and sighed, rubbing the spot on her forehead where Weiss had poked her. 

"You should've become an inspirational speaker instead of an idol." 

"I hate you." 


Weiss' fingers danced as she played the guitar, her fingers expertly pressing each chord at just the right moment as she followed Kyouka's bass. Momo followed along on the keyboard, adding the beats of heavy drums with a sound machine beside her, a small smile on her face as she concentrated. Weiss paused on the guitar as the singing started. 

"I always say, I always say that's the last time, a promise that I can't keep." Kyouka sang a bit nervously. "I always say I'll get a grip and it'll be fine, but I lie straight through my teeth." 

Playing music was always a good way to destress, and it was always fun to play with her friends. Heh, who would have thought that Weiss would even have been able to make friends outside of Team RWBY?

"And though I try and do it right with my intention, keepin good, they never break, but I still bend 'em." Kyouka's singing started to speed up by a few beats. "Cause this devil on my shoulder wants to pull me underneath." 

Momo was actually doing well for her first time in the studio, if only she was a bit more confident. Weiss could hear it in her music. 

"Another sleepless night staring through the ceiling." 

Ok, that line actually hit a bit too close to home, but Weiss managed to keep her composure just barely. 

"Wondering how could I calm my head, yeah calm my head cause-" 

Weiss' guitar joined the fray as well as the drums from Momo's sound machine. 

"I see red, my blood is boiling, and it shows, when all you are is a weapon, you shoot em all till you end up alone." Kyouka's voice was more confident now as she sang loudly. 

"I seem fine, but I can't take the highs and the lows. All I am is a weapon, I shoot em down till I end up alone." 

Perhaps Weiss should have given the lyrics a scan beforehand…


"So what did you think?" Kyouka asked nervously, a mug of steaming hot tea in her hands. 

"I liked it! Though the lyrics were a bit too dark for me." Momo answered honestly, placing her own mug on the coffee table they were gathered around. 

Weiss took a small sip from her coffee and tapped her fingers against the table. It was fun getting a chance to mess with Kyouka, she should be glad Weiss was so merciful. 

"It's raw, and powerful. With a professional band-" Not that they were bad, but Weiss preferred as many instruments as possible being played in person than sound machines. "-it will definitely make it onto the soundtrack." Weiss hoped she wouldn't have to fight to get 'weapon' on the album. 

Kyouka released a sigh of relief while Weiss took another sip of her coffee. It felt weird, relaxing while drinking coffee after the events of the day before. The Sports Tournament felt longer than it actually was. 

"Thanks." Kyouka choked out, which earned her a large smile from Momo, who practically beamed from excitement the moment she arrived. That was cute. 

Weiss gave her phone a glance. It was almost time to meet the Director. "Do you two want to sit in on the meeting?" 

Mina was usually the one who joined her, even though Weiss often had to restrain her from making any hasty decisions. 

"Really?" Yaoyoro-, uh, Momo, blinked a few times. 

"Of course." Weiss smirked upon seeing Kyouka's surprised face. 

"I'm Weiss Schnee, and whatever I says goes, usually." 

"You're such a diva." 

"Shut up." 


The xoom meeting took a bit to load, even with Weiss' expensive laptop, but eventually the room opened. Straightening the skirt of her black dress and ignoring Kyouka's forced smile and Momo's nervousness, they entered the meeting. 

"Hello Miss Schnee!" The Director said with a large grin. He was an Asian-American man, and his Japanese had the slightest hint of an accent. The other producers in the meeting gave their greetings as well. 

"Please, call me Weiss." Such pleasantries would always be required when dealing with matters in the business world. Plus it would help to be on their good side when it came to push the agenda Weiss wanted for the OST. 

"Haha, then you're going to have to call me Monty." Director Oum said, his eyes turned to her friends. "And who are your friends?"

Well, he seemed nice enough.  


Now you might be saying, Krieg, weapon isn't a RWBY song, and you're right. Except Chrissy Costanza of Against the Current does Kyouka's singing voice for Hero Too, so it makes perfect sense for her to sing AGTC songs! 

Question of the day:

We got some team names down, but it's time for the RWBY tradition of shipping names! What are your ideas and thoughts? 

Till next time on Schnee: Hero or Huntress! 

Schnee: Hero or Huntress (RWBY/MHA)On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara