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Black, darkness, dimness, that was everything Roman could see. Those three words all meant the same thing, but was it really that important? No, it wasn't, unless you just so happened to like that sort of thing. Groaning softly, Remnant's most fashionable criminal sat up slowly, smacking his dry, yet perfect and full lips together. Yup, that was a good nap-

"Red!" Roman scrambled to his feet, grabbing Melodic Cudgel which was laying on the cool concrete ground next to him. His green eyes scanned the alleyway he was just lying in. Where was he? He didn't remember much after he beat Red's minor ass and was eaten by that Griffon. He used his free hand to touch his neck and hair. Yup, still in one piece, although he had some bloody scratches on his face. His aura should be able to heal that soon enough once it kicked in.

Just about now.

Yeah, any second now.

Any moment now.

His stomach started to grumble. Damn it, his aura was going to take a while unless he had food. Patting his pockets for his scroll, Roman cursed himself. There went his plan of calling Neo to come and pick him up with some food, not ice cream, never ice cream. It was going to be hard to find something eat in Vale now that the plan went off without a hitch-

It was quiet, too quiet. Roman held Melodic Cudgel and peaked his head down the alleyway. He saw the outlines of a few people walking as if nothing happened. Why weren't they running and screaming in terror? Where were the Atlesian droids he hacked?! And the Grimm, there should have been hordes of them flying in the air and rampaging through the streets!

"This is weird." Roman muttered as he winced just when his stomach grumbled again. Grabbing a handkerchief from one of his coat's many pockets, he wiped the blood off of his face.

Time to find out what the hell was going on.


This wasn't Vale, that much was obvious, or any of the other three kingdoms. It was more colorful than Atlas, but more organized than Mistral, and it felt more like Vale with a hint of Vacuo. No one batted an eye, despite Roman being the most notorious criminal in Vale. It was weird, and a bit disappointing actually. He had worked hard for that reputation.

After relieving a few passerbyers of their heavy wallets, Roman always enjoyed helping to stimulate the economy, he found himself in a restaurant that seemed to sell Mistralian food. It wasn't his favorite, but it was passable.

Taking a seat at a table near the back, he pulled out one of the scrolls he had so gracioisly relieved from a man with tree branches for arms. Thankfully the fool didn't think to put a password.

"Hi! Welcome to Hado's Udon. My name is Hado Nejire, how can I help you today?" A voice filled with fake cheer interrupted his investigation of Roman's new scroll, speaking in Mistralian. It's been a while since he's spoken the language, having spent years in Vale building his criminal empire, but it should was just like riding a bicycle right?

Roman looked up from the scroll. The waitress was younger, probably around Red's age if he had to guess. Her long blue hair fell down past her knees, and she had a large smile on his face.

"I'll have whatever this can get me." Roman said, speaking slowly. Yup, he had gotten to used to speaking Valish. He pulled out a few bills from one of the wallets he was gifted. It wasn't lien, but judging by the way she spoke he must've been in some random city in Mistral, probably. Neo should've known better, Spiders were everywhere. "Something with meat."

"Our famous beef udon then?" She said, counting the money. Roman's stomach grumbled again, the smell of food from the kitchen sneaking into his nose.

Schnee: Hero or Huntress (RWBY/MHA)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें