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Ten minutes into Weiss' escape, she started to regret not taking a few seconds to tie her hair into her signature ponytail. Every once in a while, right as she was about to jump off one of her glyphs, parts of Weiss' hair decided that it would be funny to cover her eyes. Stupid wind, this was why her bangs were kept shorter than the rest of her hair! Landing on another of her glyphs, Weiss finally managed to leave the hospital grounds, using her semblance to gracefully step on the concrete sidewalk. 

It seemed that the streets were mostly empty in this area, with lights only coming from a few restaurants. Hopefully nobody questioned the hospital gown she wore, but there was no time to worry about that. Without another glance, Weiss started running down the street. A quick glance at her scroll showed that her aura was still in the green levels, but Weiss still had to deal with that annoying injury in her side, and she didn't want to risk her glyphs disappearing midair because she pushed herself past her limits too soon. 

A few Mistralians gave her a few weird looks, but Weiss ignored them. Once she was far enough, she could buy a change of clothes using the lien she still had in her purse. Weiss would have prefered changing into her dress, but there was still a large whole in it that needed to be fixed, and she was a bit smaller now. She could always have another one made. 

Weiss ran past a man with a bush for a head. Wait what? She paused, her feet practically skidding along the sidewalk. With wide eyes, she turned around and finally took a chance to look at the few people that were still out on the street. She rubbed her eyes and blinked a few times. Yup, that man she walked past had a bush for a head. Another person had three eyes, while another's head looked like his brain was exposed. And another person who gave her a weird look looked like he was entirely made of wood. 

While there were a few 'normal' people, there were just as many people with features that blew Weiss' mind. Did someone at the hospital drug her before she escaped? Maybe they were actually faunus and her mind was playing tricks on her? Weiss shook her head and was about to take another step when she felt a sudden urge to look towards the sky. 

Myrtenaster almost fell from her hand as her eyes widened. Releasing the breath that she didn't realize she was holding, Weiss fell to her knees. W-Why was the moon whole? This time Myrtenaster did fall to the ground, a loud clang filling the silent street, the full and unbroken moon shining its light down on Weiss' pale body. 

Grabbing her head, Weiss screamed her lungs out. 

Was she even on Remnant? 


"So you're after a girl who escaped from the hospital, who you saved after finding her bleeding to death in a hospital? And she's from a different dimension?" Shinji, better known to the public as Kamui Wood, said through the phone. "And you want me to help you find her?" 

"Yup." Yu said, making sure to pop the P at the end. Detective Tsukauchi's eyes darted between the tracker and the road ahead of them. "And keep that last piece of information to yourself, it's classified." 

Shinji sighed. "I'll let you know if I see her. How does she look?" 

"She has white hair, light blue eyes and a scar over her left eye." Yu replied as Detective Tsukauchi took a left. They were going to split up, until Yu realized that unless she used her quirk to grow, she wasn't going to get much ground covered without gathering much attention. "Let me know if you see her-"

"I'm literally staring straight at her. I'll send you the address now-." Shinji's voice was suddenly cut off by the sound of a familiar girl screaming. 

"Kamui? What's going on?" Yu shouted into her phone. The call ended, but a text message quickly popped up soon after. Was Weiss ok? Did something bad happen to her? Did she aggravate her wound- 

"Where are they?" Detective Tsukauchi's hands tightened on the steering wheel. Yu's eyes scanned her phone as the address appeared on the screen. 

"She's two streets away from us, near the intersection on Ren and Xiao street. Take a right here." Yu said as the car started to speed up, causing her to hold onto the shoulder rest. 

"Got it." Detective Tsukauchi as he took a sharp turn, causing Yu to tighten her grip on the shoulder rest as she screamed internally. She wasn't about to embarrass herself in front of this man she had known only for a few days. 

Yu's mind turned back towards the young white haired girl she saved, that screamed sounded extremely painful. No one deserved to go through something like that, especially at such a young age. 

Hopefully Shinji could keep her safe until they arrived. 


By the time they arrived, about a few minutes later, Yu was shocked to see Weiss hugging herself on the sidewalk, Shinji standing off to the side awkwardly as he tried comforting her to no avail. Exciting the car alongside Detective Tsukauchi, she motioned several nosy passerbyers to keep on walking. 

Turning her attention back to the young girl sniffing on the dirty concrete, Mt. Lady gave Kamui Woods a small smile and nodded her head. Taking the hint, he walked over to Tsukauchi to clear the area and prevent pictures being taken. 

"I'm not home anymore aren't I. '' Weiss mumbled as Yu placed a hand on the blue eyed girl's shoulder. Yu remained silent as she gently wiped away Weiss' tears and pulled her into a light hug. Feeling her freeze up, Yu pulled away with a sad smile on her face. 

"I'm sorry."  

Weiss shook her head, her eyes looking at the sky sadly. 

"Let's head back. Doctor Miura wants to give you one last check up before he discharges you." Yu said softly. Weiss nodded slowly, and grabbed her fallen belongings. Helping her to stand up, Yu mouthed Shinji a thank you as she helped Weiss towards Detective Tsukauchi's car. 

"Good job." The Detective said once Weiss was seated, the door closed. Yu sighed in response and waved Shinji goodbye, the wood hero already walking away as he scratched the back of his head. 

"I'm sure she's had a long day. Let's get her some food before heading back." Yu opened the passenger side door. Detective Tsukauchi nodded as he gave Weiss a worried look, the young girl staring outside the window blankly. Yu just wanted to know one thing at that moment. 

What triggered such an emotional response in her? 


This chapter might feel fast, but that's because this is part 2 to the last chapter. I just decided to split it into two separate chapters. 

And with this, the hospital arc is now over! Yay! 

I go back to work tomorrow so I'm not sure how often I'll be able to update, but I'll try to cram some writing whenever I'm not doing anything. 

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