Thirty Four

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The written exam went exactly as Weiss expected it to go. Mathematics and English were simple enough, as well as the various sciences due to them essentially being identical to those from Remnant, minus Dust being her old world's main source of power. Thankfully, she spent the past couple months wisely, studying with Yu the differences between Remnant and this world, and studying Japanese and other simple topics with Kyouka, and Mina occasionally. Weiss was perfectly capable of studying by herself, but having a second or third opinion would never hurt anyone. Japanese was the hardest topic due to several idioms and grammar rules that didn't exist in Mistralian, but that wasn't a problem for her.

It was hard to stop the smirk from forming on Weiss' face, but she was sure that she would score very high on the written test. Studying was almost second nature to her, along with fighting, which was why Weiss was very confident that she could ace this physical exam. Armed with Myrtenaster in her left hand, and still dressed in the white dress she wore earlier, Weiss easily stood out of the crowd of examinees with her white hair.

It was a bit annoying, having to deal with starstruck gazes and whispers that weren't exactly discreet. She even spotted a few guys and girls attempting to check her out, which only made Weiss harden her face even more. The few brave ones that tried approaching her gave up after coming face to face with her icy glare. A blond boy with a mechanical belt retreating with his face frozen in horror among them. Mina would have to clear up that on Easygram, stating that Weiss was concentrating on passing the entrance exam. Many of her potential future classmates had changed from their middle school uniforms, wearing comfortable clothes that would allow them to run or use their quirk.

"I can't believe she's wearing a white dress to a mock battle."

"I hope the wind blows…"

"She can stab me with her sword anyday."

Weiss forced their unnecessary comments out of her head, taking several deep breaths as she waited for the exam to start. Holding her head high, and making sure that her posture was perfect as always, Weiss eyed the tall boy with glasses from earlier. He was wearing a tight fitting shirt and shorts that fell right above his calves, which had metal tubes coming out of them. Quirks were weird, and those looked like cybernetics rather than something someone was born with. He seemed to be talking to a shorter boy with green hair. Inspecting Myrtenaster for the final time, Weiss nodded internally.

Soon the gate that would allow them to enter Battle Center B would open.

"GO IN ALREADY!" Someone shouted from a nearby tower. Weiss spotted Present Mic from the corner of her eyes.

"WHAT?!" Someone from within the crowd shouted, but Weiss was already making her away to the gate which would open any second now while the crowd around her seemed distracted. She walked past a girl who was an inch or so taller than her with long brown hair.


The gates opened, revealing the life scale model of an entire city block. Forming a glyph beneath her feet, Weiss narrowed her eyes and launched herself forward, the other examinees hot on her heels. Was she being a bit too cocky, charging in without doing any recon? Perhaps, but the test had begun, and she only had ten minutes to score as many points as possible. The fine print in the application stated that she could gain points for destroying robots and for 'rescues'.

A robot that was two times her size smashed through a building to Weiss' left.


Weiss uses her glyph to launch herself towards the droid, easily slicing it apart with ease. By now, her other 'rivals' had started engaging the other androids, most with ease.

Atlesian Knights and Paladins helped the Creatures of Grimm and White Fang ravage the city of Vale. A trio of knights fire their weapons to the corpse of a dead huntsman-in-training.

Weiss' eyes twitched as she struggled to breath. Her muscles ached and her aura was running dangerously low. Forcing Myrtenaster in the air, she charged towards the Atlesian Knights, ready to defend her adopted home.

Jumping off a glyph, Weiss charged into battle, with only one thought in mind. Dancing in between a group of several androids, Myrtenaster made quick work of the robots. Weiss gave their destroyed parts a glare. 

The Fall of Beacon would never happen again.


Seated in room full of the finest screens money could buy, Nezu had to stop himself from giggling in front of the various teachers that sat next to him, also observing this year's entrance exam. Nezu loved this time of year, who knows what future hero would walk through those doors! The dog-mouse-bear principal of UA couldn't wait to meet the world's next generation of heroes!

"This year's batch seem quite interesting." Nezu said to no one in particular, his eyes focused on the screens for Battle Center B. "I never expected that such a famous pop star would apply to our fair school, especially through the normal exam, and not through recommendations."

Weiss Schnee requesting that she be allowed to bring a weapon to help her channel her quirk was an unusual request, but the rules allowed examinees to bring whatever they wanted so she was allowed. What was even more unusual, was her skill with said blade.

"She's more experienced than she let on." Cementoss grumbled.

"I'm inclined to agree with you." Nezu chirped. The young girl had some form of training, judging by how she basically danced through the Battle Center, striking the faux villains in their weak spots. "Her quirk also seems to be quite versatile."

Weiss found herself surrounded by a half dozen androids, and after slicing two of them apart, she seemed to hesitate for a few seconds. Nezu was sure he wouldn't have noticed if it wasn't for his quirk. He would have to investigate that later, it didn't seem to come from her relative lack of experience. Overconfidence in her abilities perhaps? The other examinees in Battle Center B were also performing well, Lida Tenya easily smashed through any opponent that came his way, and another boy with multiple arms with webbing in between proved himself to being quite knowledgeable of his abilities.

"This year's class will be interesting." Snipe said as he observed the angry blond boy in Battle Center A. The ability to cause explosions out of one's sweat was a powerful quirk, the young boy would definitely make it into one of the thirty-six open spots. "The four recommendation examinees are also performing well." 

"I believe its time that we bring out a bigger challenge, don't you agree All Might?" Nezu said cheerfully as he turned his head to the Number One hero, and UA alumni.

All Might's ever present grin never faltered, though Nezu could see that he was a bit hesitant.

"Yes, I agree."

Nezu couldn't stop himself from laughing as he launched the Zero Pointer.

I finished this early. I'm not great at fight scenes, but I'll do my best and I'll improve over time. I started rewatching the first couple episodes of MHA to refresh my memory.

It's almost time to reveal Weiss' hero costume! I can't wait~

Question of the day:

Shoto: Are you my Mom's illegitimate child? Sister-

Weiss: …What?

Till next time on Schnee: Hero or Huntress!

Schnee: Hero or Huntress (RWBY/MHA)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant