Twenty Two

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"Are you sure noodles are ok? We could have gotten something better, like steak!" Yu complained as they walked down the sidewalk, their main source of light being the various signs that lined the buildings, as well as outdoor food stalls that seemed to be common here. The sun was starting to disappear, with the moon slowly taking its place in the sky. Wearing pants felt weird, but she was getting used to it.

"I'm sure." Weiss said. While steak did sound nice, keeping up with her training meant that she needed to measure her calorie intake, and she needed a lot of them. Her fighting style relied on all of her muscles as she danced around the battlefield, and she needed the energy in order to pull them off. The noodles were cheaper, and they would be more filling. They could go eat steak once Weiss made money.

"If you say so. You scared the waiter when you asked for that fourth bowl." Yu laughed as she patted her stomach. "For such a small girl, you do eat a lot."

"Where I'm from, that's a normal portion!" Weiss fired back. While it wasn't the complete truth for the average person back home, for huntsmen and huntresses, it was very true. Fighting hordes of Grimm and dealing with bandits took a lot out of a person. That and Weiss planned on repaying Yu anyways. Eating well was ingrained into Weiss' mind after Winter found out that she skipped meals often to focus on training. Thankfully, she never found out that Weiss used to purge the food from her system afterwards to maintain her body figure. That habit stopped after arriving at Beacon, after meeting her friends.

"Uhuh." Yu smirked as she placed an arm around Weiss' smaller shoulders as they walked. Yu left her car back at Mt. Agency, claiming that she wanted Weiss to explore the neighborhood, and the area surrounding it, since she had locked herself in Mt. Agency ever since she arrived. "Don't worry, I know you're a growing girl."

Weiss only sighed in response as her eyes analyzed the street signs that caught her attention. No matter how many times she thought about it, the fact that Japanese and Mistralian script was practically identical amazed her. It was the same way with Valish, Atlassian, Vacuan and their respective languages in this world. There was so much to learn, thousands of years of history to read up on, new books! Blake would have loved those. A yellow taxi drove past them, honking as it did so, with a motorcycle attempting to go around it. Yang would have loved looking at the various styles, comparing them to her Bumblebee.

"-helllo? Earth to Weiss?" Yu's voice sliced Weiss' current train of thought. "Weiss, are you ok?"

"Hm? I'm fine, sorry. Were you saying something?" Weiss said, carefully escaping Yu's arms with help from her aura. She forced a smile on her face, showing pristine white teeth.

Yu frowned, but shook her head. "Nah, I was just checking on you. You seemed to have zoned out for a bit."


"And we're almost at the music store according to the map." Yu held up her phone, her frown turning into a grin rather quickly. "Still, I kinda want to know why you want to go to one when you have the internet. Is there an instrument you're interested in?"

As nice as that sounded, Weiss would rather wait for her own money to buy instruments instead of further causing Yu to waste money on her, like she had during dinner. That was already starting to make Weiss feel guilty. Still, she couldn't tell Yu that she actually wanted to see what music trends were popular these days, Yu would get suspicious and likely try to prevent her plan.

"Sure. I think it would be interesting to compare instruments, see the difference in craftsmanship." Weiss said. "Maybe see if there are any instruments I'm not familiar with or don't exist-"

The words died on Weiss' lips as she stopped walking. Being stuck in a world that wasn't her own was a thought she was getting used to, but it wasn't easy. Thinking it was one thing, but saying it out loud was a completely different matter. While the wound in her side had been healed, her mind and emotions were still raw and bloody.

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