One Hundred

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One of the first lessons that was ingrained into Weiss was patience, it was an essential skill if one wanted to be a huntress after all. Jumping straight into combat without preparation could have consequences. That's why there were scouting missions where other teams of huntsmen and huntresses shadowed large hordes of Grimm before engaging them with a half dozen teams and military support just to be safe if possible. It usually depended on the size and variety in the horde, and how close they were to any major cities.

Weiss knew she wasn't going to find Stain on her first night out, but the possibility was still there. During the day, Weiss locked herself in Shinji's agency, using her tablet to scan for news of the Hero Killer, and looking at older reports that floated around online. She needed to know everything before she faced the criminal, his strengths, and his weaknesses. There wasn't much information available, aside from the fact that the Hero Killer often attacked at night under the cover of darkness, and his particular fondness for sharp blades. Sadly, his quirk was unknown to the public.

The night air nipped at Weiss' exposed skin, the dark bags under her eyes hidden by makeup. It was the third day of her internship now, and she hadn't made any progress yet. Blake was always the tracker of team RWBY, but Weiss remembered her lessons. That didn't make her an expert though.

"I wouldn't be surprised if he's watching us right now." Weiss mumbled under her breath as she walked down the sidewalk with Shinji by her side. He was in full costume, and along with Weiss' iconic white hair and showy outfit, led to them being surrounded by a crowd pressing in on the duo. She held back a frown as she signed someone's forehead.

"Isn't that our goal?" Kamui Woods said as he signed some random girl's notebook. He was a rising hero, which made his popularity with the opposite gender, and some guys, big fans of his.

"He won't come out if there are too many witnesses." Weiss said with a fake smile as she posed for a photo. This would work in her favor in the end. As annoying as Ahri's surprise break in was, the fox proved to be semi-useful with the information she provided. Stain hated those who used their position as heroes for profit. She just had to piss him off and force him to strike.

That would be easy enough, for Weiss' tongue was as sharp as Myrtenaster.


Interning with the K/DA agency was starting to seem like a bad choice in Kyouka's opinion. Everyday they started off with vocal exercises, which then led to choreography lessons with the sidekicks, or trainees as Ahri called them. Enforcer took the lead in those lessons.

"We're so happy to have you here." Ahri said cheerfully as she held out a cold bottle of water. Kyouka was drenched in sweat and breathing heavily. They made her sing while dancing, to build up her endurance they said. She took the water and downed it in a minute.

"Why did you decide to send me an offer?" Kyouka asked, crumbling the bottle. "Not that I'm ungrateful, but I didn't do well during the Sports Festival."

Ahri sat on the ground next to her, her golden eyes observing the other trainees that were in better shape than Kyouka. "The original plan was to have both you and Weiss Schnee intern here."

So they sent that offer just to be nice? Maybe she should have taken Death Arms offer instead-

"K/DA is meant to reach the hearts of those who can't be touched easily." Ahri kept talking, tilting her head to stare at Kyouka who blushed softly. It was weird, talking to celebrities. "Music can connect to the heart, as I'm sure you know. And to answer your question, if you're able to sing on key, or are skilled enough to play an instrument alongside professionals, you deserve a chance."

"I see." Kyouka sighed, wiping her forehead with an Ahri branded towel, it was a part of the welcome gift they had given her. "Well, at least you're honest about it."

Unlike another idol went unsaid.


Using her superior lack of height, Weiss managed to slip away from the crowd, sacrificing Shinji in the process. It would be for the best in the end, she didn't need to have to worry about him should they run into the Hero Killer. Ducking into a dark alleyway, Weiss turned the phone on her off. Stain wouldn't make a move if she wasn't alone, he always targeted a single hero.

"Sorry Shinji." Weiss slid the device into her bolero's pocket. She needed to head farther away, into the slums of Musutafu, or at least a dark alley where there weren't many people around.

That would be easy enough.


Finding a nice and secluded alleyway was extremely easy, all she had to do was look for rundown buildings and suspicious looking people. If Stain knew what he was doing, then he most likely kept an eye on her, or hired someone to do so. Weiss smirked as she leaned against a dirty wall, it was time to piss him off in the easiest way she could, with the way she made money. She started to sing softly.

(Play Rain by Amalee)

"The truth in front of my eyes, along with all these desperate lies, fade away like they're old memories." Weiss loosely held Myrtenaster. If Stain didn't appear, then she would return the next day. "The warmth of someone's love, I have no feelings of, all those things I don't know anymore."

Yu was Weiss' world, now that Ruby wasn't here anymore, now that Weiss wasn't with her anymore.

"You told me when you left me, that I'd be fine all on my own. From your lips you spoke one last goodbye." Weiss rotated Myrtenaster's Dust chamber slowly, her face impassive. She had a few days to take out her anger on the world. "That look of sympathy, it's nothing new to me, you would think by now that it wouldn't faze me."

Weiss started walking towards the center of the alleyway, ignoring the rats that stared at her with their red eyes.

"Merciless memories, they're ringing on so unforgivingly, they show no intent of letting me go free." Weiss' voice grew more desperate. She could feel him, his dark and evil soul. "And if I close my eyes, and try to drown them out they only grow." She paused and closed her eyes. "They're closing in, and far away you laugh."

Weiss' voice grew louder. "Will the rain falling down ever find an ending? All this time I've been waiting in the freezing cold." She spotted the glint of metal heading straight towards her.

"Will the rain ever leave me alone, I wonder why it chose to follow me when there's nowhere I can go." Weiss grabbed the knife a few inches away from her face with her free hand, as a figure dropped from its perch from one of the buildings.

Red Grimm-like eyes stared back at Weiss, as she felt her body become filled with anger and rage. The Hero Killer brandished an ugly katana.

"So you finally decided to leave your guard, False Idol." The Hero Killer said grimly. "Once I rid the world of your corruption, I shall return for him."

Weiss aimed Myrtenaster straight at him. Stain was trying to goad her into attacking first, she wouldn't give him the satisfaction. She wanted to claim this as self defense after all.

"This fleeting bright new morning, I wish would last a moment more."


Happy 100th chapter!

The song featured is Rain originally by SID from FullMetal Alchemist Brotherhood, but I used the English version from Amalee.

As for the winner for the two options from last chapter, the Frozen omake won by a landslide. FFN, and Wattpad readers almost turned the tide, but Frozen won in the end!

I'll start working on it after I update Schnee's Bay.

Till next time on Schnee: Hero or Huntress!

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