Losing, Ice Cream, Cafe One Omakes

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Cafe One by KriegSchnee (AKA Yours truly)

"Have a good day!" Toga grinned as the legendary Weiss Schnee and her friends left the cafe. The pink one waved back with a large grin of her own. Toga kept her red lollipop in her mouth, chewing on it slightly with her fangs. Synthetic blood wasn't as tasty as real blood, but it helped to sate her urges. 

"Psst, is she gone?" 

Toga's eyes darted towards the tall man hiding behind the counter, his normally orange hair hidden by a black wig and baseball hat. 

"She just left." Toga hummed as she placed an out for lunch sign on their front door. Roman jumped up from his hiding spot and wiped the sweat from his forehead. 

"Phew, that's good. I don't need the ice brat knowing I'm alive." Roman leaned against the counter and adjusted his hat. "Now that we're alone, we can finally plan my most genius plan yet!" He pulled out a large sheet of paper. 

Toga smirked as Roman struggled to keep the rolled up paper flat. "And that is?" 

"Funding our operations by getting a monopoly on all coffee in the district!" Roman gloated. "If it worked on Remnant, it can work here as well! Once we're rolling in money, we can finally kick those Yakuza shits where it hurts." 

"If you say so, Dad."

"Don't call me that." 


Losing by Skyfyre56 from AO3

Shigarki seethed, lying down and waiting for the doctor to arrive and fix the damage that bitch had done to him. Where did she get off being that strong? At first he thought he had just misjudged her class, a Fighter that just had 'backstory fluff' as a Bard. It still wouldn't be enough to beat his Nomu, but then she pulls off a summon? That's a Mage skill! And she was an actual Bard too, buffing All Might at the end too. This is way too early to spec out a dual class bonus and even then you only get two you filthy cheater, not three! This wasn't a New Game+, you couldn't do that... not without a Cheat Code. Was Sensei hiding something from him?

Getting up in a fit, the man with hands scattered a clock to the ground, then a lamp, trashing the room of his dingy base, screaming out. Even the satisfiying sounds the objects made of breaking, not having to worry about his quirk triggering with his hand damaged, helped make up for his anguish (if anything it just made it worse, a reminder of what she'd taken from him).

He took a few deep breaths, looking around at the wreckage he'd made. The pain only throbbed worse in his hand, but it felt dim compared to the rage still stirring inside him. He'd find answers, on how she got so high leveled, then her, and the Symbol of Peace, and anyone who had crossed him, they would pay.


Aizawa leaned back in the hospital bed, resisting the itch. The itch of his freshly healed, still tender arm. The itch his eyes always got when he overused his quirk. The itch to do something. His students were in a panic, some hurt (thankfully none as badly as him), and he'd failed to stop this disaster. But it was just an itch; tearing at his arm wouldn't help it heal, rubbing his eyes wouldn't let him use his quirk sooner, and rushing out of bed wouldn't fix what he'd failed to prevent today.

Villains had invaded and nearly killed his students. The only good thing was that the Prima Dona had taken his words to heart and not held back when the time came. It still hurt, to know that she (and surely others) had had to lose that feeling of protection, of innocence that should never have to lose, not in school... that stung, worse than the wounds he'd suffered. It was compounded by the fact that he knew she'd face questions. Aizawa had been surprised by the blood on her, but from how she fought, cleaning slicing into the thugs and then holding off the monster that effortlessly crushed him, he knew she hadn't been hurt by the villains before. That blood was all from those she had hurt.

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