Fifty Two

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The next few days of school were the most annoying ones so far. Whenever she showed up early in the morning to prepare Myrtenaster for class, Weiss found UA's front gate completely surrounded by news reporters and paparazzi. The leeches and parasites were busy bothering any student that came near in their uniform. She just stomped past them, ignoring the flashes and questions that she didn't even bother paying attention to. Now she was sitting in her classroom, all alone. The others would probably be delayed due to that annoying crowd.

Taking her song notebook out of her backpack, Weiss took a deep breath. Writing songs for a movie was a whole different beast when compared to writing songs for her albums or metube videos. She could work on the lyrics for the movie's theme song before Mr. Aizawa or her classmates arrived. Hm, a time traveling cybernetic soldier that rebels against his programming to defend the present day time period at all cost.

What a cliche sounding movie, but it was an American production, and they were offering her a lot of money, which she needed. Yu caused a lot of damage whenever she fought villains, damages that needed to be paid. Thankfully, Yu was performing better out in the field now that Weiss was teaching her a few basic moves in hand-to-hand combat, just imitating what Yang had forced into her brain. Weiss was far from an expert, but it was still better than nothing.

Biting the end of the pen softly, Weiss almost glared a hole in the notebook. Yeah, she had nothing right now, no inspiration or melodies in her head at the moment. Sighing, she closed the book and placed it back in her bag.

"Good morning Young Schnee! You're here early." All Might said as he popped his head through the classroom's door. Weiss stood up and bowed her head respectfully.

"Good morning All Might, sir." Weiss responded immediately. The Symbol of Peace seemed to be a wise teacher, one that Weiss could learn a lot from. After all, he had a career that lasted decades as the Number One hero. She wished he was their homeroom teacher instead of Mr. Aizawa.

"Ha ha ha! I hope you didn't have any trouble with the news reporters. I'm afraid that's my fault." All Might grinned as he stepped into the classroom, revealing the rather expensive suit he was wearing.

"None at all, Sir. I'm rather used to dealing with them." Weiss said, forming her 'Idol' smile with another bow of her head.

"Hahaha! A great skill to have once you become a Pro-Hero!" All Might gave her a thumbs up. "May I ask you a few questions?"

"Of course." Now what did he want? Was it about her performance during combat training? All Might's grin never changed, with his two long bangs swept up in the air.

"Don't worry, I'm just curious. I plan on asking your classmates and those in 1-B the same question." All Might took a few steps towards her. "Why do you want to be a hero?"

Why do you want to be a huntress?

Doctor Oobleck had been the last person to ask Weiss a question like that. Why did she want to be a hero? It wasn't like the Grimm roamed this world, with humanity on the brink of escalation. Weiss took a sharp breath, and started to speak.

"That would depend on what you mean by hero, sir. Hero can mean two things in this context. Hero as in the occupation, or being a 'hero', if you will." Weiss placed a hand on her chin thoughtfully.

"Both then." All Might raised an eyebrow.

"For the first one, I want to prove that I'm more than just a name, more than just some singer who got lucky." Weiss said carefully. "As for the latter, I believe that if someone has the ability to help, then they should do their best to do so."

Schnee: Hero or Huntress (RWBY/MHA)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora