Ninety One

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"Good job everyone." Mr. Aizawa mumbled from under the mountain of bandages he was covered in. He sounded as bored as usual, and didn't sound sincere in Weiss' opinion. "There won't be any school tomorrow or the day after."

Good, Weiss could finish up the music for the movie. She could even invite the others to see their opinions, which was always helpful. 

"I'm sure there are plenty of pro heroes who watched the festival and want to recruit you, so we'll organize everything and announce it when you all get back?" Mr. Aizawa continued. Weiss pressed her fingers together, she really wasn't going to enjoy this. How many so-called heroes would try to recruit her just for the publicity? Sometimes Weiss wished she didn't become famous again. "So rest well and look forward to that." He shuffled out of the room soon after, the class erupting into laughter and cheering. 

Time to escape before everyone started bothering her about winning, especially that green haired idiot who was looking in her direction. She could always text Mina and Kyouka later. 

Without another word, Weiss used her lack of height and snuck out of the classroom. 


The hallways of UA were mostly empty, all of the second and third years had already gone home, except for that one third year who had helped her find her way to the principal's office that one time. He was hiding behind a water faucet that was close to the exit. 

"Have a good day Amajiki." Weiss said loudly as she walked past him. He only gave her a nervous wave in return. She would have prefered ignoring him, but the culture here revolved around respect for those who were older, and despite Weiss being much older than she actually looked, no one else knew that. 

Walking out of the school without a problem, Weiss headed towards the curb. Yu was already there in full costume, leaning against her car while tapping on her phone. Weiss' hand drifted to the medal which sat in the pocket of her blazer. Was the blonde proud of her? Even if she didn't take that last match with the dog seriously? 

Playing around with him almost cost her the victory, she could have ended it immediately by using time dilation to knock him out. Weiss started to walk faster, just as Yu looked up from her phone. 

"Hey Weiss-" Yu started, only to be interrupted by Weiss throwing her arms around the taller girl's neck. Yu was warm. 

"What's this Weisscream? You're usually never this affectionate in public." Yu said teasingly as she wrapped her own arms around Weiss' form, her phone still in one of her hands. 

"It just feels like I haven't seen you in a while." Weiss mumbled, her face pressed against Yu's neck. She smelled like home. 

"Ha, love you too Weissy." Weiss could practically hear Yu's smirk. She ran her hands through Weiss' hair, until they finally parted from their embrace. "By the way, I didn't get a chance to say this earlier." 

Weiss felt her breath hitch in her throat. Did Yu notice that she was still holding back? 

"You were amazing! I was cheering you on every step of the way." Yu beamed as she patted Weiss' head. "I'm so proud of you!" 

Weiss' cheeks suddenly felt wet. Wiping her tears with the sleeve of her jacket, she smacked Yu's shoulder who laughed loudly. 

"Just shut up and drive." 

"As you command my little Tsundere." 

She really needed to search that word online later. 


"Schnee's friends with Mt. Lady!?" Kaminari's mouth dropped, his hands holding onto the straps of his backpack tightly. Kyouka rolled her eyes as her friend got into the car with the pro hero. 

"Yeah, it's not exactly a secret." Kyouka said sarcastically, which earned her more than a few looks from her classmates and friends. Mina had already disappeared with Kirishima and company. 

"You should ask Schnee to introduce her to us, since you're her friend." Sero added with a grin, one that Kyouka's left eye twitched. 

"If she hears any of you say that, don't expect to be alive tomorrow." 


Weiss fell backwards onto her bed, having changed out of her uniform in favor of a modest blue dress that fell to her knees. Today felt like it had gone on forever, a day without end. Her new medal sat on her vanity, out of the way and out of sight. 

She hoped that Ruby, Blake and Yang were proud of her, wherever they were. Weiss took a deep breath, allowing her shoulders to relax. The first day of the UA Sports Festival went off without a hitch, and would likely end the same way. Unlike the Vytal Festival which basically ruined her life. 

Weiss was pulled out of her musing by the sound of Yu's laughter. Sitting up with a groan, Weiss left her room, closing the door behind her. Yu's laughter grew louder the closer she became to the living room. 


"What's so funny?" Weiss narrowed her eyes, glaring at the buxom blonde who was laying on the couch. She had one hand over her mouth, struggling and failing to control her laughter, while her other hand held the TV remote. 

"You've gone viral, Weissy." Yu said in between breaths. Raising an eyebrow, Weiss turned to the television. 

"GATES OF ATLAS!" The recording was from the dodgeball event, showing a better view of those facing her. Hovering over her chest were black letters that spelled All Might, and the dodgeballs were labeled as 'Thank you for your hard work'. The balls slammed into the other team who were labeled as Plus Ultra. 

The television then showed another version with different wordings. 

"That's not funny." Weiss said dryly. She may have gone a bit overboard with that attack. 

"You don't understand humor anyways." Yu giggled. She got up from her spot on the couch and pulled Weiss next to her. "Who knew you were so dramatic?" 

Weiss rolled her eyes as Yu hugged her. "I missed you." 

"We just saw each other this morning." Yu pointed out, as another meme appeared, this time the dog punching Midoriya. 

"Did I stutter?" 

"Touche. By the way, we're throwing a party to celebrate so tell your friends." 

That actually sounded like fun. 


Whenever I attend Comic cons, I always keep an eye out for RWBY stuff. The one I attended earlier this year was great. I got to take photos with a great Yang cosplayer, and two Qrow's, one of them having a life size version of his scythe. Last year I got to meet a pirate Weiss which was fun. 

Hopefully my next con I shall be just as successful! 

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