One Hundred Twenty

988 42 9

To say that Izuku was beaming with excitement would be an understatement. He was going to the I-Island Expo as All Might's guest! This was amazing! This was incredible! All of the scientists and engineers that participated were the best in the world, the top of whatever specialties they were in. There was so much to see and learn! This was the perfect opportunity for Izuku to observe the other heroes that were no doubt excited, many of them from other countries. All those quirks and amazing heroes, Izuku was glad that he brought an extra notebook to write in. 

"Excited I see, Young Midoriya!" All Might's ever present grin made Izuku smile back. The two were standing on the moving walkway at I-Island's airport, having just left customs with ease. Well, ease on All Might's part, Izuku just stuttered for ten minutes when they spoke to him in English before using a translator. 

"Of course!" Izuku beamed. "Coming to I-Island during break feels like a dream come true!" 

That still didn't change the fact that Izuku felt out of place. He didn't even rank high on the leaderboards during the Sports Festival which limited the amount of internship offers he received. Still, Gran Torino was an excellent teacher, and Izuku had a chance to prove himself in the fight against those Nomu. He would do his best to prove himself worthy of One For All! 

"B-But are you sure I'm allowed to be here?" Izuku stammered. 

"Don't worry! My invitation allows me to bring one guest." All Might would have to remain in his muscular form more often during their visit. That was going to take a toll on his body. "You did get permission from the school to bring your hero costume right?" 

"Of course!" Izuku's shy demeanor disappeared in an instant. 

"Good good." All Might playfully slapped his back, nearly knocking Izuku over. 



After several days of nonstop rehearsals, Weiss finally had enough time to spend an hour or two with her friends before having to head back to practice. I-Island had grown more crowded with each day that passed, with celebrities, heroes and heads of industries arriving just in time for the Expo. This would be Weiss' biggest performance of her career so far, in this world at least. 

Which was why it was amusing to see Mina dragging her through the crowds to go to some cafe she had been to with Yu a few days ago. 

"I swear this place better be worth it." Weiss grumbled under her breath. Hopefully they had coffee, Weiss had lost count of the amount of cups she had drank since she got here. It would've been easier to measure that in gallons. 

"It will!" Mina grinned. She was wearing her hero costume, just in case. "Foodwise they're decent, but the entertainment they provide is much better." She giggled that last part. 

"That doesn't comfort me." Weiss sighed. Yu had abandoned her in favor of 'seducing younger rich guys', and that they would meet up for dinner. Maybe, depending on how everything went. Knowing Yu her plan was going to end up as a failure, so dinner was still definitely on. 

"I promise!" 

They kept walking, passing by several exhibits where people were allowed to show off their quirks while completing challenges. Weiss wasn't interested in participating in any of them, she needed to keep a low profile despite her fame. 

And her stint at the Sports Festival. 

Which was broadcasted live throughout Japan. 

Maybe she should have lost on purpose, that would've been the smarter idea than showing off her skills. Winning the Festival only seemed to have placed a target on her back, like the Hero Killer attacking Yu to get to Weiss. 

"Almost there!" Mina kept running with Weiss' wrist in hand. The former heiress was easily able to keep up despite her heels. At this point they were more comfortable than regular shoes. She was so used to wearing them. The duo finally reached the cafe, judging by the amount of tables with umbrellas that surrounded the simple, yet futuristic building. 

"Sit here!" Mina forced Weiss into her seat at one of the empty tables. "I'll be right back!" 

Mina disappeared in a blur, an exaggeration but a true oke nonetheless. Sighing, Weiss scanned the other empty tables. Either the cafe just opened, or they weren't decent like Mina claimed they were. Still, how badly could they mess up a cup of black coffee? 

Weiss still had nightmares about that one cafe she visited a while back with her friends. It took a week to scrub the taste off of her tongue with the finest coffee she could make at home. The others always second guessed the restaurants Weiss chose after that, which was understandable. 

"May I please take your order, most gorgeous Queen?" A familiar voice slithered its way into Weiss' ear, causing her scarred eye to twitch ever so slightly. 

She knew that voice, and those words. She heard them almost everyday in class. Weiss swiveled her head and groaned loudly. 

Mineta was standing next to her seat on one knee as he held out a menu, not daring to meet her eyes. 

"Hello Mineta." Weiss said politely. While annoying, the purple boy had managed to prove himself competent, even if he did get on her nerves with every word he spoke. So this was the entertainment Mina was talking about. "What are you doing here-"

"SHUT UP YELLOW EYES I'M COMING!" Another familiar spoke shouted, coming from the cafe's front door. Weiss' eye twitched again. 

"Weissy! Look who else is here!" Mina finally reappeared with several of their classmates with her. Kaminari, Kirishima, and the dog were all wearing the same uniform Mineta was in. 

"God damn it." Weiss grumbled under her breath. She didn't have a problem with Kaminari or Kirishima, the dog on the other hand, was the bane of Weiss' classes with his rude behavior. 

The dog froze when he caught sight of her, with all of the rage that had been building dissipating in an instant. He stuffed his hands in his pockets, perhaps in an attempt to build up sweat, and followed Mina.Only the presence of a green haired copycat could make this worse, but that was never going to happen. 

Weiss really needed to stop jinxing herself. 


This was supposed to be out weeks ago, but personal life and a weird sickness got in the way of my writing.

Plus this arc has felt harder to write, since I plan on a few different twists to freshen everything up and not follow canon word for word.  

Till next time on Schnee: Hero or Huntress! 

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