Twenty Three

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Weiss made sure that her mask didn't crack, that not an ounce of emotion was shown on her face. She had plenty of practice in the past, keeping the mask on for hours while she performed, or whenever she shadowed Father when he went to his board meetings. Smile, don't show your true thoughts, be the perfect heiress, an ice queen. It took all of her willpower not to break her composure. 

"I see." Weiss managed to force out, the pained smile still etched on her scarred face. "I'm Weiss Schnee. A pleasure to meet you as well." The crowd was slowly starting to disperse, but a girl with short black hair kept staring at Weiss with large eyes. Out of the corner of her eye, Weiss saw Yu walk away casually as she admired an ugly guitar, throwing her nervous glances every once in a while. 

Ashido grinned. "Your voice is just as pretty as your name! You're not Japanese right?" She tilted her head as she asked the question, her eyebrows coming together in thought. 

Weiss nodded slowly, it was the polite thing to do as she tried to find a way out. "I'm from Germany." The lie easily flowed out of her mouth, though the word Germany felt quite weird on Weiss' lips. "I moved here not long ago actually." 

Ashido's eyes widened. "Wow! That's awesome! You're Japanese is so good, I wouldn't have noticed if it wasn't for your name." She placed a finger on her chin. "Foreigners usually call each other by their given name too, right?"

"I believe so." Weiss said coolly. The crowd was mostly gone, and it seemed that one of them recognized Yu who was posing as they took pictures. It seemed like she was stuck here then, with the girl who acted like Ruby. She bit the inside of her cheek to stop herself from saying something she would regret later. 

"Then feel free to call me Mina!" Ashido grinned again as she stepped into Weiss' personal space. "I'm also not from around here, this prefecture I mean, but I am Japanese. Meeting people from other countries is so cool!" 

Weiss had to stop herself from scoffing. Wait till she found out Weiss was from another dimension. Oh wait, that would never happen. 

"I agree. Japan is such a beautiful country, I can't wait to explore more of it!" Weiss' forced smile grew. "Forgive me for asking, but what are you doing here if you're from the neighborhood, Ashido?" If she noticed that Weiss used her last name, Ashido didn't show it. 

That caused the pink girl to blush, which was barely discernible to the naked eye. 

"I may have boarded the wrong bus and fell asleep." She pressed her two index fingers together. "So I decided to make the best of it! I heard that there was a popular music store in the area so I came to check it out." 

Raising an eyebrow, Weiss wasn't surprised. That was the exact kind of situation that Yang and Ruby would find themselves into. 

Ashido's eyes appeared to be silver and lilac for just a second, interchanging between the two colors before disappearing. 

Weiss blinked as she discreetly pinched her thigh to keep her focus, the pain always helped. Her lips still felt dry, which was unfortunate. She didn't know what else to say, having rarely talked to anyone back at Beacon outside of her team, Team JNPR, and Team CFVY. The other students and faunus always stayed clear of her for some reason, with a few that tried getting into her good graces to ask for favors. 

"Well, you came to the right place. Haruto can get just about anything you need." Another voice said, causing Weiss' eyes to view the newcomer to their conversation. It was the girl with short black hair from earlier, but the feature that Weiss didn't notice earlier almost made her do a double take. 

Her earlobes looked like headphone jacks, like the ones that Yu plugged into her phone to listen to music whenever she did her workout. Said woman was now enjoying the attention of three teenagers who stared at her with perverted eyes, the same eyes many of her former classmates used whenever they gazed at Yang's assets. How disgusting. 

"Really?" Ashido turned her head to glance at the treble clef headed owner. "Do you think he can find extremely old American hip hop? I've been searching everywhere for my breakdancing routine, but nobody has them." Ah, so she was a dancer. 

The dark haired girl also gave the owner a glance. "Possibly. He has his ways, or so I've been told." She held up a bag full of bass guitar picks. "I use a specific type of pick that I couldn't find anywhere else, but he managed to find them." 

"Hmm, maybe you're right." Ashido smiled. "I didn't catch your name by the way. I'm Ashido Mina, and this is Weiss Schnee!" She extended her hand towards the newcomer after briefly pointing at Weiss. 

"Jirou Kyouka." Jirou took the pink girl's hand. She turned towards Weiss. "I never heard that song before. Did you write it? Or was it the translation of a foriegn song?" 

Jirou's eyes turned golden for just a second. 

"I did." Weiss answered numbly. There were too many people here, it was starting to make her feel anxious. Hopefully they wouldn't start digging into her personal life. 

Jirou nodded slowly. "Your singing technique is good, as well as your piano's technical skills. I've never heard a voice like yours before." She said a bit awkwardly. 

"Yeah!" Ashido added with a fist in the air. 

"Thank you. Do you sing by any chance?" Weiss asked, mostly to be polite. She just needed to stall until Yu noticed her dilemma. 

"I do, and I know how to play a few instruments." Jirou rubbed the back of her neck nervously. "Though your vocal range is much better than mines." 

"I'm sure you're much better at the bass than I am." Mostly because she never bothered learning said instrument, but it wouldn't hurt to be nice. Trying to humble oneself took a lot out of a person. 

"You could tell that they're bass picks with just a glance?" Jirou asked with a raised eyebrow. Ashido's eyes also focused on Weiss'. 

"I uh-I was taught how to play several instruments since I was little." Weiss said slowly. Yu still didn't seem to notice, and Weiss didn't want to appear rude. 

"You. Are. Amazing!" Ashido seemed to be bouncing with energy. "I can already tell that we're going to be the best of friends." 

Uh no, no they would not. 


"I'm so proud of you! Making friends already!" Yu said excited as they walked into Mt. Agency, with Weiss slouching as she walked, which was a rare occurrence. She always had perfect posture, just not at that very moment. 

Weiss was forced to give the two girls her number to avoid being rude, which was a very hard thing to so, but she made her team a promise. Weiss Schnee would become a better person! That didn't mean she had to like it. 

"I hate you." 


Yeah Jirou was there too. Did it feel forced? Maybe, but Weiss needs friends. AND, my current avatar will act as a sneak peak to Weiss' hero outfit. I just cropped the wonderful piece of art. 

Anyways, I'm thinking of restructuring the story's chapter. Such a thing would mostly affect my FF readers. On SB/SV/AO3, chapter names will be changed according to the arc. Chapter 1 becomes 1-1 and two becomes 1-2 and so on. 

Updates will continue as normal for those three sites. FF will receive a massive update combining all of those chapters into a single one. That means a longer wait time for those on FF, but more content at once. I haven't decided if I will do that, so I want to hear you guys' opinions. 

Question of the day:

What song do you want to see Weiss and Jirou sing as a duet? No promises! 

Till next time on Schnee: Hero or Huntress. 

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