One Hundred Twenty One

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Weiss wanted to laugh, not that anyone was stopping her, but she did have an image she had to uphold, so she settled for a smirk. She could laugh as hard she wanted once she returned to her hotel room. With his wild hair, and unkempt uniform, it was a miracle the dog hadn't been fired yet.

"So you're all here working part time to attend the I-Expo?" Weiss asked, raising her glass of lemonade up to her lips. Mina, who said beside her, had a grin so large that Weiss was pretty sure her face was going to start hurting soon.

"Yup!" Kirishima's grin matched Mina's. The redhead, formerly black haired as Mina claimed, had gone to the same middle school as the pinkette. She didn't talk about him much despite being one of her closer guy friends. He pointed his thumb at himself. "Kaminari and Mineta convinced me to join them, and I convinced Bakugou."

"Me and Takeyama came here yesterday while you were at rehearsals." Mina brushed her elbow against Weiss'. Mineta had done his duty well, diligently taking their orders while the others had slacked off to hang around their table, the dog included. He kept glaring at Weiss, looking like he was going to explode at any second.

"I see." Weiss must've missed a lot thanks to her rehearsal. How many memories did she miss out on making? Hopefully she would be able to make up for it once the day of her performance is over. Weiss wasn't going to make the same mistakes she made back on Remnant.

"Rehearsals? Are you going to sing tomorrow?!" Kaminari spoke up this time, leaning back against his chair. He looked excited, though his eyes didn't seem like he was particularly focused on the group in front of him. Looking for Kyouka perhaps? Hehe, that meant more ammunition for jokes at the bassist's expense.

"That's so manly!" Kirishima extended his arm, revealing a thumbs up. "That's why you're our ace!"

"Alongside a few other performers." Weiss answered absentmindedly. That earned everyone's attention, even the dogs.

"Really?!" Mina's eyes looked like they turned into stars as she grabbed Weiss' hand. "Who?! Is it somebody that we've heard of before? Will one of my favorite singers be there?!"

"I didn't tell you?" Weiss swore she had her friends the name of the other artist when she first arrived. It must've slipped her mind with how tired she's been recently. She really needed another cup of coffee.

"Nope." Mina shook her head. Kirishima and Kaminari leaned in closer with anticipation. "Tell us!"

"Fineee." Weiss rolled her eyes and took another sip from her drink. Everyone groaned in unison as Weiss dragged the reveal out. "Ahri from K/DA and some Japanese idol named Uta will also be performing."

"Uta?!" Mina exclaimed. "You've met Uta?!"

"Korea's Number Two hero is here?!" Kirishima was a bit of a cape nerd judging by that.

"You know Ahri?!" Kaminari gave Weiss a sleazy grin. "Could you try and get me her autograph? I asked Jirou, but she was too nervous to ask her during her internship with K/DA." The two boys didn't seem interested in the red and white singer.

Weiss frowned. Kyouka didn't mention that she had interned with them, but then again, Weiss hadn't asked who her friends interned with. Weiss was a bad friend wasn't she. She had a lot to make up for, especially after how she had treated them when Yu was attacked by the Hero Killer.

"Yes and only if you stop annoying me." Weiss scoffed. She turned towards Mina. "Why? Do you know her?"

Mina nodded while gushing. "Yeah! She's a popular metube singer who rarely appears in public! I can't believe I'm going to be able to see her live!" She wiped away a fake tear from the corner of her eyes. "She's my favorite singer, I love her voice-"

Weiss raised an eyebrow which Mina blush.

"-but she's still second place when compared to you!" Mina added. Yeah right, but it was still nice of her to try and spare Weiss' feelings. She finished the last of her lemonade. Hopefully Mineta would be here soon with her food. A small group of people started to approach their table. Amongst them was a certain girl with short black hair. Finally!

This was going to be good.

"I prefer Ahri." Kaminari added with a smirk. "Her voice is so soulful, it's like she's right here, singing just for me."

"Really? Please say more." Weiss said dryly. The dog had also noticed what she was trying to, judging by his glare at Midoriya who was walking alongside a pretty blonde girl.

"Ahri's literally the best singer I've heard." Kaminari winked. "And she's hot."

Kyouka karate chopped the back of his head, almost causing his eyes to pop out of his skull.

"I missed you KyoKyo." It was Weiss' turn to wink while Kaminari looked like someone gagged him. Even Kirishima flinched a bit.

"Sorry bro, you're on your own." He said before retreating towards the dog's side, who was glaring daggers at Midoriya instead of her now. That was weird, why hasn't he said anything? He was usually more volatile than this, and loud.

"Don't call me that." Kyouka sighed, stealing Kirishima's seat. Momo, Uraraka, Midoriya and the blonde girl had arrived with her. Uraraka didn't look happy with how close the blonde was to her green boy.

"Kyouka!" Mina jumped up from her seat to throw her arms around the bassist. She moved onto Momo afterwards who gave her a large smile.

"Hello!" Momo's smile matched her eyes. She wore a simple black skirt that fell to her knees with a white button-up shirt.

"I'll make a song called that and sing it to you instead." Weiss avoided looking in Midoriya's direction. He gave the group a wave, a big blush on his face, probably since the blonde had her arms interlocked with his. Did he have a secret girlfriend or something?

"Please don't."

Heavy machinery lifted several shipping containers, placed them on the ground of the isolated hangar.

"Have all the preparations been made for tomorrow?"

"The last of our equipment just arrived."

Wolfram grinned, staring at the metal mask that he held in his hands. More of his men started to pour out of the shipping containers they had used to sneak in.

"Make sure everyone's in position by tonight." Wolfram was interrupted by his phone vibrating.



"All Might's here?" Wolfram's grin never faded. "Don't worry we'll be able to handle him."

It was time to make history.

Wattpad finally let me update this. It took over a month to figure out how. 

This took longer than expected because my green lantern ring arrived and my inner kid came out.

This came out just in time for the RWBY Volume 9 soundtrack release! 

What's your favorite new song?

Till next time on Schnee: Hero or Huntress!

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