Thirty Two

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"Are you nervous, Weiss?" Yu asked as she briefly took her eyes off of the road ahead of her. She was wearing her hero costume, minus the horned purple domino mask. Weiss lifted her eyes from her phone and gave her guardian a glance. The two had grown close over the past couple months, and Weiss had been extremely grateful for all of the help she had given her. Thanks to her singing career which took off, she was finally able to repay Yu! Who then proceeded to return the money when Weiss wasn't looking. The next several attempts ended the same way, with the money either being transferred back to Weiss' bank account, or rolls of cash neatly left on Weiss' desk. 

"Of course not." Weiss smiled. It took a while, but Yu finally accepted the money. If she did anything with the money, Weiss didn't know. Yu didn't change her car for a newer model, and she hadn't seen the blonde wearing expensive brands, but it was up to Yu if she wanted to spend her money that way. "I was only worried about the written portion of the exam, but I should be fine thanks to you, Kyouka and Mina." 

Weiss also drew closer to the two Japanese girls, with Kyouka often singing backup vocals during recording sessions, as well as playing her bass guitar in the studio and in that one concert she had not too long ago. Yu and Mina watched backstage as it was aired live. The White Album was one of Weiss' finest accomplishments, holding many of her personal songs, except for the Path to Isolation. 

She wasn't ready to face that song yet. 

"That's good." Yu smiled as she drove. "Give me a call when you're ready for me to pick you up." 

"I know." Weiss felt a grimace form on her face. She would have to do that shortly after the exam ended. It was difficult to appear in public ever since her singing career took off. Parasites and leeches were everywhere, just like back home. The people may be different, but their mentalities would never change. To them Weiss was nothing more than an object to fawn at, like an ancient statue in a museum, except statues didn't have feelings. 

Aside from Detective Tsukauchi, Yu, Kyouka and Mina, Weiss could trust no one. Was it possible that she might find people that looked past her fame and small but growing fortune? Perhaps, but Ruby, Yang and Blake wouldn't easily be replaced, if ever. Weiss turned her gaze outside the window. Hopefully some teacher at UA didn't leak that she was applying to take their entrance exam. That would be annoying to deal with. 

"We're almost there." Yu said softly, which took Weiss out of her thoughts. Straightening the simple white dress she wore, Weiss was thankful that safety shorts and aura existed. The dress itself was similar to the one she wore in Atlas, just with the colors of her favorite white dress. Should she pass UA's entrance exam, her 'hero costume' she designed would be created. 

Weiss' hands found themselves running along the fancy box that held Myrtenaster. It had taken quite a bit of paperwork, along with the excuse that it helped channel her 'quirk', but Weiss gained permission to be able to use her beloved weapon after a quick inspection before the exam. That was the reason they were showing up much earlier than Weiss would have preferred. She always liked arriving early, but today was different. Even without rumors of her presence, reporters would gather around UA in the search for the next upcoming hero, and Weiss was sure that others would be arriving early as well. 

"That's nice." Weiss mumbled softly. She would have to meet up with Kyouka and Mina afterwards to see how they did, privately. Weiss didn't want any parasites using them to get to her. She lost count of how many times that had happened before, even with the rest of her team back at Beacon. 

Everyone always wanted a favor from the famous Weiss Schnee. 

A few more minutes passed when the car stopped moving. From her vantage point, Weiss could spot several people her physical age walking around, heading into the main building. 

"We're here." Yu said placing the car into parking. She turned to Weiss with a proud smile on her face. "Are you sure you don't want me to wait for you out here?" 

"Positively." Weiss returned Yu's smile. "Thanks for the ride Yu. I'll send you the gas money later." 

"Don't worry about stuff like that." Yu frowned. Weiss would find a way to sneak the money into Yu's purse later, it would make her feel better. 

"I'll see you later, Yu." Weiss started opening the door. She was halfway out when Yu said something. 

"Break an arm!" 

Weiss turned her head slightly. "Don't you mean, break a leg?" 

"Nope! Everybody says that and I want to be different." Yu grinned again. "Once you pass, let's go get to that beach some weirdo had been cleaning up." 

"I'll think about it." Weiss shrugged and gave Yu a wave once her feet were planted on the sidewalk. "Have fun fighting villains!" 

Yu winked and she was off. Taking a deep breath, Weiss hardened her face, hiding any and all emotions. She should hurry inside before more people show up. Giving the sign that said 'UA entrance examination' a glance, Weiss began to walk, her heels clacking against the concrete. 

Immediately, several people turned to look at her, their eyes wide. Some even took out their phones to take photos, some discreet and some who didn't care that she noticed. Hardening her gaze even more, Weiss held her head high as she walked past them all, even as their whispers infiltrated her ears. 

"Is that her?" 

"She's so pretty!" 

"Those legs…"

"I bet she's only here to get attention…" 

"I thought she was quirkless?" 

She quickened her pace as a crowd started to form, holding Myrtenaster's box even closer to her body. 

Weiss would prove all of them wrong. 


WE ARE FINALLY AT UA! As Present Mic says,


To prepare myself for the next couple chapters, I'll be rewatching the first couple MHA episodes. It's been a while, and I don't want to get some details wrong. Unfortunately, I will be busy this weekend, so there will be no chapter on Saturday. Ill try to update tomorrow, but if not for sure on Monday. 

I was really happy to see all of the support you guys gave in the last chapter. As usual, you all are amazing!

Question of the day:

How do you think Weiss will do? 

Till next time on Schnee: Hero or Huntress

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