Eighty Seven

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Despite being one of Weiss' close friends, the bassist knew that there was a lot that she didn't know about the Ice Princess. She rarely talked about her parents, or how life was back in Germany. From what Weiss had revealed, they didn't sound too abusive, but little things here and there always sounded an alarm in Kyouka's brain. Like the whole having no friends when she was younger, and how skilled the Idol was when it came to fighting. Then there were her eyes, which made Weiss seem older than she actually was.


"What do you think about this fight?" Kyouka smirked as she angled her head just so slightly to see Weiss' face. It was fun, hearing her friend's perspective on the matches, and other opinions, though she could word them much nicer.

"Midoriya's going to lose." Weiss answered flatly, her eyes focused on said boy. He flicked one of his fingers, sending a powerful wave towards Bakugou. "His quirk is strong, but what use is it if it leaves his body broken after every use? I'm surprised he even made it this far. He's either a fool, or a suicidal idiot."

Kyouka winced as Bakugou used his explosions to dodge the attack. Midoriya's bruised finger was obvious since the cameras zoomed in on him. Of course Weiss would say that in the harshest way possible. Bakugou used his explosions to launch himself towards Midoriya, who used another finger to keep their aggressive classmate at bay.

"He's all power and no finesse. His chances of winning diminish with every finger he uses." Weiss shrugged. "Although, due to said power, all he needs is one solid hit." Kyouka had a feeling that was going to be the nicest thing Weiss was ever going to say about Midoriya.

"Let's place bets!" Mina whispered loudly just as Midoriya ran as fast as he could to dodge a particularly large explosion.

"I'm in, I need to beat Schnee at something." Kaminari said from Kyouka's left. The effects of his quirk dumbing his brain had worn off by now, and his bruises were gone thanks to treatment from Recovery Girl. Turning back to the match, Midoriya was down by two fingers now, each flick sending a powerful wave of air that was felt even at their seats.

"Betting is illegal, count me out." Weiss said dryly.

Bakugou ran his hand against the concrete down, showering Midoriya with an explosion of rubble, who flicked his finger again, the wind sending the rocks back towards the blond.

"Come onnnn Weissy. If we don't bet money, it won't be illegal." Mina continued which made Weiss frown. Explosions kept ringing from the court, with smoke obscuring their vision only for another windblast to dissipate it.

"No." Weiss crossed her arms.

"I'll do it." Kyouka smirked, which earned her a scandalous look from her friend. Ignoring the white haired girl, Kyouka leaned forward to look at Momo. "What about you Momo? You wanna place bets on who's gonna win?"

Momo blushed softly, and shook her head. "I'd rather not take sides when it comes to the abilities of our classmates." That was understandable, since Bakugou decimated her without mercy.

"Aww, you guys are no fun." Mina pouted before turning her attention to Kyouka and Kaminari. The wind was starting to pick up again, which caused their hair to ruffle slightly. "So what are we betting?"

Kaminari smirked, which made Kyouka roll her eyes and slap the yellow haired boy on the back of his head.

"I swear to God, if you say our bodies, I will let Weiss murder you." Kyouka muttered as a sheepish Kaminari rubbed his new bruise.

"I'd do it for free too." Weiss spoke up after a large explosion, an evil smile etched onto her pale face.

Weiss no!


Even with the power of One For All, Izuku knew that any victory here would be a well earned one. He couldn't let Katsuki get close enough to use one of his explosions, which forced him to use his fingers to keep his childhood at bay. He had managed to dodge Katsuki's first strike from his right hand, the same way he always did.

Izuku flicked his third finger, sending a shockwave to the air above him. Katsuki used an explosion to launch himself to the left, with smoke and air swirling around them. Katsuki landed on the ground with a light thud, and rushed forward, not even bothering to hide his snarl for the crowd.

Katsuki was always that way, he didn't care what others thought of him.

"Shitty Deku!" Katsuki growled as he waves his hands, his explosions destroying the concrete ground with ease. Izuku swallowed the saliva that had built up in his throat as his good hand held his damaged one.

Each flick sent a wave of pain throughout his body, his fingers becoming a weird mixture of brown and red. Izuku's frame shook slightly, it was taking all of his willpower just to keep himself from stumbling. Katsuki used his explosions to launch himself forward again, his eyes filled with rage.

Izuku shouted as Katsuki extended one of his arms, and time appeared to have slowed down. Raising his uninjured hand, he flicked once more, only for Katsuki to use another explosion to stop himself from flying away.

That's right, Izuku was here! And he wasn't going to go down without a fight.


There was little Momo could do to stop herself from biting the inside of her cheek. She was pretty sure that she had callouses in there somehow if that was possible. With her hands folded politely in her lap as Midoriya and Bakugou battled with ferocity. She lost without even getting a chance to fight back, only being able to create a half-formed shield.

How weak was that, losing in less than five minutes. She got into UA based on a recommendation, and she couldn't even give a good fight, a good showing. Momo sighed internally as she gave her new friends a glance.

They were all focused on the match, Midoriya was running out of fingers, and Bakugou was becoming more reckless. Mina had a good match, only losing once that boy from Class 1B got a good hit on her once she got too close. Kyouka may had been disqualified during the dodgeball round, but Momo was sure that she would have performed even better than herself. Even Mineta and Uraraka had a good round, the fight ending on what Miss Weiss had called, 'a faulty call'.

Suddenly, Momo heard a loud explosion and a violent gust of wind caused her hair to flap wildly. Turning back to the match, she immediately looked away from the carnage.

Midoriya looked smaller, especially with a battered and bruised Bakugou standing over him.


Schnee: Hero or Huntress is the second most reviewed and third most followed RWBY/MHA crossover on FFN! This wouldn't be possible without the love and support of you dear readers. You're all amazing!

This chapter felt awkward, but I needed to get over this hump.

Till next time on Schnee: Hero or Huntress!

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