One Hundred Nineteen

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It took another thirty minutes before the entertainment liaison decided to arrive, much to Weiss' annoyance. She would've been angry, if she wasn't so mentally drained. She couldn't help, Weiss was a perfectionist after all, and working with an amateuer, if rather skilled band, took a lot out of her. Still dealing with the jet lag from the previous day also didn't help one bit. 

That's why she was currently nursing her third cup coffee of the day, her aura protecting her hands from the burning hot mug. It wasn't particularly the healthiest of habits, but her aura would do its work in keeping Weiss body in tip top shape, both inside and out. Still, it felt nice to have a break before rehearsals started again. She was currently in the cafeteria, which was more like a fancy buffet for the performers, and their guests. Weiss sat at the high table alone, having done her best to avoid Ahri and her temporary backing band. 

"You sound even better in person!" Someone said in English, planting themself in the seat beside Weiss. Hiding a sigh, she gave the intruder a side eye, to get a view of white and red red. 

"Thank you." Weiss answered politely. Uta gave her a large grin, a small cup of tea in her hands. She had finally taken her hoodie off, revealing a white dress that fell several inches above her knees closer to her hips, and one long sleeve. Her usual white bangs covered one of her eyes. "Your voice is pretty versatile." Uta had sung a mashup of hard rock and a slow ballad. 

"Thank you!" Uta kept her grin as she took a sip of her tea. "I heard a few of your Japanese songs, your accent is very impressive. How long have you lived there?" 

"A little over a year, more or less." Weiss shrugged. She narrowed her eyes, most of her fake background was public information. Why would Uta be asking her directly? "Where are you from?" 

"Japan." Uta stuck her tongue out teasingly, answering in Japanese. "I'm a first year student at Seiai Academy near Osaka." So they were around the same age then, physically at least. 

"I've never heard of it." Weiss said, turning her attention back to her cup of black coffee. If Uta was offended, she didn't show it. 

"It's no UA mind you, but it's one of the top hero schools in the country." Uta sighed happily. "Sadly it's full of snobby people, children of politicians, children that belong to hero families, the spoiled kind. Most of them couldn't pass the UA entrance exam, so they settled for second best. Some of them are pretty strong, they can spend all their time training since they don't have to worry about their families not having enough food to eat." 

"Sounds entertaining." Weiss relaxed her hold on her mug. "I'm guessing you're not like those other girls." Weiss' voice was sarcastic. She knew plenty of people like that back home, except generous donations allowed many of them to attend Atlas Academy without taking the normal entrance exam. 

"Mmm, no, I just recognize my privilege." Uta smirked and leaned forward a little. "Seiai wasn't my first choice, but they allow me to continue my music career without too much interference." 

UA didn't care as long as Weiss didn't let it get in the way of her classes, provided she kept her grades up. 

"Too many people won't ever get the opportunity to become licensed heroes, they're too busy just trying to survive." Uta smiled sadly. "So I sing for them, to give them hope, you know?" 

She shook her head and turned back to Weiss. "Anyways! Enough about me! I want to know more about UA's Ice Queen." Uta scooted her chair closer to the white haired girl, her grin never fading. 

"Know what?" Weiss replied, doing her best to keep her suspicion out of her voice. As nice as Uta was, she was still Ahri's friend, which meant that she couldn't be trusted. Not that Weiss trusted people she literally knew for a few hours. 

Uta held a finger and tapped her own cheek cutely as she winked. 



"We're never riding roller coasters again." To Yu it looked like the world was spinning. Who would've thought that a simple roller coaster was enough to make her dizzy? She could grow several stories tall in just a few seconds for crying out loud! This was weird. 

"It wasn't that bad." Ashido giggled as she held Yu's arm to prevent her from falling over. "Let's go get something to eat, I'm hungry!" 

"Okay okay!" Yu took several small steps, when a large shadow blocked the sun, leaving them in darkness. The duo stared at the sky in awe. "Oh my God! It's Godzillo!" 

This place was awesome.


It took half an hour, but the duo finally found a place to eat, a nice cafe with outdoor seating. After getting an autograph from Godzillo, and a couple other foreign heroes that Yu was pretty sure were going to make Shinji and Death Arms jealous, it felt nice being able to relax. 

"The food looks so yummy!" Ashido said cheerfully as she scrolled through the menu. 

"Get whatever you want." Yu smirked as she flashed her credit card. Ever since Weiss started teaching her to minimize damages when fighting villains Yu had been able to save more and more money! Gone were the days where Yu spent all her money paying insurance companies for the buildings she may have accidentally destroyed! 

That only happened occasionally nowadays. 

"You have a real pro-hero buying you lunch today." Yu's grin was infectious, judging by Ashido's matching one. 

"Yay! You're the best Ms. Takeyama!" Ashido raised a fist in the air. 

"I know." Yu leaned back in her chair. "And don't call me Ms! I'm not old." She grumbled that last part under her breath. Yu was still pretty young, unlike Midnight, that old hag with saggy-

"Hi! Are you ready to order?" Their waiter walked up to their table. It was a young guy, with yellow-blonde hair wearing a rather fancy outfit. He paused, stared at Ashido and turned his attention back to Yu "Ashido?! What are you doing here? And with Mt. Lady!?" 

"Kaminari?!" Ashido's eyes widened in shock. "What are you doing here?!" 

Oh, it must've been one of her friends from school or something. Still, it felt nice to be recognized. Maybe a pose here and there could earn Yu a free appetizer. 

"I work here." Kaminari said, scratching the back of his neck. "They were hiring, so Mineta, Kirishima Bakugou and I decided to sign up. We get to see the I-Expo and earn some money." He sounded excited. 

He scooted next to Ashido's ear, placing a hand in front of his lips. "And what are you doing with Mt. Lady?!" He whispered rather loudly. 

Yu leanes forward, and rested her chin on her left hand, her elbow planted on the table. Flashing the younger boy a large smile and a wink, she was rewarded with a small blush. "Hey." 

She was definitely not going to pay for those mozzarella sticks. 


Sorry this took a bit longer than I would've liked! Initially I wanted to show the rehearsal, but I couldn't get it right so I skipped it. 

I've also been debating whether I should do commissions, but that would take too much time out of my personal stories, and I don't think I'm good enough for that yet. 

Still, I hope the chapter was fun! 

Till next time on Schnee: Hero or Huntress! 

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