A.D.1930 - 017 - The Jewish People

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One of the things that were to be dramatically changed by Japan's leap through time was the Jewish people. The US Forces Japan passed information to wealthy Jews via the United States about a tragedy that would occur only a decade later in the 1940s: Realistic photographs and other evidence that did not seem wildly improbable. This was backed up by a growing number of expressions of malice and disgust in the Jewish community.

When the Jews realized that the future information was certain, they panicked. Jews in various countries, not only in the United States and Germany, but also in Britain and France, hurriedly discussed the matter. As a result, it was decided that the basic policy would be a mass exodus of Jews from German territory. The danger was communicated not only to the wealthy, but also to the ordinary workers.

But there was a problem. Not in how to escape, but the question was where to go. In the first place, Jews were shunned in the continental European countries. On top of that, there was the Great Depression. Except for Britain and France, which were the first countries to escape the economic downturn, there was no way that the rest of the world would welcome people from other countries to come to their countries because of the recession. Therefore, the majority of Jews living in Germany were asking themselves what was going on, while putting their assets and personal affairs in order.

What changed the situation was the United States and Manchuria. The US, which had acquired Manchuria, was trying to turn the land into a place of milk and honey. Therefore, the settlement of Jews, who were well-educated, was welcomed as a labor force. Germany joined this trend. One of the causes of domestic unrest would disappear, so there was no reason to oppose it. France and Central European countries also cooperated. This was part of the preparations for the war against Germany, which would reduce Germany's national strength. The Germans didn't realize it because of their hatred of Jews. The loss of the Jewish wealth and labor force would be a blow to the German economy. Without realizing it, Germany was losing its way to the Jews.

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Due to the small number of original Chinese, Jewish laborers were welcomed. Manchuria became a crucible of humanity, where people from all walks of life gathered, including Chinese, Jews, Americans, Russians, Koreans, and even Japanese. One of the problems that arose was the influx of people from Northern China. Unlike the Jews, they did not have basic education, so their value as a labor force was limited. Therefore, their treatment was commensurate with their labor.

Normally, this would be the end of the story, but this was Manchuria. It was a place where the Chinese felt that it belonged to China. Therefore, as a symbol of exploitation against China, many crimes were committed against Caucasian residents in Manchuria. Of course, the Caucasians were not going to just sit back and let the criminals get away with it, and they were doing everything they could to defend themselves. The worsening of the security situation led to the stagnation of economic activities in Manchuria, and the American business community strongly demanded that the US government take action. *1

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The wealthy Jews who traded also embarked on economic activities on Soviet territory with a major focus on entertainment. The Soviet Union was undergoing the Five-Year Plan, and therefore would be looking for a break from heavy taxes. The Primorsky Krai, in particular, was reasonably well off thanks to the economic activities of Japan and the US, and luxury goods would sell like hotcakes. Especially alcohol. So, the Jews turned to Japan.

They bought cheap shōchū from Japan, refilled the bottles in Manchuria, and sold them in Russia. When the sales were too high to keep up with the shōchū production, they started investing in Japanese sake breweries. Then, they had the potatoes needed to make shōchū made in Manchuria, bought them, and sold them to Japanese sake breweries. Through this trade, the Jews succeeded in making a large amount of money. With these assets, Jews bought up influential people in Primorsky Krai, and also got into the business of selling materials to Japan.

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The revitalization of Jewish economic activity in Far East Asia was also good news for Jews living in Europe outside of Germany. Especially in Manchuria, many Jews who felt suffocated in Europe emigrated there because there were no restrictions on land purchase or economic activities. *2 As expected, there was no emigration of prominent wealthy people, but they still sent their branch families to take advantage of the economic development.

In Germany, this became a problem, as people began to claim more loudly than ever that Jews were the cause of the growing economic deprivation. For the Nazi party, it was difficult to get the consent of the citizens to be anti-communist due to Germany's ties with the Soviet Union, *3 so the Jews became the perfect target.



*1: The destabilization of economic activities in Manchuria eventually led the US to decide to establish a frontier republic in Manchuria. That is why the economic activity in Manchuria was so lucrative.

*2: With the influx of Jews, the basic language of Manchuria changed from Chinese to English, and because of the strong economic ties with Japan, Japanese language came to be used as well, transforming the language into a mixture of three languages.

*3: However, those who advocated communism and engaged in radical activities in Germany were suppressed without hesitation. Politically, it was propagated as the actions of the Trotskyists who opposed Stalin, the leader of the Soviet Union, and the problem did not spread to the friendly relations between Germany and the Soviet Union.

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