076 - American Imperialism - 4

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China, which obtained information about the military coup in Venezuela from Germany, became fearful of the United States.

The arrogance and brutality possessed by the major powers of the G4 were still fresh within their minds.

They remembered the past and present when their nation was torn apart and trampled upon by that thing that manipulated them beyond reason.

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China and Germany

China attempts to request further arms sales to Germany but faces a difficult problem.

Financial resources – that's the issue.

Continuous warfare has prevented China's economy from achieving stable growth, and tax revenues have consistently been on the decline. As a result, it was becoming increasingly difficult to allocate funds within the regular budget. While the Chinese government imposed heavy taxes in the name of national defense, it still struggled to keep up. Payments in terms of resources or interests were challenging because there were few valuable resources left within China. Issuing bonds for military purposes was an option, but there was no hope of that, considering that only affluent countries, primarily led by the G4 camp and influenced by the United States, had the capability to purchase bonds on such a scale.

With no other options, the Chinese government resorted to the forbidden resource: people.

They proposed providing Chinese people to Germany, which was suffering from a labor shortage.

Germany, initially perplexed by this proposal, eventually rejoiced. Germany had been chronically struggling with a shortage of labor since the expulsion of Jews and the subsequent rearmament. The German government would manage these Chinese laborers *1 and broker them to companies within Germany in exchange for compensation. It was, in essence, the revival of a form of slave trade.

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League of Nations Security Council

An Italian investigative team meticulously examined the situation in China and summarized their findings in a report, which they submitted to the Security Council and largely affirmed the claims made by the United States.

According to the Italians' perspective, the current situation in China was marked by rampant lawlessness, with bandits causing havoc in various regions. Local militias had turned into warlords, and the Chinese government's rule was no longer effective. The common Chinese people were suffering from the ongoing conflicts – this was the essence of the report.

Upon reviewing this report, China loudly proclaimed it to be a conspiracy by imperialist nations (the Anglo-Japanese).

However, since China was not allowed to participate in the Security Council, they could only voice their protest at the League of Nations General Assembly. Nevertheless, the reaction there was not favorable. Given the overwhelming economic power of the G4, which far surpassed the majority of the world's economies, there was virtually no nation that could openly criticize them, even if they had no hostility towards them.

Germany defended China in the Security Council, but their arguments were seen as untenable, as they essentially accepted China's claims, so Germany failed to garner support from other Security Council member countries such as Italy and Brazil, apart from their ally, the Soviet Union. Ignoring Germany's illogical arguments, the US based its actions on the report and calmly urged the Chairman of the Security Council to recognize China as a party to the conflict. France, the Chair of the Security Council, gleefully accepted this request and passed a resolution regarding the recognition of China as a party to the conflict. The vote result was 6 in favor, 1 against, and 1 abstention. Germany cast the sole dissenting vote, but as a non-permanent member of the Security Council without veto power, their vote held no significance.

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