A.D.1933 - 024 - The American Way

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In the 1930s, the US experienced a temporary stock market crash – a recession – but continued its steady economic growth. With the Far East as its new frontier, the US continued to soar. Manchuria was established as a state; in Primorsky Krai, the United States acquired mineral resources and introduced democracy; and Japan become a major customer of both agricultural and mineral resources.

In the area of technological development, Japan was making rapid progress with the cooperation of the Republic of Guam military (USFJ). Japan was able to dominate the South American economy, which was in the backyard of the United States, because Japan would sell them what they needed to turn the technology they had developed into industrial products. With this economic power behind it, domestic development was progressing, and the United States was entering a golden age. Despite the presence of China and the Soviet Union as foreign enemies, in the Far East, the G4 was never out of step, and the US was literally an invincible nation.

However, there was one annoying presence. The Chinese Communist Party, which roamed around the Frontier Republic and its vicinity, disliked the US as an entity that worsened public safety. For this reason, the US created a large-scale, heavily armed private military organization by consolidating the vigilante organizations that had been organized by private companies through the Frontier Republic.

This was the Frontier Defense Service, or FDS. FDS was not designed to be a police force or an army, but to operate outside of the Frontier Republic. The purpose was to provide security services to companies operating in all of China and the coastal states. The Republic of Guam's military was appointed as the advisor, with the headquarters located adjacent to the US military base in Kwantung. In the event of an emergency, it would be incorporated into the Frontier Republican Armed Forces, so it was allowed to possess heavy equipment such as tanks. Its human core was Japanese of Korean descent. FDS has a partnership with the Republic of Korea, and recruited personnel who have received military training in the Republic of Korea's military. Because of the large difference in prices between the US and the Republic of Korea, the US found Japanese Koreans to be an affordable resource. *1

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United States Navy

After the Washington Naval Treaty, the Pacific Ocean remained a calm sea. The Maritime Self-Defense Force and the naval forces of the Republic of Guam were at peace while conducting exercises and exchanges. That situation changed with the US expansion into the Far East and the Soviet Union's naval reconstruction plan.

It turned out that the Soviet Union was planning to build a 20.000-ton class cruiser with 28 cm guns and deploy it in Vladivostok. The fact that the Soviet Union, which was not a party to the Washington Naval Treaty, would build a large ship and deploy it in the Far East, an area in which the United States had important interests, was a problem that could not be ignored. Moreover, the new Soviet large ship was to be based on the design of the Deutschland-class, Germany's merchant raiding cruiser.

The danger of interfering with America's access to its core overseas territories – the wealth-generating Manchuria and Primorsky Krai – was enough to make the US Navy jittery. It rejoiced at the birth of a new enemy, someone it could beat up and kick the crap out of. For this reason, the US Navy overestimated the performance of the Soviet Union's large ships, *2 and planned to build high-speed battleships as a countermeasure. *3 Fortunately, four ships of the Florida-class and the Wyoming-class battleships met the substitution clause, so it was decided to retire these four ships and build two fast battleships. At the Washington Naval Treaty Liaison Conference, the decision was communicated and unanimously approved.

35.000-ton class fast battleship

- Standard displacement : 35.000 tons

- Main guns : 3 × triple 14 in guns

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