021 - Shanghai Incident - 3

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The Chinese Communist Party's sabotage of the Shanghai Defense Force became a major issue in the League of Nations. This was an outrageous act that defied all the rules of etiquette in war, and the reaction was justified. The League of Nations Security Council summoned the representatives of South China and held an inquiry. It was South China that panicked. It appealed to innocence and then to a conspiracy by the powers in Shanghai.

South China tried to turn the tide of the hearing by making a strong case that it was a victim in the United States, where immigrants had connections. In particular, it appealed in a way that is consistent with Americans' traditional values of militia. It said that China's action was a civil resistance to the powers. The US Congress was confused, and public opinion in the US also rose.

Then, Japan came in with overwhelming information. The perpetrators were the bad parts of China, and the victims were the weak and ordinary Chinese. The powers, led by the United States, were standing up to protect the victims – a propaganda war. The warlords had ordered the city of Shanghai to be subjugated, and by making this appeal in particular, they promoted Shanghai as the Alamo of the East.

This appeal was effective. With the help of the Republic of Guam's military (USFJ), they chose the phrase that would stick with Americans the most. In addition, they selected the most beautiful girl among the victims of the multiple attacks, made a video interview with her, and made a movie titled "The Truth about China/Shanghai" and distributed it. Public opinion was turned upside down. The US was drenched with calls to help the good citizens of China and beat the evil Chinese.

The US military is an army of justice.

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Shanghai Incident (D-Day+12)

The warlords attacked with infantry for two days and were repulsed. It was just a brute force attack, a human-wave tactic with volunteer soldiers pushed to the front. But the third day was different. During the two days of fighting, the Japanese and the Americans closely observed the positions of the British and decided on the main axis of the offensive. The target was the US Marines. They were inferior in quality to the Japanese and inferior in numbers to the Brits. Using shields and supported by field artillery, they attacked with state-of-the-art tank units in front of them.

The US Marines were being pushed back. Even though they were supported by Type 16 MCVs, they were unable to respond to close combat under the support of the field artillery. Normally, it would be an exchange of fire and it would be difficult to engage in a continuous artillery battle, but this time, the Shanghai Defense Force did not have many field guns, so they could not return fire. The warlords, who saw the US Marines were lightly equipped, won the battle. The Type 16 MCVs also tried to come forward to support the Marines, but their armor was not so thick that they could not do so well under the suppressive fire of the field artillery. The warlords believed that they could break through the US Marines.

Or so they believed. Until the Shanghai Defense Force sent in a helicopter unit. After grasping the situation of the US Marines, the Shanghai Defense Force decided to deploy the SDF's attack helicopter unit and the 81st Independent Armored Regiment. The counterattack by the tanks with real armor completely frustrated and crushed the attack of the warlords' armored forces and about one division. The field artillery units were destroyed by a raid by the helicopters, and the warlords lost nearly 30.000 men killed or wounded in the day's fighting.

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Chinese Communist Party

Thirteen days after the start of the battle, the CCP was on the ropes. As part of the security operation, Britain put a bounty on the CCP in order to separate the Chinese from the Chinese Communists. If they found a stranger, the bounty would be enough to pay for alcohol, a bounty that would pay for a lavish meal if they found any signs, a bounty that would allow them to sleep for a week if they got information about the CCP, and a bounty that will allow them to play for a year if the information is good enough to stop an actual attack.

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