038 - Siberian War of Independence - 11

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The Siberian War of Independence, a head-on collision between Japan/US and the Soviet Union that lasted over two months, taught the world a terrible reality. It was the economic power of Japan and the United States. While the Soviet Union was running out of money to spend on the war effort, Japan and the US were spending huge amounts of money on the war effort, and the situation at home remained as it was in peacetime. There was almost no limit to the number of reports on the war situation, and military observers from various countries were accepted. More eloquently than looking at the battlefield, they were telling which side was winning.

In response to this situation, the financial markets in New York and London began to see a demand for Japanese government bonds from wealthy individuals seeking stable financial assets. Initially, Japan was unwilling to sell Japanese government bonds overseas, but in response to enthusiastic requests from the New York and London financial markets, the governments of both countries offered 10 percent of the Japanese government bonds they had issued. The Soviet Union also attempted to issue wartime bonds to raise funds for the war effort but failed to find any major buyers.

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Battle of Novosibirsk (D-Day+69~83)

As the signs of summer were fading, the battle for Novosibirsk began in earnest. Novosibirsk was such a large city that it was called the capital of Siberia, and the Soviet Union had not evacuated its citizens. With the population of a large city and more than 10 divisions of soldiers, Novosibirsk was like a great fortress.

The Japanese and Americans planned to force the Soviet Union to surrender by completely surrounding the city with Soviet troops and cutting off supplies, rather than launching an urban battle against the fortress, which would have resulted in heavy casualties for both friend and foe. This policy, which could be called a side-by-side sumo, was allowed by the Japanese and American allied forces due to their ample war budget, ample supply, and superiority in strength.

The Soviet Union, aware of the actions of Japan and the United States, responded with the hope that a second Khabarovsk wouldn't occur. The Soviets were particularly wary of the Japanese forces, who had crossed the Ob River and were determined not to let the Japanese rampage in the rear, so they unleashed all the armored forces they could muster. The main force was the new KV-1 tanks, and German and Italian volunteer units—armored brigades—were also participating. Believing that they had an advantage on the ground, the Soviets attacked the two Japanese divisions that were attempting to cross the Ob River with nearly 1.000 tanks and armored vehicles. And they were defeated.

The Japanese forces that were reorganized after the Krasnoyarsk invasion formed the Siberian General Army in order to unite the eight divisions and larger units. At the same time, the old 1st and 2nd Army Groups were reorganized into military groups. The order to cross the river came from the 21st Army Group under the 2nd Army Group. It belonged to the 2nd Mechanized Division and the 2nd Composite Division (Siberian Independence Army).

The 2nd Division, which had been known as the most elite division of the JGSDF since the Heisei era, had been strengthened into a heavy mechanized division in an expansion and reorganization after the time slip. It had a constant supply of self-propelled howitzers and regiment-sized anti-tank units. But the most important is probably the 2nd Tank Regiment, which is made up of three battalions of Type 10 tanks. Over 100 Type 10 tanks overran and destroyed opponents 10 times their size. When you see it, you die (catch and kill). An American officer who was dispatched to the 2nd Mechanized Division as a liaison officer described the Type 10 tanks as something that was not a tank like the Type 31 tanks.

The US Army was also active. In particular, field artillery units were burning down Soviet units on the perimeter of Novosibirsk. After taking control of the airspace, they even attached bombs to fighter planes to carry out air raids.

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