048 - Manchurian Incident - 1

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At the same time that China's representative in the League of Nations was breaking the flow of the parliament, the Chinese Communist Party made its move. The plan was to pit China against the Frontier Republic and the United States, and eventually start a war to exhaust China's national strength and allow the CCP to control the land of China.

China's political confrontations with the Frontier Republic continued, driven by the popular will to retake Manchuria (the Frontier Republic) that the CCP is fomenting. On top of that, China introduced a large number of tanks, fighter planes, and guns from Germany to seize Manchuria. The scale of the armaments was already on the scale of quasi-major powers—more than 500 tanks and more than 1.000 fighter planes, to the extent that the United States complained to Germany at the League of Nations that the unrestrained sale of weapons could spark a war.

The resources for such an expansion of the armed forces were heavy taxes and the sale of mining rights for various rare resources. The sale of mining rights was an act that led to the colonization of China, and it was ironic that while the slogan was "recovering Manchuria from colonialism," it created a colonial state within China in order to do so. Another irony was the heavy taxation. The Chinese people, who were heavily taxed, dreamed of Manchuria, the rich land advertised by the CCP, in the midst of their hardships. Manchuria, with its rich land, advanced industry, and even oil, was an ideal place for the Chinese people to become prosperous. However, the Frontier Republic and the US have monopolized it, and the Korean-Japanese bàngzi *1 are standing in the way.

The Chinese people were convinced of this, partly due to the propaganda of the CCP. Therefore, from the masses to the wealthy class of the Chinese people, they began to call out to the Chinese government, "We must reclaim Manchuria, the land of our ancestors, from foreign enemies and enrich the people" (without regard to historical background). In order to respond to the voice of the people, China expanded its armed forces beyond the original plan *2 and imposed even heavier taxes.

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United States/Frontier Republic

The US government did not take lightly the ongoing operations for war against the Frontier Republic within China. At the same time, however, the US does not have the budget to deploy a large military force to the Frontier Republic in peacetime. At the moment, the US had only one tank division and two infantry divisions stationed in the Frontier Republic. This was to be joined by five Frontier Republic infantry divisions. All of the troops were mechanized or motorized, and while this was no small force, it was not a force that could be relied upon if China were to come at them in full force. Therefore, it was calculated to deter China by strengthening its ground attack capability with aircraft.

Nearly 70 AB-17s and AC-47s, two types of suppression attack aircraft developed in imitation of the Japanese AP-3, were deployed. Of course, they did not neglect to arrange for an air superiority force to allow the ground air force to operate freely. A total of nearly 500 fighters of various types were stationed throughout the Frontier Republic. This included one squadron of F-6, *3 an air-cooled engine general-purpose fighter developed by Japan for a third country.

In addition, personnel from the Republic of Guam's military were dispatched to provide air support and other guidance. The US and the Frontier Republic had fortified their defenses as best as they could, but they wanted to avoid war as much as possible, and they had been in contact with the Chinese government through diplomatic channels.

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Chinese Communist Party

For the CCP, tranquility was the enemy. Their army, depleted of actual combat troops due to a series of defeats, was unable to receive sufficient support from the Soviet Union due to the birth of the Siberian Republic, and was too weak to wage an armed struggle to overthrow the existing Chinese regime on its own.

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